The Strongest Abandoned Master In City

C662 Exploding the Entire World

C662 Exploding the Entire World

A living angel had scared Cleomedes and the others to death.    


When they looked at Yang Qiu again, they were already in awe.    


No wonder he had so much holy water.    


No wonder he was able to build a city of miracles unknowingly.    


All of this was God's orders.    


And the appearance of an angel, this was no longer a miracle, this was a miracle.    


Who would be lucky enough to meet the messenger of God?    


Therefore, when Yang Qiu made his request again, Cleomedes, Charles, and everyone else on the scene agreed without hesitation. They even patted their chests and swore.    


What kind of joke was this?    


This was the messenger of God, Sir Charlie, the messenger of God.    


Didn't you see that all angels were summoned and ordered to leave?    


He followed the messenger of God. In the future, what problems can't be solved?    


These aristocrats had influential influence in their respective countries. Yang Qiu had his territory and title, so he had the possibility of establishing a country legally. Of course, this was not a problem as to why the people in this country were all Sino Nation people.    


Yang Qiu's identity. . . His generosity, coupled with his honest words, made everyone present lose all doubts about him. In the eyes of these nobles, what was more shocking and authoritative than a living angel appearing in front of them?    


Even the Pope of the Church could not compare to Yang Qiu's current position in their hearts.    


"Legal, what I need is just a legal identity. So, everyone must help me settle this matter. The holy water is just a tiny bit of repayment. In the future, you will get even more repayment! "    


Looking at the group of people in front of him, Yang Qiu faintly smiled a few times and then said seriously:    


"Of course, in order not to alarm too many people. So everyone must keep it a secret. This is also for your own good. Think about it, if everyone knows about the existence of angels. . . Then, you must give a portion of the benefits to the others. . . If you are willing, as the messenger of God, No objections. "    


"However, there is one more thing I must tell you, As the messenger of God, I am secretly sent by God, So, God does not wish for anyone to know of my existence. . . The reason I let you know of my identity is because. . . You are the one I chose, which means. . . You are the ones chosen by God, in the future. . . You will definitely enter heaven! "    


Yang Qiu did not expect him to have the potential to be a fraud. These old men looked at each other in dismay after hearing his words. The entire scene was deathly silent. No one dared to voice out any doubts.    


After a long time, Cleomedes carefully looked at Yang Qiu and said while nodding and bowing.    


"Your Highness, your request is the oracle. We will keep it a secret!"    


Yang Qiu smiled and nodded. He slowly looked at everyone. This time, there was a bit of telepathy in his eyes. These old men all felt that Yang Qiu's eyes had suddenly become extremely divine. That feeling. . . It was as if Yang Qiu could see through their hearts with a single glance, and then that gaze. . . It was as if a mark had been carved into their hearts. This mark seemed to be monitoring their souls at all times.    


After Cleomedes left with Charles and the others, Yang Qiu immediately started preparing for another matter.    


. . .    


. . .    


This incident originated from a whaling fleet.    


This whaling fleet was active all year round at the edge of the Arctic Circle, and there was a whaling outpost at the northwest corner of Devon Island, which would serve as a transfer point for this whaling fleet.    


And one day, this whaling team received a strange message on the radio. This message was a language that no one knew about, and it was finally analyzed that it was in Mandarin.    


The dialogue in Mandarin attracted the attention of the entire whaling team because after the translation, this message was really too shocking.    


And strangely, this piece of information was locked within a 10-kilometer radius.    


At the same time, the whaling team shockingly discovered that a large passenger plane was actually flying at a low altitude above Devon Island.    


The whaling team naturally had cameras. A few bold members carried cameras and radio stations and began to approach the signal launch site. Then, the whaling team captured a scene that they would never forget in their lifetime.    


At this time, this scene happened to appear on a television station in the United States.    


This was a very normal day. The American citizens were preparing to go to work. Many families ate breakfast and listened to the news. At this time, a piece of news attracted everyone's attention.    


On the television, a host was holding a microphone and speaking excitedly:    


"According to the latest news, we just received the latest news. A city suddenly appeared on the Devon Island of the Canada subsidiary islands. This city is completely isolated from the outside world, and the Devon Island has been an uninhabited island for tens of millions of years. There are no living creatures here, and it is publicly acknowledged as the Island of Death. "    


When the host said this, his voice became extremely excited.    


"Now, we are on the Devon Island. Please take a look at how magnificent this city is. A completely modern city. My God, I can't believe my eyes. Is this. . . A relic left behind by an alien civilization?"    


Almost everyone who saw the news stopped what they were doing.    


"Everyone, please take a look. What kind of magnificent city is this? How does it even exist? Who is the owner of this city? Perhaps, we will be able to uncover the answer soon! "    


As the long-distance high-definition camera zoomed in, an extremely advanced city appeared before the eyes of tens of millions of people. As the camera zoomed in, everyone suddenly became silent.    


On the television screen of thousands of households, an unprecedented skyscraper that towered into the clouds appeared. At the top of this skyscraper, there were four extremely striking characters.    


However, most of the people watching the television clearly did not recognize these four Mandarin characters. However, this did not prevent them from being frightened. In this scene, they could also see people moving. Even their own airports and airplanes were also moving.    


At the same time, all the television stations around the world began to broadcast this news. The entire world seemed to have gone crazy with the appearance of this scene.    


A super modern city isolated from the world, a huge city located on a uninhabited island in the Arctic Circle, how did this exist?    


The reporters in front immediately recognized that this city actually had a pleasant climate, as warm as spring, and the entire ice field was as different as heaven and earth.    


When this news spread out, it shocked the entire world to the point of losing its voice.    


City of Miracles, global explosion.    


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