The Strongest Abandoned Master In City

C819 Lose and Lose

C819 Lose and Lose

After confirming something, Dishi Yan finally felt relieved.    


Perhaps, Yang Qiu had some kind of secret technique, but he would never have the chance to turn the tables.    


If it was Yang Qiu who attacked and Dishi Yuan who defended, perhaps Yang Qiu would play some tricks. However, it was Yang Qiu who was standing there as a target. Then, there was nothing suspicious about this.    


If Dishi Yuan couldn't even defeat Yang Qiu. . . Then, he, a peak Solar Luminary. . . Isn't it a joke?    


Dishi Yan turned his head and looked at Dishi Yuan. Dishi Yuan nodded and looked at Yang Qiu before saying in a low voice.    


"Master, the rest is up to me. Don't worry, I won't kill him!"    


Dishi Yuan had actually wanted to make a move a long time ago. Dishi Yan had promised him benefits, not just this bet.    


His family had also been bribed by the family behind Dishi Yan. After all, Dishi Yan's father was Dishi Yan's father. The Heaven Lord of Dishi Tian's generation.    


In the future, Dishi Yan would inherit the position of Heaven Lord, and he would be above everyone else. It was better than competing with others.    


Including him, there were twelve ruling family in Dishi Tian's line, and at least five of them had become the allies of the families behind Dishi Yan. The other families, such as Dishi Cha, had always remained neutral. Among the remaining seven families, three of them were neutral. The four families stood under the influence of the Buddha.    


Looking at the brilliant smile on Yang Qiu's face, Dishi Yuan didn't know why, but he had an impulse to smash his face. He also walked out and stood in front of Yang Qiu and said sarcastically.    


"I allow you to use any defensive magic treasure under the Innate Spiritual Treasure!"    


Yang Qiu laughed. He looked at Dishi Yuan and even slowly put away the identity card that represented his identity on his waist.    


This identity card also carried a very powerful defense. Yang Qiu did this because he had completely released all of his defense and used his body to block Dishi Yuan's finger.    


In Astral Pavilion, there were at least three to five thousand people. These people even swept away most of the transcendent-grade families of the three major foreign races.    


Everyone looked at Yang Qiu in disbelief. At this time, Dishi Yan also looked at Yang Qiu coldly. For some reason, his heart, which had been completely relieved, suddenly jumped again.    


Dishi Yuan had already stood ten meters away from Yang Qiu. At this distance, not to mention the peak of the Sun Radiance, even if it was a Qi Condensation cultivator from the eastern world, there was absolutely no chance that he would fail if he didn't fight back, let alone the peak of the Sun Radiance.    


While sneering, Dishi Yuan said in a cold voice:    


"Kid, you really have guts. I really don't know how you got your confidence!"    


Yang Qiu said in an unhurried manner.    


"You are like a woman, like a woman. Oh, you don't know the word 'mother'. I mean, Are you like a woman who only knows how to move her mouth?"    


Dishi Yuan was so angry that smoke was rising from his seven orifices. Dishi Yan shouted from behind him, then nodded at Dishi Yuan and said in a deep voice:    


"Take this seriously. It's best if you give it your all. Don't underestimate this guy. He is full of tricks. We can't be fooled!"    


A cold light flashed in Dishi Yuan's eyes. He looked at Dishi Yan and nodded deeply.    


Yang Qiu turned around and said to Dishi Cha with a smile on his face.    


"Sha Imperial Son, since you are the master here, please be the judge!"    


Dishi Cha didn't know how to describe his feelings at this moment. He had already taken the opportunity to contact his family. It could be said that every Imperial Son who was present had received the instructions of his family.    


This bet had actually involved the entire three major families.    


One thing that Dishi Cha was certain of was that no matter what the result was today, this bet had nothing to do with him anymore.    


An existence at his level was nothing in the eyes of ordinary people, but it was nothing in the eyes of the entire foreign race.    


There were more than 600 experts from the ruling family amongst the three major foreign races. He wasn't even the patriarch of one of the families.    


Not to mention. . . Those 55 Exalts are said to be closely watching the gambling match here.    


Dishi Cha forcefully threw all the thoughts out of his mind. In fact, he hoped that the eldest disciple of the Buddha behind Yang Qiu would appear. In that case, this bet would end without a hitch. At that time, he would be the one who would benefit the most.    


After all, Yang Qiu had said that he would give him a set of Devourer Equipments. Although it was half price, it was definitely a great benefit.    


But now, he had no choice but to let go of all the thoughts in his mind.    


Seeing Yang Qiu calling him to be the judge, Dishi Cha nodded silently. Then, he walked to the middle of the crowd and looked at everyone before waving his hand forcefully.    


"Good! The bet begins now!"    


Yang Qiu was still standing there lazily, and Dishi Yuan did not attack him directly. Instead, he slowly raised a hand. It was his hand. A circle of faint black Qi began to appear. It was as if the black Qi had lived for a long time. It revolved around his palm in a light and graceful manner. Dishi Cha's eyes were filled with a sinister look, as if he wanted to toy Yang Qiu to death.    


Yang Qiu smiled and crooked his finger at Dishi Yuan. This action immediately made Dishi Yuan's face darken. The black Qi in his hand suddenly expanded and turned into countless tiny whirlpools that started spinning in his hand. Each of these whirlpools carried a terrifying power that could destroy the heaven and earth. Each of these whirlpools compressed and merged together, eventually forming a huge whirlpool with a diameter of one bite.    


With a wave of his hand, the whirlpool flew towards Yang Qiu as if it didn't have the slightest strength. However, wherever it passed, even the void was torn apart, forming numerous cracks.    


Yang Qiu didn't dodge. Instead, he spread his arms wide and let the vortex hit his chest. The vortex then entered his body in a strange manner.    


Only Yang Qiu himself knew what kind of feeling it was.    


It was as if he had suddenly entered the eighteenth level of hell. All the terrifying techniques in this world were working on his body at the same time.    


The vortex entered his body and directly transformed into his incarnation. In the blink of an eye, it had moved along his limbs and bones at least ten thousand times.    


Wherever these black snakes passed, Yang Qiu's meridians, bones, muscles and internal organs, and even the cells in his body, suddenly disintegrated into the most primitive and weak structure in this universe.    


Other than his human skin not breaking, he had completely turned into a mass of chaos.    


However, the Chaotic Space in his Dantian was not devoured by this black gas.    


Compared to the pain of being cut into pieces, the pain of being cut into pieces was a kind of comfort. The tiny black snake in Yang Qiu's body was violently shattering his body structure time and time again. Meanwhile, the chaotic Qi that kept coming out of his Dantian was constantly counteracting the violent power of the black energy.    


Time seemed to have stopped, as if it had been a moment, or ten thousand years. Yang Qiu's body was broken and healed time and time again. Finally, his body trembled, and he felt an itch on the back of his head. After that, he smiled in a strange manner.    


Sure enough, the attack of a Great Luo Taoist Ancestor was not something he could withstand.    


But this time, the benefits he obtained were simply unimaginable.    


His realm had actually regressed from the Mahayana Period to a level that was not specially made for cultivation.    


At this moment, he was the most ordinary, most fundamental. . . Person.    


He had used up one of the three life-saving hairs on the back of his head. In exchange, he had completely returned to his origin. However, his strength had soared to a level where he could crush Third Grade Of Great Luo Golden Immortal with his body and fist.    




He laughed wildly as he looked at Dishi Yuan and Dishi Yan, who were staring at him with their mouths wide open. After that, he laughed and said.    


"The bet of ten times the amount of Devourer Equipments, the bet of one thousand weapons a hundred times, Dishi Yan, don't you forget it!"    


Dishi Yan's face turned extremely ugly at this moment. Dishi Yuan was dumbfounded. He stood still and looked at Yang Qiu in a daze. He could not even speak.    


"Impossible, impossible!"    


Dishi Yan took a deep breath. The price of two Devourer Equipments was ten times more than the price. It was enough to make the family behind him bleed. However, he still had to maintain his face.    


"Yang Qiu, you are very good. I didn't expect you to have a backup plan. These two. . . !"    




Yang Qiu looked at Dishi Yan with disdain, then bent down and picked up a storage bracelet from the pile of junk. He said lightly:    


"This pile of junk is also part of the bet. Don't forget it. There aren't many treasures in this bracelet, but only. . . 100 sets of Devourer Equipments! Our bet is to gather within 10 days. In any case, do as you see fit. It doesn't matter if you can't gather all of them. I don't care about this bit of money, but the Heart Devil Bloody Oaths that you're giving out. . . I really look forward to seeing two-thirds of the families of the three large families in western world die without a trace of their soul. What kind of scene is that?!"    


Dishi Yan's face suddenly turned as pale as a sheet of paper. He opened his mouth and spurted out a mouthful of blood.    


At the same time, of the five thousand people present, other than Dishi Cha and Gru, as well as Yang Qiu's followers, Dishi Duan and Ji Sha, all of them spurted out a mouthful of blood. The scene was truly magnificent.    


Within the pyramid located at the highest point of Dishi Heaven City, at least two-thirds of the six hundred patriarchs and elders of ruling family spurted out a mouthful of blood at the same time. The fifty-three supreme beings above their heads, a small portion of them had shattered their thrones with a single slap.    


The defensive barrier of the Astral Pavilion was broken all of a sudden, causing the entire Astral Pavilion to collapse. The Jade Belt Golden Bridge turned into a faint white light and wrapped around Yang Qiu, Ji Sha, Dishi Duan, Dishi Cha and Gru before disappearing into the ruins.    


Dishi Yan's face was as pale as a sheet of paper as he stared blankly at everyone. After that, like a woman who had been raped, he suddenly screamed.    


"One hundred sets? Impossible!! How is this possible? Yang Qiu! You. . . Bastard! I. . . I. . . Will not rest until I die!! "    


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