Dragon Breaking Empyrean Spell



This sleep lasted for three whole days before Bai Yu Zhe slowly woke up! When he opened his eyes, the first thing he saw was the Silver Flower Golden Snake, its small body was floating above his body, its head was above his face, and its mouth was still holding onto a thumb-sized red fruit. He didn't know what it was, but it looked as if it was going to feed Bai Yu Zhe!    


Bai Yu Zhe was suddenly startled. This Silver Snake's intelligence was like that of a seven or eight year old child. Sometimes, it was also very unreliable! Although it must be worried about his injuries, it must have found something for him to eat!    


Bai Yu Zhe was almost certain that he had eaten this thing before! But for some things, it was fine if the vicious beasts ate it, but for humans, it was not certain whether they would eat it!    


Thus, before he was certain whether this object was harmful to him, Bai Yu Zhe didn't dare to eat it carelessly! He got up and grabbed the fruit from the snake's mouth. He wanted to take a look at it to confirm what it was.    


Although Liu Ming's injuries were not light, they were much better than when he was sent into the Spirit Storage Map a year ago. After sleeping for three days, he had already recovered more than half. He estimated that he would be fine after another two to three days.    


When Bai Yu Zhe picked up the red fruit and took a close look at it, his eyes immediately widened …    


"Aiyah, I'll go!" "A hundred thousand year Fire Crystal Fruit …" When he was sure what exactly this thing in front of him was, Bai Yu Zhe was unable to hold it back and burst out in vulgarities. His heart was already occupied by ecstasy!    


This was definitely a good item. Compared to precious herbs that could refine Grade Nine Spirit Dans, it was much more expensive!    


Fire Crystal Fruits were actually not that rare. They appeared frequently on the Maze Chuan Continent and the price wasn't too high either! However, those years were not very old either. They were generally several hundred years old, and even those above a thousand years old were rarely seen!    


Even if some powerful sects were to nurture this thing, they would rarely be able to grow it to more than ten thousand years of age! This difficulty was too great because humans were selfish by nature. No martial artist could live for more than ten thousand years. When the Fire Crystal Fruit grew to several thousand years old, it was highly likely that it would be used up by a powerful martial artist from a sect!    


This was because even if he didn't use the Fire Crystal Fruit, he wouldn't be able to use it. The value of a Fire Crystal Fruit that was worth thousands of years was extremely high.    


There was also another reason. Even with the sect's meticulous care, it was very difficult for them to grow to 10,000 years old. Many Fire Crystal Fruits would automatically fall off at the age of 7000 to 8000 years.    


As for those that grew in the wild, there was no need to talk about that. If most of the warriors saw this, even if it was decades old, they would have already been harvested. Otherwise, what about giving it to someone else?    


Even Bai Yu Zhe from his previous life had never seen a Fire Crystal Fruit that was over a hundred thousand years old. He had only seen it in the records of books!    


Moreover, the Fire Crystal Fruit in front of him had some differences from the ones outside. There were tiny golden lines on the surface of the fruit. It was much thinner than hair and the lines were not dense!    


Bai Yu Zhe was certain that this was not a 100,000 year old texture. This was because it didn't exist in the records of the books. Thus, this was definitely a result of the changes that occurred in the Divine Land.    




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