Dragon Breaking Empyrean Spell



Shentu Lie Tian's speed was extremely fast. To him, a distance of a hundred kilometers was equivalent to a minute. After more than ten seconds, Bai Yu Zhe's voice became more and more clear in his ears. He could even locate the location.    


As for Bai Yu Zhe, who was still in the air above the Divine Sun Hall, he still didn't know. Half a minute later, when he saw that the buildings underneath were almost completely destroyed, he finally stopped his sonic attack, and his gaze swept across the sky. Just as he was about to leave, his heart suddenly froze.    


Moreover, in that split-second, the uneasy feeling became even more intense. Even though it had disappeared in an instant, Bai Yu Zhe could clearly feel it.    


"Shentu Lie Tian actually arrived so quickly!" Bai Yu Zhe was shocked. He didn't even think about turning around and leaving. He activated the Dragon Travelling Through the World's movement technique. His speed was also extremely fast, but compared to Shentu Lie Tian, there was still a certain difference.    


At the same time, Bai Yu Zhe's thoughts were also rapidly running. He knew that if he were to run away like this, he definitely wouldn't be able to run away. With just that one glance, Bai Yu Zhe was able to determine that his own speed was far inferior to his opponent's.    


Bai Yu Zhe definitely did not intend to stay and fight with Shentu Lie Tian. In terms of a one on one battle, he probably was not a match for the Flamephoenix Fairy yet. What he could rely on the most was just his defense, let alone fighting with Shentu Lie Tian.    


Of course, with Bai Yu Zhe's countless techniques, his attack power could also be considered extremely strong. Otherwise, how could he have such strength when he had just broken through to the ninth level of the Refinement Realm? However, his realm and accumulation were far worse than those people.    


Seeing that the distance between both sides was still shrinking, Bai Yu Zhe still did not show any signs of panic. When he dared to come out at first, he naturally did some preparations. What if he met Shentu Lie Tian? It could only be escape!    


However, escaping required a method and a plan. Otherwise, it was impossible to escape.    


Taking advantage of the distance between them, Bai Yu Zhe unhesitatingly took out several brown colored jade bottles from his storage device. Pulling out one of the bottles, his right hand quickly moved and threw it behind him.    


"Boom …"    


The jade bottle exploded in mid-air, and suddenly, thick smoke began to billow out, instantly covering half of the sky. If one were to stand below, it would directly cover the sun, and it would continue to expand.    


Bai Yu Zhe refined this poisonous smoke himself. When he first went to the Southern Barbaric Nether Domain, passed by the Southern Barbaric Mountain Range, and was chased by a tribe of the Wild Lion Tribe, he relied on this poisonous smoke to escape several times.    


Of course, the poisonous smoke had been improved by him once again. Within the range of tens of thousands of meters, there was a dense smoke. There was also an endless flow of energy that not only blocked his vision but also disturbed his perception.    


After throwing out another cloud of poisonous smoke, Bai Yu Zhe didn't stop. He continued to work hard to throw another jade bottle in another direction. The range of this yellow-brown colored smoke became larger.    


Only then did Bai Yu Zhe change his direction and continue to fly forwards. After flying for a distance, he even turned on the Stealth Spell Formation Plate to slow down his speed and prevent the formation's energy from appearing.    




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