Dragon Breaking Empyrean Spell



Old man Mo Yuan had another habit. Even if he didn't leave, he would check every single place in the building for books every day. Even if no one had entered before, he would still do this every day.    


As for the order of inspection, there was no order. Sometimes it would start from the first floor, going up layer by layer, and sometimes it would start from the top floor and slowly go down.    


There were also times when he could start from the middle. As for whether he would start from the top or from the bottom, even he himself wasn't sure. He had started at the fourth floor, checked the fifth floor, and then slowly went down.    


It was a pity that Bai Yu Zhe didn't know about this. Otherwise, he would have been able to take advantage of this opportunity.    


However, Bai Yu Zhe also knew that if he wanted to leave, he had to understand some of this old man's habits. Therefore, after Bai Yu Zhe put away the paper, he carefully walked out of the fourth floor of the Compendium Pavilion. He didn't care about damaging anything as he looked down.    


However, Mo Yuan had already entered the third floor and the amount of books inside was much larger. Bai Yu Zhe was not clear about this, so he took up an invisible position and could only brace himself and slowly descend, not allowing him to make any noise or movements.    


This was truly something that could be done. The reason why they were so nervous before was because the distance between them was too close. Bai Yu Zhe was afraid that something unexpected might have happened, coupled with the paper's relationship.    


After spending more than a minute, Bai Yu Zhe finally walked from the fourth floor to the third floor. Just as he was about to go through the door and take a look inside, Mo Yuan suddenly walked out from inside, almost facing Bai Yu Zhe.    


Bai Yu Zhe was immediately startled. Luckily, his mind was firm and he didn't show any signs of panic. He controlled the Stealth Spell Formation Plate and his own aura well. Then, he calmly took a step back.    


Mo Yuan walked in front of him. The distance between the two of them was only about 30 centimeters. Fortunately, the invisibility formation disc had been modified and was much stronger than before.    


In the past, he had also blocked some of his Qi, but it was not perfect. At the very least, when facing an expert like Mo Yuan, he would be too close. It could be detected whether it was from his breathing or his heartbeat.    


And now, the invisible array disc had completely isolated all of this. It was just that there weren't many Stealth array discs like these currently. They were controlled by the people closest to Bai Yu Zhe, as well as the few people at the highest level of Skysplit Tower.    


Mo Yuan walked in front of Bai Yu Zhe, and Bai Yu Zhe could even feel the aura on his body. It was clear that he was running out of time. Judging by Bai Yu Zhe's medical skills, he should be around ten years old at most.    


In addition, there was also a very sinister aura. Even Bai Yu Zhe felt goosebumps rise all over his body.    


However, Mo Yuan still didn't discover Bai Yu Zhe. He continued to walk down. Bai Yu Zhe just stood there and watched him enter the second floor while still inspecting himself.    


"An opportunity!" Bai Yu Zhe's heart suddenly skipped a beat. When this old man was examining the third floor, he had used around three minutes. The second floor obviously had more books, so the time was definitely no less than three minutes.    


Bai Yu Zhe no longer hesitated and immediately followed. It was just that his speed was even slower and he was afraid that he would be detected if he made any noise.    


When he arrived at the second floor, Mo Yuan had already started inspecting the second floor. Bai Yu Zhe didn't even look at him and continued walking down.    




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