Dragon Breaking Empyrean Spell



"Oh? "What important matter would you rather come out and listen to it?" Luo Zi Lan smiled and asked. When Bai Yu Zhe was talking to Zhuge Feng earlier, she had consciously avoided them and did not know what they were talking about.    


"I want to go to the glacier mountain range and destroy the evil sect's warriors again." Bai Yu Zhe explained his previous part of the Glacier Mountain Range and stated his decision.    


Although Zhuge Feiyun told him to return to Tong Tian Tower first, Bai Yu Zhe did not have such a plan. Although Zhuge Feng did not give too much information about the fight just now, Bai Yu Zhe could tell from his tone that the battle situation was still not looking good.    


"Oh? This was quite interesting. If it's convenient, can you help create an invisibility array disc for me? I believe that you won't be the burden of being able to become invisible, will you? " Luo Zi Lan smiled as she looked at Bai Yu Zhe. Although she didn't say it out loud, her meaning was already very clear.    


With her help, it was obviously not a burden. Even if the evil sect martial artists did not know her identity, her combat strength was also very strong.    


If there were any conflicts, then her existence would be a great help to Bai Yu Zhe.    


"You must think this through. The evil sect martial practitioners here won't necessarily know you." Bai Yu Zhe still warned her, implicitly telling her that she might be in danger.    


In truth, there would definitely be people on the frontlines who would know of Luo Zi Lan. At the very least, the upper echelons of Skysplit Tower would know of her existence. However, this was not the case on the side of the glacier mountain range.    


As for refining a Stealth array disc for Luo Zilan, the two of them had already traveled for several months. Bai Yusheng completely trusted her, so there was no harm in refining one for her.    


Luo Zi Lan's expression was calm as she gently nodded her head, indicating that she understood. Bai Yu Zhe no longer tried to dissuade her.    


Afterwards, the two of them found a relatively secretive place nearby and began refining the array disc. Bai Yu Zhe himself had enough materials on him.    


The stealth array disc didn't need as many precious materials as the Wisdom Light disc did. Although it was still considered expensive, Bai Yuzhe could still afford it.    


During the entire refining process, Luo Zi Lan had been watching by the side. However, she didn't ask too many questions. Instead, she would ask Bai Yu Zhe a few questions while he was resting.    


Such a profound array formation, it wasn't something that Luo Ziyan could understand. It wasn't something that she could understand at all. Although her talent in formations could be considered peerless in history, her time to learn was still too short.    


No matter how talented you are, you still need to learn it step by step.    


After three and a half days, she had finally finished refining the array disc. Luo Zi Lan couldn't help but sigh with emotion. This was truly too exquisite.    


Before Bai Yu Zhe, this kind of array disc had never appeared in the entire history of the Maze River Continent.    


After everything was ready, the two continued to move forward. When they were about 100 kilometers away from the Glacier Mountain Range, there would be many Demonic Sect warriors coming and going.    


Bai Yu Zhe arranged for the red cloud to stay in a secret location, and then he and Luo Zi Lan headed towards the glacier mountain range. It was just like the last time, when he had quietly approached the isolation array outside the mountain range.    


Along the way, they saw more and more people. The warriors of the Demonic Sect had already made public their plans to reform the Blood Demon in the Glacier Mountain Range.    




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