Dragon Breaking Empyrean Spell



The eighteen blood guards took up defensive positions, and the vicious beast began to attack in a frenzy! After a few collisions, everyone finally saw clearly what kind of berserk beast it was.    


It was a giant lizard, and the warriors called it the Yellow Sand Dragon. Its body was over thirty meters long, and its size was enormous. However, it was extremely nimble and possessed terrifying strength. Moreover, the sandstorm did not seem to have any effect on it.    


"Boom!" BOOM! "Boom …    


Both sides continued to collide with each other. The eighteen Blood Guards who were on the defensive side were still continuously being pushed back. It was not only because of the sandstorm, but also because their combat prowess was inferior to the Yellow Sand Dragon.    


The true strength of this beast should be slightly stronger than an ordinary Sixth Heavenly Layer beast.    


However, although the eighteen blood guards were at a disadvantage, they weren't in any great danger for the time being. While the battle formation was being guarded, it was also extremely powerful. It was so watertight that not even a drop of water could leak out.    


The battle between the two sides had stirred up more sand and sand, making it seem as if it was even fiercer than a sandstorm.    


However, the sandstorm did not last long. Ten minutes later, it was completely over. The battle was still ongoing and there was still sand flying everywhere. However, it was different from before!    


"How is it? Looking at the battle that is about to begin, do you think it's more obvious? " Bai Yu Zhe looked at the eighteen blood guards who were continuously retreating; he wasn't worried at all. Instead, he treated them as a topic of discussion.    


In truth, the eighteen blood guards were still able to hold on.    


"En!" She had been carefully observing this entire time. As she looked at the Heavenly Source combination formation in front of her, she tried to think of a way to integrate herself into the formation, complementing the 18 people who were creating the array formation.    


In truth, in the battlefield before the great war of evil and righteousness, she had seen the battle of the 18 Blood Guards. In truth, in the battlefield before the great war of evil and righteousness, she had seen the battle of the 18 Blood Guards.    


"How about I give it a try? You keep an eye out." After looking for a while more, Luo Zi Lan finally made her request. At this time, some of the eighteen blood guards had already been injured. It was time to make a move.    


Bai Yu Zhe nodded and the two of them quickly rushed forward. Bai Yu Zhe stopped at a distance of 40 to 50 meters, Luo Zi Lan held onto her two sabers and rushed in without hesitation.    


The eighteen blood guards naturally realized Luo Ziyan's intentions, so they quickly made room for her.    




The Yellow Sand Dragon's thick and long tail swept out once more, causing sand and dust to fill the air. This time, the dragon appeared extremely berserk.    


Yuan Jinxian held his shield in his hand as his whole body radiated a golden light. He stood in front of Shi Mu like an indestructible statue. Then, he smashed the shield in his hand towards Shi Mu.    


With a loud bang, Yuan Jinxian's body was pushed back by a huge force. His two feet plowed a thick layer of sand on the ground, and the hamster and the chubby man made up for it in a split-second, one on the left and one on the right!    


The Yellow Sand Dragon retracted its tail, opened its mouth, and ferociously bit toward Chu Feng.    


And at this time, Luo Zi Lan had arrived! In fact, everyone's hearts were beating like a drum, including Luo ZiLan and Bai Yushui who were standing to the side, all of them were clearly nervous. If they failed to integrate into the battle, then the entire battle formation might disintegrate.    


At that time, the eighteen blood guards probably wouldn't be able to withstand a casual blow from the Yellow Sand Dragon. That was why Luo Zilan and him were preparing at any time!    


"Boom …"    


Luo Zi Lan's figure entered the battle formation and appeared at her own position. Her entire body suddenly lit up with extremely intense flames, illuminating the darkening sky.    




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