Dragon Breaking Empyrean Spell



Dugu Ming let out an angry shout. He knew that he was no match for Bai Yu Zhe, but he had forcefully held back his anger just now. However, he felt that in this situation, if he didn't do something, he would be too useless.    


Thus, he shouted without any reason.    


When Bai Yu Zhe and Dugu Ao Xue turned around to look at him and used their eyes to ask what he wanted, Dugu Ming was immediately a bit stunned …    


Why did he yell at them? Rushing up to theory? Or was there going to be a fight? There was no need to talk about fighting. As for theory, there didn't seem to be any good theories. Dugu Aoxue didn't have any agreements with him …    


"What is it? Are you unconvinced that we lost yesterday? So, why don't you try again today and see if you can last three seconds? " Bai Yu Zhe saw that Dugu Ming didn't react for a while, so he asked.    


However, his tone of voice was not that straightforward. It was like tearing a wound apart!    


Sure enough, Dugu Ming's face immediately turned bright red. His eyes almost spouted fire as his hands clenched into fists so tightly that even his knuckles turned white.    


Just as Dugu Ming was about to lose control of himself, a servant of the Dugu Family passed by. Upon seeing Dugu Ming's appearance, the servant called out to him softly before leaving in a flustered manner.    


The word 'young master' suddenly made Dugu Ming come to his senses. He finally remembered why he had come this time.    


He sighed in his heart. If he were to clash with Bai Yu Zhe again, he would definitely lose his position as the successor.    


However, in this kind of situation, he really couldn't bring himself to apologize to Bai Yu Zhe …    


Dugu Ming's face was extremely awkward as his complexion alternated between red and purple. He seemed to want to say something but held back. His expression was one of melancholy, which was truly strange.    


Dugu Aoxue looked at Bai Yu Zhe and saw that his face also revealed a hint of a smile, as if he wasn't angry.    


They were all smart people. They could tell that Dugu Ming had most likely been scolded by his elders. Today, he must have come to Bai Yu Zhe to explain the misunderstanding from yesterday.    


"Dugu Ming, let's forget about what happened yesterday. Just pretend that nothing happened." But I have also made it clear that I am not related to you in any way, and that there is no possibility of that happening! " At that instant, Dugu Aoxue took the initiative to speak and it could be said that she gave Dugu Ming a way out. At the same time, she also expressed her own intentions clearly.    


She could also tell that Bai Yu Zhe didn't really have any hatred towards Dugu Ming and didn't worry too much about what happened yesterday. That was why he was willing to open his mouth.    


With that, the two turned and left.    


"Ao Xue, I …" At the same time Dugu Ming breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, he also felt a wave of disappointment. It seemed that it was really impossible to be together with Dugu Aoxue. Since he already said that, he also truly felt that there was a huge gap between him and Bai Yuzhe.    


Perhaps he had been careless in his defeat yesterday, but even without this factor, he knew that he was far from being a match for Bai Yu Zhe.    


In the end, he could only helplessly sigh. He planned to go back and report to his father. Although he didn't take the initiative to apologize, at least he had completed his father's task, as long as Bai Yu Zhe didn't fuss about it.    




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