Dragon Breaking Empyrean Spell



The Incense Pill Pavilion was not too far away from the Lin Clan, and it was also not that close. With Bai Yu Zhe's speed, he would definitely be there soon. However, since someone was leading the way, he could only follow them.    


However, the two of them seemed to be in a hurry as their cultivation bases in the wasteland region could be considered decent. In less than half an hour, they had arrived at the main entrance of the Incense Pill Pavilion.    


The location of the Incense Pill Pavilion was still the same as before. However, it had been expanded just like the Lin Clan. Furthermore, it was much larger than the Lin Clan, making it look even more glorious.    


The Pill Fragrance Pavilion had a very high status in the Floating City. Their martial arts might not have been strong back then, but Wu Cang was the only alchemist in the Floating City. Even in the surrounding cities, he was the only one.    


Not to mention that Bai Yu Zhe had taught Wu Cang some alchemy skills and gave him some pill formulas. When he left, he even gave a thread of sword technique that Luo Ming practiced to the Wu Clan.    


As such, even though the Lin Clan had developed rapidly in the past ten years, compared to the Incense Pill Pavilion, there was still a huge gap.    


The One Line Sword Technique was the best Mysterious rank cultivation technique, it was much stronger than the Lin Family's Violent Wind Sword Technique. After thirty years, who knows how far they have progressed in their training.    


Just as Bai Yu Zhe stopped to glance at the main door of the Aromatic Pills Pavilion, it opened from the inside and a woman walked out.    


That woman was very pretty and she looked to be around thirty years old. Her clothing was also very capable. Although it wasn't as stunning as the beauties on Dugu Aoxue's level, she was still definitely a rare beauty. With a glance, one could feel that she was valiant and valiant.    


Bai Yu Zhe was startled when he saw her. He indeed looked a bit familiar, but his age seemed to be a bit older than Bai Yu Zhe's.    


There was nothing Wu Wenxuan could do about this. After all, she had grown up in the wastelands. Considering the conditions here, it would be pretty good for her to maintain her looks as a 40-year-old person. In no way did they look like Bai Yu Zhe's group. They still looked like they were in their early twenties, and they wouldn't change even after a hundred years.    


"You … You are... Brother Bai? " Of course, Wu Wenxuan also saw Bai Yu Zhe. She was shocked and her voice was a little shaky. She was probably a bit too excited and couldn't control herself for a while.    


At the same time, Wu Wenxuan also couldn't believe that Bai Yu Zhe was still so young. Originally, she felt that she had taken good care of herself, but she never thought that …    


"It's me, it's Wu …" Bai Yu Zhe also opened his mouth to greet him, but he quickly realized that he didn't know what to call the other party. He remembered that he should have addressed her as Lady Wu back then, but now that he thought about it, it didn't seem appropriate. Regardless of whether she was married or not, this address felt a little out of place right now.    


"I'm Wen Xuan. So many years have passed, I didn't expect you to still look so young." Wu Wenxuan immediately introduced herself, hinting to Bai Yu Zhe to call her by name.    


"Hehe, you too. You've grown up a lot more than when you were a little girl." Bai Yu Zhe replied with a smile.    


As the two of them spoke, they had already walked through the main door of the Aromatic Pills Pavilion.    


"Where have you been all these years? I thought you'd never come back? " Wu Wenxuan said with mixed feelings. When she said this, she almost lost control of her emotions and her eyes became wet.    




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