Dragon Breaking Empyrean Spell



Thinking of this, Bai Yu Zhe resisted the urge to drink another cup. He first opened the last seal of the heaven rank cultivation technique inheritance and looked for what he needed.    


When he saw this, he was overjoyed. He felt that his luck was not bad at all. Among the three treasures, there was actually a Rainbow Holy Spring. If he didn't meet her here, he really didn't know where to go to find her.    


However, the two remaining treasures immediately caused Bai Yu Zhe to frown. The names of these two treasures were: Nine Dragon Jadeheart Grass, Five Thunder Empowerment!    


The Nine Dragon Jade Heart Grass was still fine. Even though he had never seen it before, he had heard of it before. Even if it was difficult to find it, there was always a clear purpose and there was hope.    


That's right, the Nine Dragon Jadeheart Grass was also one of the most precious treasures in the world. Currently, it was only a legend with roughly the same status as the Seven Colored Holy Spring.    


However, Bai Yu Zhe felt that compared to that Five Thunder Empowerment, it was much more reliable!    


What was that thing? Is there any treasure with that name? Or was it to stand in the wilderness and bring down the thunder and lightning in the sky to strike him one day when the wind was raging and the lightning was crackling?    


But even so, it shouldn't be considered as the Five Thunder Empowerment, right? Even if the power of that lightning was terrifying, it couldn't compare to his tribulation lightning.    


"Could it be that I should have broken through the ninth layer of this Heaven Realm cultivation technique when I was undergoing my tribulation?" This thought suddenly appeared in Bai Yu Zhe's mind, but after thinking about it carefully, he immediately rejected it.    


If he were to calculate it this way, wouldn't he be unable to cultivate the final layer of the《 Dragon Breaks the Nine Heavens》 without a Nine Tribulations Saint Body? This was clearly unreasonable. Bai Yu Zhe did not believe it.    


Moreover, Bai Yu Zhe felt that calling the thunder tribulation the Five Thunder Tribulations was also incorrect. Even if he could take his place, he had no other choice, because the final tribulation was when he had broken through to the Ninth Heavenly Layer. There was no way that a Heaven grade technique would be able to break through at that time.    


After thinking about it for a while, Bai Yu Zhe didn't understand, so he temporarily stopped thinking about it. Right now, he had to figure out if there were any other treasures other than the Seven Colored Holy Spring in this cave before he could think of a way to leave this place.    


This was the most important thing. If he couldn't get out, then no matter how good the treasure was, it would be useless.    


Bai Yu Zhe was about to put away the tea set, the pot he brewed just now, and the rest of the tea leaves. However, he thought that it was better not to be too extreme.    


Thus, the tea set was forgiven. He had taken more than half of the tea leaves, and the pot that he brewed was also packed with his tools.    


Although he didn't dare to drink anymore, it was still a precious treasure after he brought it out. The people around him still needed it a lot.    


Then, Bai Yu Zhe put the small pond's seven-colored holy water into a jade bottle. There was no need to keep this thing any longer; it would accumulate in any case.    


After all of this was done, he would reach the end if he continued onward. Thus, he turned around and once again arrived at the junction. There were still two tunnels left. Bai Yu Zhe had not explored them before. His gains from the first round were so great, that he was also filled with anticipation for the remaining two tunnels.    


"Then, let's do it in sequence!" Bai Yu Zhe glanced at the remaining two tunnels and chose the middle one, slowly walking in.    




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