Dragon Breaking Empyrean Spell



The height of the barrel was not very high, only around ten meters. However, the diameter of the barrel was quite exaggerated. It had reached around a hundred meters.    


In addition, the bucket was linked together with a piece of metal engraved with an array rune, tightly sewn together. Furthermore, the final runes would be able to form a spell formation.    


Otherwise, once the bucket was filled with water, only a tenth of the water would be required to disperse the bucket.    


After everything was settled, Bai Yu Zhe began to fill the bucket with water. He only needed to use his Origin Energy to control the water source and directly lift up the entire pond. However, it was only half of the water in the pond. There was not a single Silver Dragon Loach in it, so he placed it in the wooden bucket.    


In an instant, the wooden barrel was filled up and stored back into Bai Yu Zhe's storage device.    


After that, Bai Yu Zhe took out a transparent jar, filled up more than half of the water, and put two Silver-Dragon Loaches into it.    


Bai Yu Zhe looked at the Silver Dragon Loaches that were still swimming around happily. He didn't know if he could store them or not, but he could only try it out.    


One man and one dragon spent the day on Iceland, and the next morning they set out again. Little Fire Dragon also didn't go back, instead, he accompanied Bai Yu Zhe outside.    


However, the little fire dragon didn't dare to fly in the air. That would be too dangerous. Therefore, Bai Yu Zhe could only take out the huge raft again. As for his hand, he was dragging a jar that was not much bigger than his palm. Because the water in the jar was swaying as it drifted on the sea.    


The Silver Dragon Loach inside the cave didn't seem to be able to see much at the moment. It didn't care that its range of movement had become much smaller, it still happily swam about inside the loach.    


After a peaceful day had passed, the silver dragon loach in the small jar hadn't changed at all. Two days later, they were still as happy as ever. After three days had passed, the two silver dragon loaches clearly felt a little dispirited.    


The speed at which he swam was much slower. Moreover, it gave off a kind of lifeless feeling; it was no longer cheerful.    


Bai Yu Zhe felt that something was wrong, but he still held onto a glimmer of hope. On the fourth day, the Silver Dragon Loach was in an even worse state. If it was said that it was a little lifeless before, then it could be said that it was now a little lifeless. Bai Yu Zhe could clearly feel that the silver dragon loach's vitality was running out.    


If this continued, he estimated that he would die before tomorrow.    


"There's no other way. Eat it. When we get back, we'll probably have to move the whole pond. " Bai Yu Zhe sighed and gave the jar to Little Fire Dragon.    


If possible, he certainly didn't want to move the pond because it was too troublesome. At that time, he would have to dig up the entire pond and use the array to keep everything inside. Moreover, he wouldn't be able to store the tools and would have to transport the entire pond back.    


It must have been difficult.    


Bai Yu Zhe shook his head, he didn't want to care about these things. The most important thing for now was to train, and then find the Nine Dragon Jadeheart Grass.    


The Promise of Three Years was actually a restriction that his opponent had placed on him. Under the current circumstances, there was no way to avoid it, so he could only use this restriction on himself.    


It was likely that Shentu Haoyue also saw this point, so he didn't search for Bai Yu Zhe's figure outside. After all, that Elder Lu had been lurking in the vicinity of Skysplit Tower for so long without any results.    




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