Dragon Breaking Empyrean Spell



Bai Yu Zhe slowly descended along the incomparably hot wall of the volcano. His eyes were carefully observing his surroundings, but he didn't find anything special.    


As it continued to descend, it would become magma. Bai Yu Zhe was not discouraged. That crystal white flame was most likely in the magma, but he needed to be more careful.    


When he reached the bottom, Bai Yu Zhe finally saw a sparkling white flame faintly appearing in the depths of the magma. Bai Yu Zhe had a headache because if he wanted to obtain the flame, then it would create some disturbance. At that time, it would undoubtedly be discovered by the Snow Flames Heavenly Beast.    


"Redcloud, do you know what this is?" Bai Yu Zhe asked the little fire dragon that was in his special space. For a time, he didn't notice it.    


"Not really." The little fire dragon answered after looking at it for a while. Although it was in a special space, Bai Yu Zhe was able to sense the outside world without sealing it. It was no different from seeing it with his own eyes.    


Even though it was of the fire attribute, the small fire dragon still didn't know what the ball of fire was.    


The lava was about six or seven meters deep, and there was a bright white flame flickering inside it. Sometimes, he could see it clearly. It felt like a pure white lotus flower.    


"White flames? I don't think it's something like mystical fire or divine fire. Other than these two, what other precious flames are there? " Bai Yu Zhe was also constantly guessing in his heart. His knowledge was very deep. As long as he slowly speculated, he should be able to do so.    


"Five Elements Fire?" Or is it the source of fire? " Bai Yu Zhe suddenly thought of these two elements. The fire of the five elements was the kind of fire that Demon Ox needed to create his Five Thunder Empowerment.    


This kind of flame was very precious. It was different from the mystical fire and the divine fire. The mystical fire and the divine fire both took physical form. After being absorbed by a human martial artist, they would always remain in their original form. But the Five Element Fire wouldn't. After a martial artist absorbed it, they would completely disappear.    


Then, for a martial artist who absorbed the fires of the five elements, the first step would be to have a fire attribute physique. After absorbing the fires of the five elements, that martial artist would be able to permanently increase the power of their fire attribute.    


Therefore, the Five Elements Fire was a rare treasure and its value was definitely above that of a Grade Nine Spirit Pill.    


As for the source of fire, that was even more precious. It was the most primal of flames, and this kind of flame was also different from profound fire, divine fire. It was similar to the Five Elements Fire, but much more precious.    


The fire of the five elements could be absorbed by the human body, but the source of the fire was a type of mystical fire or divine fire that could be absorbed by one's body. After absorbing the fire origin, one could not turn the profound fire into a divine flame, and there was no higher grade of the divine flame to call it.    


However, if the profound fire absorbed the source of the fire, then the power of the profound fire would absolutely exceed that of a normal divine flame. There was no need to even mention what would happen after the Divine Flame absorbed it.    


In short, not only could it be used to refine poison from a pill forging tool, it could also be used in battle. Its might was also extremely terrifying.    


Bai Yu Zhe looked at the ball of white flame and couldn't figure out what it was. There didn't seem to be any fixed color for the Five Elements Fire and Fire Sources. In short, this was what Bai Yu Zhe understood.    




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