Dragon Breaking Empyrean Spell



Bai Yu Zhe belonged to the second batch. The people with him were all from the Fifth to Eighth Heavenly Layer of the Holy Sky. Or rather, there might be a third group, but that would depend on the circumstances.    


In reality, if the fastest group of people wanted to bring Bai Yu Zhe along, it wouldn't have any effect. However, Zhuge Feiyun and the others didn't want Bai Yu Zhe to experience too much danger. Although they understood the reasons that Bai Yu Zhe said and it was indeed a good thing, it was still too dangerous.    


Without the Life Armor, it would be too dangerous for Bai Yu Zhe to fight against a top expert. With Bai Yu Zhe's current identity and status, as well as his popularity in the Maze Chuan Continent, he couldn't tolerate any mistakes.    


Moreover, many high level figures were thinking that a war with the Sky Demon Continent would be a long war. It would take years, decades, or even hundreds of years. Bai Yu Zhe was not only a successor, but he was also an extreme expert in the future.    


Bai Yu Zhe was also a bit helpless towards this and could only follow the second group of people.    


After ten days or so, Zhuge Feng's group arrived at the Fire Cloud Sect first. They only rested once during their journey and traveled at the fastest speed possible.    


The Fire Cloud Sect didn't even have a guard at the entrance anymore. If one were to look inside, it was impossible to tell whether there was still anyone inside. In short, it gave off a feeling of lifelessness. Although it was not exactly lifeless, it was still too calm.    


No one came out to welcome or stop the arrival of Zhuge Feng's group.    


"Brother Zhuge, what should we do next?" The Venerable Poison Dragon stood at the very front and observed the huge structure of the Fire Cloud Sect as he asked.    


"Whether or not there's someone inside, we'll tear down the Fire Cloud Sect and leave nothing behind!" Zhuge Feiyun did not hesitate at all. He stared at the Fire Cloud Sect and said in a clear voice. The elegance from before was gone, replaced with a domineering air!    


In the past, even though he was very angry at Huangfu Yan because he ignored Tong Tian Tower's warning to attack Bai Yu Zhe time and time again, there was still no Sky Demon Continent, but they still fought with the Evil Sect's martial practitioners. For the big picture, Zhuge Feiyun had only targeted Huangfu Yan alone, so he didn't send any troops to attack the entire Fire Cloud Sect.    


However, things were different now. Huangfu Yan had brought the entire Fire Cloud Sect to betray the entire continent, and turned to the outsiders. Then the Fire Cloud Sect must attack!    


"Hehe!" This sovereign is better! " The Venerable Poison Dragon chuckled as he walked forward. They were still more than twenty thousand meters away from the Fire Cloud Sect. He wasn't sure what was going on inside the sect at the start. He didn't get too close either.    


As the crowd approached, when they were only ten thousand meters away, Zhuge Feiyun quickly called out to the Venerable Poison Dragon from the dark.    


"Not too far behind the entrance, there are three people. All of them are using an invisibility array disc. Be careful!"    


The Venerable Poison Dragon calmly nodded his head before continuing to walk forward. They were now certain that the Fire Cloud Sect hadn't completely evacuated, and the news they had brought back must have been to deceive people.    


Currently, the Firecloud Sect's sect protecting array hadn't been opened yet. If they still hadn't opened it, then the Venerable Poison Dragon wouldn't care. In any case, the first step was to break through the sect protecting array!    




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