Dragon Breaking Empyrean Spell



"Senior, can you give a reminder to this junior?" Bai Yu Zhe tried to communicate with the energy body through the time array. Because a month had passed, he still had no idea what to do.    


In the past, although he hadn't been able to break through any of the other array formations for two months, he could still find the direction. However, facing this great array of time, he didn't know where to start. He didn't know what the time symbol was, so if he studied it according to his own logic, he also didn't have the slightest clue.    


"The answer is to search for it in the 'Sky Evolution Array Collection'." After a long while, the energy body replied. Maybe he was hesitating on whether he should remind Bai Yu Zhe or not, but in the end, he decided to give Bai Yu Zhe some help.    


This reminder was still considered within the scope of the rules, but it had a certain effect on the energy body.    


He could not exist forever. With this sentence, he could at least exist for less than a thousand years.    


However, it was true that Energy Body was very optimistic about Bai Yu Zhe. If it was a candidate like Miao Chengkong, there was no way it would give him such a hint. In actuality, he had been in the Land of Gods for who knows how many tens of thousands of years, yet he failed to find a successor.    


"It's in the 'Sky Evolution Formation Collection'?" But, the Sky Evolution Array Collection has never mentioned the time symbol or any related knowledge? " Although Bai Yu Zhe was surprised that the energy body actually gave him the hint, he was still very puzzled.    


Although he hadn't fully studied the entire Sky Spill Array, after several years of hard work, he still wasn't too far off from completing it. Even if he hadn't thoroughly researched it, Bai Yu Zhe was certain that there was absolutely no chapter regarding the time symbol. At least, he had read it countless times from start to finish.    


Despite his doubts, Bai Yu Zhe still took out the Sky Evolution Array and began to study it in greater detail. The energy body definitely wouldn't lie to him, he said that if he could find the answer here, then it would definitely work.    


Bai Yu Zhe began to observe the fog of time as he continued to study the Sky Evolution Formation.    


Another two months passed, but he still could not find the answer. This kind of life was definitely very boring. When he was in the spatial array, he had a goal to research on, but now he couldn't even find it.    


He carefully looked through the collection of Sky Evolution Array without missing a single detail. Moreover, he compared it to the time symbols that would occasionally appear, but he still couldn't find anything different.    


Bai Yu Zhe was a bit discouraged. He looked at the time symbol that had just appeared in front of him. After he finished reading the last page of the Sky Evolution Array Collection, he helplessly shook his head, wanting to close the book first.    


At that moment, from the corner of his eyes, Bai Yu Zhe caught a glimpse of the last page with the complex symbols at the edge of the page. In reality, Bai Yu Zhe never saw it as a symbol because he always thought that the lace on the front and back covers of the books were for the sake of beauty. So, he never really looked at it carefully.    


However, at this moment, he realized that a certain section of the lace looked very similar to the time symbol in front of him.    


This discovery immediately lifted Bai Yu Zhe's spirits up. He immediately widened his eyes to carefully observe, not missing a single detail.    




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