Dragon Breaking Empyrean Spell



It was not that Xu Guang was so loyal, he just wanted to stay here and fight to the death with the Demon Lord. Instead, he did not dare to leave, because he was in a difficult situation.    


When the rest of the Blood Moon Demon Sect retreated, Xu Guang noticed that Bai Yu Zhe would look at him from time to time, with a strong killing intent in his eyes.    


Xu Guang was very clear that if he left the battle, Bai Yu Zhe would immediately chase after him. When that happened, he would be facing Bai Yu Zhe alone. His speed wasn't as fast as Bai Yu Zhe's, so he could only desperately fight with his life on the line.    


Back then, Xu Guang had to expend a great deal of effort to escape, and even his source energy had been burnt to a new level. If it wasn't for the fact that he had a great dao source of enlightenment in the Heavenly Dao Palace, who knows how many years it would take him to recover, it would have at least taken tens of thousands of years.    


Moreover, at that time in the Heavenly Dao Palace, Bai Yu Zhe didn't dare to be too extreme. If he met with any other danger, it would be difficult to deal with, so Bai Yu Zhe didn't dare to ignite his Great Dao Source Energy.    


But now it was different. If he had run away by himself, Bai Yu Zhe might have done the same. As long as he could catch up, he didn't need to burn too much.    


What's more, the power between them had once again been pulled apart.    


Therefore, when the Demon Lord told Xu Guang to leave, he really did not dare.    


But what about staying? At the moment, he was just not the target of the battle. If the battle continued, he would die without a doubt!    


Xu Guang was at a loss. He realized that he was definitely going to die today. Even if he left, he would die. Even if he didn't, he would still die …    


In the middle of the battlefield, Xu Guang's staff struck out and the shadow of his staff was shattered by the fist of the Celestial Lord. Right at that moment, Demon Elder Tian Xie turned around and kicked out, right at Xu Guang's abdomen.    


The strength of the kick was great, but it was not powerful enough, so Demon Elder Tian Xie did not use his own power.    


Xu Guang's figure drew an arc in the air, his speed was extremely fast, even a bit faster than his own speed. At the same time he received the kick, he also heard the Heavenly Demon Elder's voice.    


"Leave immediately! With your fastest speed, whether or not you can live will all depend on you!"    


This was the content of the Heavenly Demon Sovereign's voice transmission, this was all he could do. It had to be said, to be able to do this, the Demonic Lord was not just in terms of strength, in times of danger, he was truly thinking for his own subordinate.    


Xu Guang naturally did not hesitate, this was his only chance of survival, at the same time that he was kicked flying by Demon Lord Tian Xie, he immediately controlled his body, raising his speed to its fastest!    


Bai Yu Zhe was startled by their actions, he did not expect the Demon Lord to use this method to make Xu Guang leave.    


However, his reaction speed was naturally not slow either. He immediately gave up on the battle and chased after Xu Guang.    


On this side, Sky Martial Lord, Emperor Tianlan and the Venerable Lord Tianji were still suppressing the Demon Lord's strength, so there was no need for him to worry.    


As for Xu Guang, he was a Paragon. When the others ran, he could ignore them and split up into so many groups that even if he wanted to chase them down, he couldn't. He could only leave them to the others to deal with.    


But Xu Guang was different, other than the Paragons present, no one could suppress him. If he really ran away, then it would be easy for him to ambush a few sects along the way.    


I'm afraid that when the angry Xu Guang comes, he will definitely cause great casualties to the big sects!    




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