Super Golden Eye

C170 Become a Master

C170 Become a Master



The suddenly spreading golden light caused Faang Yang's eyes to widen. He stared intently at the letter that was surrounded by the blazing Golden Light and muttered, "The jade pendant melts with blood. Could this letter be..."    


"Faang Yang, what are you mumbling about?" Wang Qiang asked in a muffled voice. His face was filled with shock. The change in the letter was also something that he did not expect.    


Faang Yang shook his head with a solemn expression. Just as he was about to use his spiritual energy to pry into the secret of the letter, a familiar voice suddenly sounded.    


"Floating like a floating cloud, as graceful as a dragon. Wang Xizhi's letter has been circulating for a long time, but it's hard to conceal its charm. Wonderful! Wonderful! "    


"Daoist Ann!"    


Wang Qiang looked at Ann Hongtao, who had appeared like a ghost, and called out respectfully.    


This Ann Hongtao was indeed a big shot. Putting aside his unfathomable cultivation base of Ancient Martial, his status was also very high. Otherwise, given Faang Yang's understanding of Wang Qiang, how could he be such a respectful person?    


Ann Hongtao slightly nodded in response, but his deep eyes never left Faang Yang.    


Facing Ann Hongtao, Faang Yang didn't know that he should treat him as his savior. Or some other identity. Seeing Ann Hongtao staring at him, an awkward expression emerged on Faang Yang's face. He changed the topic and asked, "Does Daoist Ann know the use of this letter?"    


Ann Hongtao didn't respond. His eyes focused. He suddenly stretched out his hand and clawed at the void. A claw glowing with grey light materialized and entered the letter in Faang Yang's hand in an instant.    


As soon as the claw print entered, the surrounding Golden Light flowed back in reverse and circulated around the words. It was as if there was a mysterious force restraining it. No matter how much the golden light tried to break through, it could not be shaken.    


The golden light flowed back. Ann Hongtao looked at the letter and calmed down. He then said slowly, "This letter is the inheritance of Wang Xi's will, and it has great uses when breaking through the shackles. Unfortunately, the three chances contained in it have already been used twice. As for the last time, there is still a fierce formation that disturbs one's mind. The previous owner of this letter is really careful."    


Hearing this, Faang Yang and Wang Qiang's expressions changed. Faang Yang could not help but curse, "Although this thing is good, it can't stop someone from causing trouble inside!"    


Faang Yang was now feeling lucky and scared. When he was in Jiangbei City, he felt that he was quite awesome. He changed his fate, changed his Feng Shui, and made a lot of money. He was very happy. But why did he not notice the danger in the thread just now?    


If the spiritual qi entered the letter, it would probably be sucked dry all of a sudden, wouldn't it?    


Compared to Faang Yang, Wang Qiang acted like he was used to it. He said with a laugh, "In the world of Ancient Martial, you better believe in one word."    


"What word?"    


"The more beautiful something is, the more dangerous it is." Wang Qiang said seriously.    


The world of Ancient Martial was filled with miraculous pills and supreme magic tools. In the end, the Ancient Martial World was another place of fame and fortune. The people here needed Spirit Stone. They needed Medicine Pill and desired powerful magic tools. They had many ways to obtain them. To rob others, even if their methods were terrible.    


The ferocious formation hidden in the letter vividly taught Faang Yang a lesson.    


Faang Yang's expression was strange, and he understood in his heart. He looked at the letter and then looked at Ann Hongtao. After a long time, he raised the bottle with the Marrow Washing Pill in his hand and said, "Daoist Ann, now it's time to tell me the truth, right?"    


Hearing this, Wang Qiang's expression changed. He looked at Ann Hongtao, who had a strange expression on his face, and frowned slightly.    


Ann Hongtao's expression was calm, and he didn't beat around the bush. He said directly, "You are the eldest grandson of the Ancient Martial World's Three Bloodlines and One Sect's Faang Family of Azure Crow Bloodline."    


Faang Yang was startled. He tilted his head to look at Wang Qiang and asked, "What the hell is this Azure Crow Bloodline?"    


Wang Qiang shook his head and smiled bitterly. He looked at Faang Yang as if he was looking at a monster. He said, "This Azure Crow Bloodline isn't a ghost. It is a powerful family."    


"How strong is it?" Fang Qiang asked.    


Wang Qiang looked at Ann Hongtao and said after a while, "Three Bloodlines and One Sect is the top family in Ancient Martial World. How strong do you think it is?"    


"F * ck!" Faang Yang roared and said, "So I, Faang Yang, am a rich second generation? Why have I never enjoyed being so awesome in my family?!"    


"Because you have been cursed since you were young, and you can't live past 28 years old." Ann Hongtao said in a deep voice.    


Faang Yang was stunned. He slowly calmed down. Ann Hongtao's voice echoed in his ears.    


It turned out that not only was Faang Yang the eldest son of Faang Family of Azure Crow Bloodline, he was also very talented and talented. If nothing unexpected happened, once Faang Yang reached the age of carrying a cauldron, he would definitely become a figure that would shake the entire Ancient Martial World.    


Unfortunately, as a Feng Shui master, the Azure Crow Bloodline was cursed for leaking too much of their secrets. This curse was directly related to the inheritance of the Azure Crow Bloodline, which was also related to Faang Yang. According to the prediction of the Fang family's experts using the Feng Shui Saint Technique, Faang Yang would not live past 28 years old!    


"Twenty-eight years old? After the New Year, I will be 29 years old. Am I going to die soon?" Faang Yang counted with his fingers and wailed, but he was worried and confused.    


Ann Hongtao looked at Faang Yang with amusement and shook his head. A hint of pride unconsciously appeared on his face. Wang Qiang, who was standing beside him, glanced at Ann Hongtao and opened his mouth at the right time. He said, "Faang Yang, you have to thank the Azure City Mountain for living past 28 years."    


After saying that, Wang Qiang winked at Faang Yang, as if he was asking Faang Yang to thank Ann Hongtao. This Ann Hongtao was the old Daoist of the Azure City Mountain.    


Ann Hongtao saw Faang Yang looking at him curiously and quickly cut off his relationship with him. He said, "Although the person who saved you came from Azure City Mountain, that person wasn't me."    


According to Ann Hongtao, Faang Yang originally didn't live to be twenty-eight years old. He was fortunate enough to receive guidance from the Immortal Master in the Azure City Mountain. Faang Yang could not accept any favors from his parents before he was 27 years old. Otherwise, he would die prematurely.    


It was also because of this that Faang Yang was raised by his grandfather since he was young. He was far away from the Ancient Martial's Feng Shui.    


"So, my parents are still alive?" Faang Yang looked at Ann Hongtao and Wang Qiang's expressions. His heart was in great turmoil. He hurriedly asked, "Where are my parents now?"    


Wang Qiang avoided Faang Yang's eyes, and Ann Hongtao wanted to say something but stopped himself. After a long time, he let out a long sigh and said, "Faang Yang, if you have left the Ancient Martial, all this blood rain and foul wind has nothing to do with you. However, fate is playing tricks on you, it will make you and the Ancient Martial become connected by fate. You will not be able to escape the Fang family's calamity! "    


Faang Yang had a bad feeling about this. He wanted to ask more questions, but was interrupted by Ann Hongtao with a wave of his hand.    


Ann Hongtao's expression was unprecedentedly serious. He stared at Faang Yang with a burning gaze and shouted, "Faang Yang, I'm only saying this for you. Are you willing to become my disciple and accept my mantle?"    


Ann Hongtao's voice wasn't loud, but at this moment, it was as if there wasn't a drum beating, causing Faang Yang to be stunned.    


Who was this Ann Hongtao? A jade pendant casually gifted to him was able to withstand a single strike from the Profound Rank Expert. He was an Earth Rank? Or was he an existence even stronger than an Earth Rank? Such a figure wanted him to be his disciple? Faang Yang only felt like he was dreaming.    


"Faang Yang, you better wake up! Master is above you! Hurry up and kowtow!" Wang Qiang saw that Faang Yang was in a daze and felt anxious in his heart. After that, he took a step forward. He extended his leg and kicked Faang Yang's leg, causing him to stagger and kneel in front of Ann Hongtao.    


At this moment, Faang Yang seemed to have woken up from a dream. He hurriedly knelt down and shouted, "Master, please accept this disciple's bow!"    


As he spoke, Faang Yang kowtowed heavily. When he saw Ann Hongtao, the corner of Ann Hongtao's mouth curled into a smile.    


As for Wang Qiang, he wiped the sweat off his forehead by the side and revealed a knowing smile.    


Faang Yang, oh Faang Yang, the experts of Ancient Martial who wanted to become Daoist Ann's disciple had already queued up from Imperial Capital to Azure City Mountain. If you were one step slower, you would have missed the Stairway to Heaven...    


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