Super Golden Eye

C1258 Let's Settle the Score

C1258 Let's Settle the Score

"I'll think about it. Why are you so tired?" After sitting for a while, Soong Mengting felt her eyelids fighting. "I will go and sleep for a while."    


Faang Yang also did not realize that something was wrong. "Okay, you go and rest."    


Soong Mengting held the armrest of the sofa and stood up. Just as she took a step, she felt her whole body go soft and fell down again.    


"What's wrong with you?"    


Faang Yang hurriedly stood up and wanted to go over to check, but he found that his bones were also soft and his muscles were weak. Luckily, he held onto the sofa beside him and did not fall down.    


At this moment, Faang Yang understood that he had fallen into someone else's trap because he was so careful! He just did not know who the other party was or what his intentions were.    


No matter who the other party was, such an arrangement would definitely not have any good intentions. Faang Yang wanted to mobilize the true qi in his body with all his might to open up his meridians, but he couldn't muster up any strength at all!    


Just as Faang Yang was trying his best to break free, the sound of someone opening the door with a key came from outside!    


It had to be known that for safety reasons, other than the owner and the specialized staff on the ship, no one else could have a key!    


"Creak. The door opened, and the waiter who had just brought them in pushed the door open and entered. Behind him were Elder Mo, He Zhongwei, and Lee Muhua.    


The waiter saw the unconscious Soong Mengting and Faang Yang, who had collapsed on the sofa, and said flatteringly, "Young Master He, everything has been done as you said. The other half of the money..."    


He Zhongwei smiled and said, "Well done! What I promised you, I will definitely give it to you! Here's a cheque for two million, keep it well! "    


The waiter took the check, counted it carefully a few times, and said happily," Thank you, Young Master He. Then I won't disturb you with your work, I'll take my leave first. "    


After saying that, the waiter bowed and was about to leave in a hurry. Before he reached the door, Lee Muhua gave his bodyguard a look.    


The bodyguard understood. Just as the waiter was about to open the door, his hands grabbed his head and twisted it!    


"Creak ~" After a crisp sound, the waiter's head was twisted 180 degrees. His eyes were filled with fear and unwillingness, and he died on the spot!    


The bodyguard took out two cheques from his body and handed them to He Zhongwei. "Young Master He, these are your cheques."    


He Zhongwei waved his hand generously. "Brothers, thank you for your hard work. Take them and share some tea!"    


The bodyguard immediately thanked him. "Thank you, Young Master He!"    


Lee Muhua walked to Faang Yang and slapped him on the face. He said fiercely, "Faang Yang, you also have today? Aren't you very arrogant? If you are crazy, show me! "    


"Faang Yang spat out the blood in his mouth and said disdainfully," Do I need to listen to you? You don't even let go of an ordinary waiter, do you still have human nature?"    


He Zhongwei sneered and took out a pistol. "What inhumanity? If you did not come out of nowhere and mess up our plan, how could there be so much trouble?    


Let me tell you, Songjiang Gambling City is something that our eastern Gambling City must obtain! Since you are seeking death, you can't blame others! Prepare to go on your way!"    


" Slow! "    


Lee Muhua immediately stopped He Zhongwei. This made him feel very strange. "Mu Hua, don't you want him to die? Why are you stopping me?"    


Lee Muhua licked his dry lips. "I want to enjoy that slut in front of him! Then I will cut off his flesh and slowly torture him to death! "    


He Zhongwei listened to Lee Muhua. He put away the spear and asked Elder Mo, "Elder Mo, how long can this Bone Gnawing Soft Powder last?"    


Elder Mo understood what he meant. He was afraid that Faang Yang would recover his strength." Don't worry. Without the unique antidote, it will not be solved without three days. "    


Lee Muhua impatiently threw himself on Soong Mengting's body. He ripped off her bathrobe, revealing her jade-like skin. Even He Zhongwei and Elder Mo's eyes lit up.    


Faang Yang shouted angrily, "Lee Muhua! You finally stopped! Otherwise, I will make you pay the price! "    


Lee Muhua's hands recklessly moved around Soong Mengting's body, and with a mocking tone, he said, "You are about to die, yet you still dare to scare me!"    


Seeing that Lee Muhua was about to do something bad to Soong Mengting, Faang Yang only felt a surge of anger rise up. The Profound Bird Dragon Suppressing Pillar in his heart once again showed a cool air, and it instantly swept across his entire body.    


Faang Yang clenched his fist hard. The strength that he had lost had completely returned! And this cool breeze seemed to be even more powerful than the Geomantic Omen Power!    


Without time to think about it, Faang Yang rushed in front of Soong Mengting. He lifted Lee Muhua up with one hand and threw him away.    


"Ouch!" Lee Muhua was thrown out. Coincidentally, his legs were stuck on the rockery in the room. As if he heard the sound of eggs breaking on the ground, Lee Muhua screamed and rolled on the ground.    


Faang Yang took off his coat and covered Soong Mengting with it. He looked at He Zhongwei and Elder Mo coldly. "Now, should we settle our score?"    


"Bang, bang, bang!" He Zhongwei did not say anything. He immediately took out his pistol and shot three times.    


Faang Yang did not even move his feet. His body swayed to the left and right, easily dodging the bullets that were whistling towards him. He said disdainfully, "Is that all you got?"    


"Zhong Wei, you guys retreat first. When you reach a certain level, bullets are useless."    


Elder Mo's face was dark. He slowly took two steps forward. "Faang Yang, I have to admit I underestimated you. I did not expect you to recover so quickly after being hit by the Bone Corroding Soft Tendon Powder. "    


Faang Yang said lightly, "There are many things that you did not expect. Do you really think you are the savior? Do you think everything will develop according to your prediction?    


But you used dirty tricks to make money for yourself and even set your sights on me. I will never let this matter rest! "    


Although Elder Mo could see that Faang Yang's strength was inferior to his, he could always sense a dangerous aura from Faang Yang's body.    


People were experienced and experienced. The more time they spent, the more careful they became. They were not willing to risk their lives easily. Elder Mo cleared his throat.    


"Faang Yang, although you are a disciple of Green City, you should still call me Martial Uncle in terms of seniority..."    


Faang Yang rudely interrupted him and said, "Don't try to get close to me here! I don't have such a lowly Martial Uncle! In my eyes, you are not even comparable to a dog!"    


" This kid is arrogant! " Elder Mo was so angry that he blew his beard. "Do you really think that this old man won't dare to touch you?! I just don't want to be called a bully!"    


Faang Yang twitched his mouth. "Tsk, what do you really think you are? I have seen many shameless old men like you!    


Now you have two choices! The first one is to fight me! No matter if you win in turn, at least it means that you still have some backbone.    


Second, each of you leave behind a souvenir, and then all of you scram back! As long as I am still alive, when I see me, I will give in three times!"    


Elder Mo was angered by Faang Yang. "Zhong Wei, you take your people and leave first! I will have a good meeting with him and see how capable he is! "    


"Alright Elder Mo, let's go now." He Zhongwei did not dare to force himself at this moment. He immediately got his men to help Lee Muhua up and rushed out of Faang Yang's room as fast as possible.    


Because the space in the guest room was limited and Soong Mengting was close to him, Faang Yang did not want to be accidentally hurt. Faang Yang could not let go of his hands and feet.    


Seeing He Zhongwei and the others leave, there was no way to stop them. Although Elder Mo was old, his martial arts was not to be underestimated. His ten fingers were like blades, piercing through gold and gravel!    


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