Super Golden Eye

C1002 Deep Sea Tracking

C1002 Deep Sea Tracking

After hanging up the phone, Faang Yang went through all the things in his hands again. After making sure that he didn't miss anything, he stretched and prepared to be woken up.    


Before Faang Yang could lie down on the bed, his phone rang crazily again. Looking at the number, Faang Yang helplessly picked up the phone. "Shen Tong, what's the matter? You are the Executive President from Jiangbei. You don't need me to make decisions for everything, right?"    


Shen Tong said anxiously, "It's not about the company. It's Xu Meng! Just now, when she accompanied Tian Tian out to buy potato chips, she was taken away!"    


"What?!" Faang Yang's expression changed. "When did this happen?"    


Shen Tong tried to keep her voice calm. "In less than ten minutes, they let you come back every day. They left a letter and a phone call for you to go to the dock first. Keep in touch at all times!"    


Faang Yang immediately said, "I will go back now. You guys don't have to worry. Xu Meng will be fine."    


After hanging up the phone, Faang Yang immediately rushed to the company. His heart was full of self-blame. He had long realized that Jiangbei's defense was weak, so he let Duan Qigang take charge.    


In the end, as soon as Duan Qigang was transferred to the airport for a mission, something happened here! Was there really such a coincidence?    


Faang Yang gripped the steering wheel with both hands, and Xu Meng's careless look appeared in his mind. He said in a cold voice:    


"I hope you don't do anything stupid. Otherwise, I promise I will make you regret it for the rest of your life! I will not let you go! "    


He quickly dialed Shiwu Yu's number. "Shiwu Yu, can you help me transfer the spy satellites now? I want to know if there are any ships leaving the port within half an hour, and where they went!"    


Shiwu Yu did not know what had happened, but when he heard Faang Yang's voice, he knew that it must be something big. "No problem. I will enter the system and check. I will give you an answer in five minutes."    


Faang Yang said, "Okay. I will wait for your message."    


Five minutes later, Shiwu Yu called. "Mr. Faang, in half an hour, there will only be one yacht going out to sea.    


I've already locked onto the signal of the yacht. Later, I'll send you a small software. After installing it, you can directly track the signal. The yacht is ready for you. You can set off at any time! "    


Faang Yang saw a installation package on the phone." I saw it. You guys have to be careful too. I will hang up first. "    


After hanging up the phone, Faang Yang's car had already reached the company's building. Before it stopped, he saw Shen Tong, Faang Miaomiao, anxiously waiting outside. She held a phone in her hand and ran over.    


"This is what they asked Tian Tian to pass over. Why don't we call the police? The surveillance cameras are so advanced now. We can definitely find them. "    


"It's useless." Faang Yang looked at the phone in his hand and put it into his statement. "The surveillance cameras can only be used to deal with ordinary people.    


The person who took Xu Meng away was not an ordinary person. There were many ways to escape from the surveillance. Leave this to me. You guys wait here for the news. Be careful."    


Faang Miaomiao was so anxious that she was about to cry." Faang Yang, please save Xu Meng. This child's life has been tough since young. If anything happens to her, how am I going to explain it to her father... "    


Faang Yang knew that the relationship between Faang Miaomiao and Xu Meng was extremely complicated. After breaking the ice, Xu Meng's reliance on Faang Miaomiao was close to that of a friend and a mother. The two of them depended on each other.    


Not wanting to make Faang Miaomiao feel too sad, Faang Yang comforted, "Miaomiao, I already know Xu Meng's location. I will go and save her now. You still don't believe me?    


Don't worry, the main purpose of the person who took Xu Meng away is to discuss conditions with me, so I won't make things difficult for her. Human safety is still guaranteed."    


Faang Miaomiao did not feel too relaxed, "I hope so. You must bring Xu Meng back as soon as possible, please!"    


"I promise you that I will bring Xu Meng back unharmed." Faang Yang could only make a heavy promise and drive straight to the port.    


According to the instructions on the software, Faang Yang quickly found a luxury yacht. As for who it was, he did not ask at all. He just drove it and left.    


Standing in the cockpit, Faang Yang paid attention to the signal source on the phone from time to time. Soon, he found that the red signal dot finally stopped moving.    


He immediately marked the coordinates on the map and found that it was actually a reef area. But since it stopped there, there must be a reason.    


The sky gradually darkened. The phone in Faang Yang's hand rang. A stiff voice came, "Mr. Faang Yang?"    


Faang Yang turned off the engine temporarily. "Who are you? Why did you take my friend away?"    


"You can call me Xiaoquan. As for why you want to capture your friend, I'm afraid you have to find a problem with Mr. Faang himself first."    


Xiaoquan's Mandarin was obviously a little rusty, but fortunately, Faang Yang's understanding ability was good. "I have never seen him before, and I didn't even hear Mr. Koizumi's name. How could there be a problem?"    


Xiaoquan said calmly, "Do you remember the ten-thousand-year-old fierce land in the outskirts of Imperial Capital? You have fought with Sir Luwu Guangde there, haven't you? "    


Faang Yang was a little surprised. "You are here for Luwu Guangde's matter?"    


Xiaoquan replied, "No, I just want to tell you that we are old acquaintances. I have long heard of your great name.    


I have offended you this time because you are too powerful. It's a bit unfair to keep destroying our plans."    


" Hehe, are we very familiar with each other? Do you want to return the favor? " Faang Yang was amused. "If you have something to say, say it. If you have something to say, say it. Where did you bring my friend? "    


Xiaoquan's tone also became somewhat cold. "Since Mr. Faang is so uncooperative, then I have nothing to say. But now, we don't want to completely fall out with you.    


I hope you can keep quiet for the next few days and stop meddling in other people's business! When we find what we want, we will naturally send your friend back unharmed."    


Faang Yang calculated the distance between him and his target." What if I don't agree? "    


Xiaoquan was stunned for a moment, and then he laughed very vulgarly. "Hehe, you must agree. Otherwise, Miss Xu Meng's movie, as the main character, will be popular all over the world!"    


"Bastard!" Faang Yang was so angry that his face turned green. He believed Xiaoquan's words. With their bad character, they would do anything.    


Obviously, Xiaoquan was very satisfied with Faang Yang's reaction. "So, for the sake of Xu Meng's reputation, you better be obedient.    


Actually, you should thank yourself for having a good life and a good sect. Otherwise, with the harm you have done to our organization, I am afraid that you would be dead by now! Goodbye!"    


Xiaoquan hung up the phone after he finished speaking. Faang Yang looked at the phone in his hand and sneered," How arrogant! One day, I will uproot all of you!"    


He restarted the engine and drove the yacht about three miles away from the target. He turned off the engine and broke down the anchor. All the equipment was turned off. Like a fish, he jumped into the sea and swam forward.    


Soon, Faang Yang saw the yacht that was parked in the distance. He quietly circled around the yacht but did not find any trace of Xu Meng!    


Just as Faang Yang was hesitating about how to do it, a crack suddenly appeared on a reef not far ahead of him. A speedboat drove over.    


After getting close to the yacht, the three people on the yacht also came to the deck. They were all people from the Heavenly Summoning Kingdom. After talking for a long time, Faang Yang did not understand a word.    


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