Super Golden Eye

C1154 If You Have Something to Say Say It

C1154 If You Have Something to Say Say It

As for Faang Yang, he understood the principle of capturing the king first. After all, there were more than a hundred pirates. If there were any who slipped through the net and fired randomly, there would be casualties as well.    


Harry's reaction could not be said to be slow. Although he did not have any cultivation base, his many years of life of licking blood with a knife had already given him an instinctive sense of danger.    


However, the gap between the two was too great. Just as Harry's hand touched the handle of the gun, Faang Yang had already pulled out the dagger at his waist and pressed it against his neck.    


"If you don't want to die, then let your men put the spear down!"    


Harry's expression did not change at all. "Do as you say. Will you let us go? Won't you kill us? "    


Faang Yang was amused. "Killing you all depends on whether I'm willing or not. So, you better listen to me obediently. Otherwise, you will understand."    


Harry was not blind. Of course, he could tell that with Faang Yang's strength, he could take care of one pirate group by himself. He told his subordinates very straightforwardly.    


"Put down your weapons and return to your own ships!"    


"Yes!" All the pirates put down their guns without any hesitation and turned around to return to their boats.    


"Very good." Faang Yang nodded in satisfaction, turned around and looked at the captain. "How long more until we get out of the sea?"    


The captain answered respectfully, "About an hour and a half, sir."    


"When did I become my lord?" Faang Yang was amused. "It's fine now. You guys clean up the boat, collect what you need, and throw what you need."    


Harry could not help but ask, "What about me? I did everything you asked. Can I go back now?"    


Faang Yang threw the dagger to the side. "Yes, but not now. When we leave the public sea, we will naturally let you go back. "    


Faang Yang pulled a chair over and sat down. "Don't play any tricks. As long as you have any unusual movements, I guarantee that I will let you stay in the sea and feed the fish at once!"    


Harry said awkwardly, "How could that be? I don't want to die."    


Faang Yang's words stunned Harry. Although his water nature was not bad, the strength that Faang Yang displayed had completely exceeded his understanding!    


Ib walked over with the company of his bodyguards. His face was red. "Mr. Huang, thank you so much! I only thought that you were an extraordinary person. I didn't think that you were also an expert!"    


Faang Yang said modestly, "Not at all, not at all."    


"No, no, no, this is definitely not ordinary!" Ib said, "Mr. Huang, if you are willing to join my Ib family, I will give your family a salary of thirty million dollars. The dividends will be calculated separately!"    


Damn, such a big deal! Faang Yang was not only slightly moved. Thirty million dollars, in addition to the dividends, in exchange for soft money, easily broke two hundred million!    


He did not expect that Ib would dare to place such a heavy bet on an eastern person whom he had not known for a long time! Faang Yang used the Golden Eye to carefully examine Ib's body and came to a sudden realization.    


"Mr. Ib, if my guess is correct. You invited me to join the Ib family because there are some problems with my body, so you want to use the last of your time to do more things for your successor, right?"    


Ib's facial expression changed dramatically. His eyes were sharp like blades, and an imposing aura rose from his body. "How did you know?! It turns out that you planned to get close to me, didn't you?! "    


Faang Yang did not expect Old Man to be so strong. He waved his hand and said, "Don't think too much. We just met by chance. We didn't plan to get close to each other. If you are worried, we will go our separate ways after we get off the boat!"    


Ib asked, "Then how do you know that there is a problem with my body?! Now, no one except myself knows! "    


Faang Yang was stunned for a moment. "No one knows? Then the doctor and nurse who gave you the examination, you wouldn't... "    


Ib did not hide anything. "That's right! This is a serious matter, so we have to use extreme methods! "    


He was indeed a formidable man! In order to block the news, he was even able to use such vicious methods. Fang Zhiming tilted his head and looked at him.    


"Now that I know, what do you want to do? Like those unlucky doctors and nurses, they sent people to kill me? "    


This question stunned Ib. After standing there for a long time, the aura on his body gradually dissipated, and he returned to the friendly old man. However, he seemed to have aged a lot.    


"I admit that I can't kill you. So, I beg you not to tell anyone. The Ib family was founded by me. I don't want to be buried with me after my death."    


" That's right. Let's talk it out. " Faang Yang took the drink from Hua Yu and took a sip.    


"I will not casually chew on the roots of my tongue. Besides, although your body is a little troublesome, it is not a terminal illness. What is there to worry about?"    


Ib's head could not turn around. "When does leukemia not need to worry? I have reached the late stage. Ordinary medicine and chemotherapy are no longer useful. "    


Faang Yang felt strange and said, "Forgive me for being presumptuous. With your family background and status, it should not be that difficult for you to perform bone marrow transplantation, right?"    


Ib sighed. "You are right. Unfortunately, I have the blood type of Mumbai. Basically, I have the most rare blood type. It is not even one in ten thousand. How can I successfully produce the blood type?"    


Faang Yang expressed his sympathy. "That is really unlucky. But if you let me try, there might be some effect. "    


Ib's body trembled slightly uncontrollably. "Really?! Can you really help me?"    


Faang Yang said cautiously, "I can only say to give it a try. I can't guarantee that it will be effective."    


Ib smiled calmly. "Haha, you can try. The doctor once told me that there is at most one month's time. Is there anything worse than this?"    


Faang Yang wanted to pull the tree up, so he agreed. "In that case, let's do it after we are safe. I'm afraid we will have to divide it into several stages. It will not do any harm to your body."    


"I will contact the helicopter right away!"    


When they heard that their terminal illness had a chance of survival, no one would be able to remain calm. Ib immediately took out his satellite phone and urgently contacted a military aircraft!    


After instructing the captain and the bodyguards to put Harry down in the safe zone of the open sea, Ib brought two bodyguards, Boris, Wang Qiang and Hua Yu onto the helicopter.    


Three hours later, the helicopter slowly fell on the flat of a villa. Ib got off the helicopter with the help of the bodyguards. "Mr. Huang, this is one of my properties. Please come in."    


Usually, rich people had many properties, but this was not new. After everyone entered the villa, Ib instructed the kitchen to prepare a feast. Then he eagerly pulled Faang Yang aside.    


"When do we start? Do we need to prepare anything?"    


Faang Yang said calmly, "We need to prepare some ancient money. The more, the better. I am useful. Your current body is not suitable for immediate treatment. "    


Ib quickly asked, "Why can't you immediately treat it now?"    


Faang Yang explained, "Because you discovered that your body's condition is too poor. The cardiovascular function is almost exhausted, and the blood and Qi in your body are stagnating. If you don't solve these problems first, I'm afraid you won't be able to withstand it."    


Ib almost worshiped Faang Yang as his ancestor. "Don't you know what to do next?"    


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