Super Golden Eye

C1172 Armu's Choice

C1172 Armu's Choice

Aermu laughed lightly, "Haha, what I will do is my business. You are you, I am me, and we are two different people. In this regard, there is no need to take it seriously."    


"I agree with you." Faang Yang changed the topic. "Since that is the case, let's get back to the topic. I wonder what Miss Aermu thinks about the cooperation?"    


Aermu was also very curious about him. She said without batting an eyelid, "Mr. Faang wants to ask my opinion. At least he wants to hear the sincerity of your cooperation."    


Faang Yang just sat there calmly. He did not have any aggressive momentum, but he gave people a sense of stability that was as immovable as a mountain.    


Faang Yang calmly said, "I can promote the overall cooperation between Yangming Group and Laya Legion, and help you advance into the territory of E People."    


Aermu's body clearly trembled, and she asked in astonishment, "You can really do it?"    


Faang Yang looked at Aermu and said, "Actually, those who know a little about what you think are very clear. You want to see Old Ib collapse and take revenge for abandoning him back then, right? "    


Aermu did not deny it. "That's right. If it was not for his indifference, my mother would not have passed away so early! My life might not have experienced so much suffering! "    


"But you must admit that he is your father." Faang Yang sighed. "Sigh, forget it. This is your private matter. I don't want to ask too much.    


Since you have already investigated Yangming Group, you should know that the border area is currently developing energy cooperation.    


We have already established a good relationship with the Snow Wolf Mercenary Group and Ferocious Tiger Mercenary Group. We even had some business contacts with the Ib family.    


If we work together, we will each take what we need. The Yangming Group will be able to obtain greater economic benefits, and while you are taking revenge, you will also gain a lot of benefits. What do you think?"    


Aermu's face turned cold," Mr. Faang, do you think I am a fool? With just the Snow Wolf Mercenary Group and the Ferocious Tiger Mercenary Group, it would be great if they could protect themselves against the Ib family! "    


Faang Yang replied, "That's right. It's true that they can't hold the Ib family back. But with me, the situation will be completely different."    


Aermu sat up again, "I'm sorry. I can't tell what kind of important role you can play in this."    


Faang Yang did not answer directly. Instead, he asked, "Who is the most important person in Ib family?"    


Aermu answered without thinking, "Old Ib! Although I hate him, it is not easy to start from scratch and build a foundation like Ib family."    


"That's right, it is Old Ib." Faang Yang had a strange smile on his face. "If I tell you that Old Ib's life is in my hands, do you think I am qualified to join the game?"    


Aermu's face changed dramatically. Her eyes were as sharp as knives. "What?! What did you do to him?!"    


From her reaction, Faang Yang could tell that Aermu's feelings towards Ib were complicated. On one hand, she hated him for abandoning her wife and daughter. On the other hand, she was unwilling to lose her last family member.    


This was also very easy to understand. In recent years, the Laya Legion had been constantly in conflict with the Ib family, but there had never been a large-scale war and casualties.    


Faang Yang said in a low voice, "Don't be nervous. I didn't do anything to him. It's just that Old Ib has blood cancer. When I met him, the doctor gave him the last spy. Three months!"    


"Three months?! He actually had blood cancer!" Aermu's expression became absent-minded. "No wonder his private hospital suddenly caught fire and no one was left alive. It turns out that it was to block the news."    


After muttering to herself for a while, Aermu suddenly looked at Faang Yang." But what you said just now could control his life and death? In other words, you can save him? "    


Faang Yang said confidently, "My people have already made contact with Old Ib and have successfully treated him for the first time. He will be absolutely safe for at least half a year.    


But if Miss Aermu agrees to work with us, I will consider giving up the treatment. After all, it is a miracle that his illness can be extended by a few months, isn't it?    


On one side is Old Ib, who only has a few months of life, and on the other side is Miss Aermu, who was smart and strong in the past. It is not difficult to make a choice."    


Aermu tried hard to control her emotions. "Sorry, I am a little tired. I need to rest first. Have the two of you arranged a hotel?"    


Faang Yang said, "Yes, we have already found a hotel."    


Aermu said," Then let's stop here today. The next time we meet, we will discuss the matter of cooperation in detail. "    


"No problem, goodbye." Faang Yang greeted Aermu and was sent out by the bodyguard.    


Back in his car, Wang Qiang could not help but ask, " Hey, do you think she won't see us again in the future?"    


Faang Yang lowered the chair, laid down comfortably, and closed his eyes. "Don't worry, she will contact us soon. Don't look at how fierce the fight was. Aermu did not really want Old Ib's life."    


Wang Qiang did not understand. "Since she did not want Old Ib's life, why did she ask us to leave? She knew that her father was not going to live for a few days, yet she was still proud of him? "    


"She needs time to verify whether what I said is true or not." Faang Yang yawned. "You don't think it is too hasty to believe just based on our one-sided statement?    


Aermu valued Old Ib so much, so there must be a spy there. As long as we spend more effort, we can definitely find the relevant clues.    


As long as she can prove that what we said is the truth, she will definitely meet us again at the first possible moment. Just put your heart in your stomach."    


The truth was exactly the same as what Faang Yang had guessed. As soon as the two of them left, Aermu immediately took out her phone and dialed a number." Hello, Guu Li, is there any latest news recently? "    


A low voice came from the other side of the phone. "Boss, after Old Ib came back from the Peninsula, he has been very close to a few eastern people. It seems that he attached great importance to them."    


Aermu continued to ask, "What I want to know is how Old Ib is doing! Is there any obvious change?"    


Guu Li thought carefully, "There is indeed. Before going to the gathering, Old Ib's body was very poor, and he even needed someone to support him when he walked.    


But after spending a few days with those eastern people, it was obvious that his face was rosy and his complexion was round. He seemed to have become more than ten years younger!"    


Aermu had basically believed what Faang Yang said was the truth, but she still ordered, "Find an opportunity and sneak into Old Ib's room.    


See if there are any special health reports, medical records, or anything else. If there is any medicine he uses, record it for me and send it to me immediately! "    


Guu Li said," Yes, I will think of a way right away. If there is nothing else, I will hang up first. If it is too long, it will attract other people's attention. "    


Aermu said, "En, pay attention to safety."    


After ending the call, Aermu only felt irritated. She walked to the front of the wine cabinet and opened a bottle of red wine. She did not use a cup and directly drank half of it in one breath.    


Only when her face turned red and her eyes blurred did she sit heavily on the sofa. Her eyes looked out of the window and it was unknown what she was thinking.    


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