Super Golden Eye

C1503 You Mei Is in Dire Straits

C1503 You Mei Is in Dire Straits

Faang Yang was even more surprised. "No way. You, the young miss who does not touch the sun with your ten fingers, actually know how to cook? I didn't hear wrongly, right? "    


Yuv Mei stomped her feet and said," That was in the past! My culinary skills have improved a lot now! Hurry up and leave!" He dragged Faang Yang to the supermarket and started to buy crazily.    


"This steak is not bad. Give me two servings."    


"Wow! Today's crabs are really good. Give me a few."    


"Buy some fruits and vegetables!"    




Along the way, Yuv Mei was chattering nonstop. Unknowingly, she bought something from a shopping cart.    


After driving to the door of Yuv Mei's villa, Yuv Mei got out of the car and laboriously opened the door. She drove the car in and closed the door.    


When she stopped the car, she saw the empty underground parking lot. Faang Yang could not help but ask, "Where is the car that used to be here?"    


Yuv Mei pretended not to care and said, "Anyway, I am alone now. It is useless to ask for so many cars. It will be a hindrance if I put it there, so I sold it."    


Faang Yang did not ask any more questions. In the huge villa, there was not a single bodyguard or nanny. The situation Yuv Mei faced was even more severe than he had imagined!    


After carrying the things into the kitchen, Faang Yang was pushed out to watch television. Yuv Mei was busy in the kitchen alone.    


Although he did not have much hope for Yuv Mei's cooking skills, when the food was served, Faang Yang was still a little surprised.    


Red wine steak, steamed crab, fruit salad, seafood spaghetti... They were all made to look good. The appearance was not bad!    


You Mei's face was flushed. "Mr. Faang, quickly try it and see how it tastes."    


"Okay. I'll try it. It looks very appetizing. " Faang Yang cut a small piece of steak and put it into his mouth. He could not help but nod.    


"Delicious! The heat was just right. I like cooked meat. This one has no blood capillaries at all and still retained the freshness of the small beef. What a good craftsmanship! "    


Yuv Mei was very happy when she received Faang Yang's praise." I learned it after learning it for a long time. Today, it's your turn! "    


During the meal, Yuv Mei kept talking as if she could not finish her words. Faang Yang quietly listened to her and occasionally interrupted her.    


This meal actually lasted for nearly four hours! Yuv Mei, who had been in high spirits, said as her eyes turned red. She lay on the table and cried out loud.    


Faang Yang sighed and took out a tissue to pass to her. He said softly, "Yuv Mei, I know that you have been through a lot of hardships and grievances, but believe me, everything will pass!"    


Faang Yang was trying to persuade Yuv Mei when he heard someone violently smash the door. As soon as he walked to the door, he saw that the door was forcefully smashed open and a group of big and tall men rushed in.    


The leader of the group commanded loudly, "Everyone, move! Move away all those you like!"    


Yuv Mei panicked and rushed over to block in front, "Ba Ha! What are you doing?! It is not enough to cause trouble in the company. Do you still want to come to my house to cause trouble?! If you don't leave now, I'm going to call the police!"    


Ba Ha curled his lips in disdain." What are you doing? Are you trying to scare me? I, Ba Ha, am not scared! It is only right and proper to repay a debt! If you can't pay it back, of course we will use something to pay it back!"    


" You... " Yuv Mei still wanted to argue, but was stopped by Faang Yang, who was beside her. "Alright, I will settle it."    


Faang Yang walked to Ba Ha and asked, "Do you think Yuv Mei owes you wages? How much do you owe? Do you have proof? "    


Ba Ha looked Faang Yang up and down. He did not know who he was. "Who are you? What does it have to do with you?"    


Faang Yang asked again, "You said Yuv Mei owes you wages? How much did she owe you? Do you have proof?"    


Ba Ha was furious." Kid, I gave you face, didn't I? Little girl, I don't know where you found a gigolo boy, but you want to put on a front? Brothers, hit him!"    


Immediately, a dozen burly men surrounded Faang Yang in the middle. Faang Yang casually moved his hands and feet and knocked everyone to the ground.    


However, these were all ordinary people. Faang Yang did not increase his strength. He only let them suffer some physical pain. They would be fine after resting for two days.    


Finally, only Ba Ha was left. Faang Yang asked again, "You said Yuv Mei owes you money? How much do you owe? Do you have proof?"    


Ba Ha's legs were trembling with fear. I owe... I owe us 700,000! We have a bill from the Finance Department."    


Faang Yang nodded his head in satisfaction. "How good would it be if you cooperated so early? Take the receipt tomorrow and go to the company to collect the money. But the money for the renovation of the gate must be deducted. There should be no problem, right? "    


Ba Ha did not dare to say no. "No problem! No problem."    


Faang Yang said, "Very good. You can leave now."    


Hearing this, Ba Ha immediately ran out. Faang Yang shouted from behind, "Come back here!"    


He turned around in horror. "Is there anything else?"    


Faang Yang pointed at the big men on the ground. "You brought these people here. Take them away with you when you leave! Save me the trouble of looking at them. "    


"Yes, yes, I'll do it right away." Ba Ha quickly called a large truck in and held hands with the driver. He carried everyone into the truck and then left in a hurry.    


Yuv Mei said to Faang Yang gratefully, "Mr. Faang, thank you! If it wasn't for you, my family would not have been able to protect it today!"    


Faang Yang rubbed Yuv Mei's long hair. "silly girl, what is there to thank? But it seems that it is not safe for you to stay here by yourself. Come back to the hotel with me later. "    


Yuv Mei suddenly became a little nervous. "Ah... I will go back to the hotel with you today?"    


Faang Yang looked at her strangely, "What is it? Is it inconvenient?"    


Yuv Mei replied in a strange manner, "It's convenient. I only left after a month..."    


Faang Yang was amused by her. "Haha, isn't this just right? It would save him the trouble of dirtying the bed sheets. You can go and drive first. I'll make a call. "    


" Oh, okay. " Yuv Mei hesitantly went to the garage to drive and kept encouraging herself, "Yuv Mei, you are the best! Mr. Faang did so much for you. You must repay him!"    


Faang Yang just called Amur and asked her to send some people to help Yuv Mei look after the house. Such a small matter was naturally nothing difficult.    


When the two of them returned to the hotel, Faang Yang went to the front desk and asked. It was actually full! When he came back, he spread his hands at Yuv Mei.    


"Looks like the business of this hotel is really good. Coincidentally, I have a companion. I'll let him share a room with me and get you a room."    


Yuv Mei did not know what she was feeling in her heart and only softly agreed, "En."    


Faang Yang walked to Shiwu Huan's door. Just as he was about to knock on the door, he realized that the door was actually open! There were sounds of intense battle accompaniment that made one's face turn red. One did not need to look to know what was going on.    


Faang Yang quickly closed the door for him. The atmosphere became even more awkward. "That... This is an accident! It seems that you can only rest in my room today. Fortunately, there are two bedrooms."    


Yuv Mei only lowered her head, but her cheeks were even redder. As soon as she entered the room, she whispered, "I'm going to take a shower."    


Faang Yang did not feel anything wrong. "Yes, everything in the bedroom is used. I'm going to take a shower too. The weather is really stuffy. I'm covered in white sweat. "    


Yuv Mei hurriedly ran into the bedroom and shut the door tightly. Faang Yang did not think too much about it. He directly went back to his bedroom to take a shower and changed into his pajamas.    


After coming out, he was still sitting on the balcony and enjoying the scenery like before.    


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