Super Golden Eye

C1515 Important Discovery

C1515 Important Discovery

Jiya herself also did not know why, "I don't know either. I just feel that the little devil gave me a very uncomfortable feeling."    


Faang Yang said, "Your age is not even half of his. And if it is a real life or death battle, you have no chance of winning."    


"It can't be?!" Jiya did not mind that she would lose. What she cared about was that this unassuming treasure was actually older than her?!    


Faang Yang did not say anything else. Instead, he took out the diary from his bag and slowly opened it. Since the other party had sent the diary back, there must be a reason behind it.    


At least until now, his enemies and friends were unknown. He could not say that the other party wanted to harm him. Strangely, there were no words on the diary!    


The paper that was already slightly yellowed was very eye-catching. Faang Yang was not willing to give up. He kept flipping through the pages. Finally, in the middle of the diary, he found two willow leaves stuck in the middle!    


Faang Yang carefully looked at the willow leaves in the book. They looked very fresh, as if they had just been plucked.    


But what was the purpose of trapping them here? Or were these two leaves different from the other willow leaves?    


With the help of the Golden Eye, Faang Yang saw that the two willow leaves on both sides were emitting a faint yellow light. It seemed that it was that yellow light that kept it fresh.    


This meant that these two leaves were definitely not plucked just now! Faang Yang carefully held the willow leaves in his hands.    


He saw that there was already a shallow mark on the spot where the leaves were held. It was almost the same as the other places.    


Faang Yang was even more certain that these two willow leaves were very likely to have been put in twenty years ago! It was even possible that they had been specially preserved after discovering it during the exploration!    


Jiya also came over to take a look. "These two leaves do indeed look ordinary. Do you need something special to unravel the secrets on them?"    


Faang Yang did not say anything. Instead, he opened the window and took two fresh leaves from the tree that stretched to the window. He put them in the diary.    


Five minutes later, Faang Yang opened the diary and found that the two leaves had completely withered. There was no color at all!    


After several experiments, Faang Yang finally confirmed that this diary or the leaves had an extremely special power.    


He closed the diary and put it back in his bag. Faang Yang said to Jiya, "Let's go back first."    


Jiya felt a little pity. "What about this villa? Can we still live in it? I really like it here."    


Faang Yang replied," I can definitely live here. The target isn't you. Anyway, I still need to clean up. I also need time to update the furniture. "    


Jiya reluctantly got into the car. "I hope so."    


After returning to Jiangbei, Faang Yang asked Jiya to change her appearance and took her to Yangming Hotel. After making the arrangements, he returned to Jiangbei Jade City and asked Mr. Shiwu to study with her.    


Mr. Shiwu was definitely a technical talent that Faang Yang trusted, and it seemed that the two of them had never disappointed Faang Yang.    


But this time, he used countless strange methods, including roasting, drowning, strong light and other methods that he could think of, but he still didn't discover anything!    


Mr. Shiwu had already used up all his moves. He sat there facing each other, staring at the two pieces of willow leaves in the diary on the table.    


Faang Yang comforted him, "It's fine. This thing is very magical. If it was easily cracked, it would be a bit unreal. You guys take a rest."    


Shiwu Yu sighed with emotion, "Mr. Faang, you can always make things that surprise us. Ever since we followed you, we brothers have become less and less confident... "    


Indeed, whether it was the strength that Faang Yang displayed or everything that he had experienced, it made people feel that it was unreal and extremely frustrating.    


Faang Yang said with a serious expression, "If you can't even get past this small setback, how are you going to follow me? Do you know how I got to where I am today?    


You have to be confident! I believe that I can do it, I believe that I will become stronger! In the end, I will really become stronger!    


If I were like all of you, giving up after encountering some setbacks, I'm afraid that I would have already gone to the public place to watch the door! Cheer up, you guys are very outstanding!"    


After encouraging Mr. Shiwu, Faang Yang returned to his room and continued to study. At this time, Baofu's voice came from outside, "Master, can I come in?"    


Faang Yang did not even look up. "Come in."    


Baofu pushed open the door and entered, followed by Hundred Eyed Daoist. Faang Yang asked, "What did you find?"    


Baofu said, "Everything is normal, there are no suspicious people."    


Faang Yang said, "We can't relax. We are in the open now, and the other party is in the dark. If we are careless, we might cause a huge loss."    


"Yes, Master. I will strengthen my defense." Pausing, Baofu said, "Master, maybe Hundred-Eyed can help you take a look and see if you can get any information from the tree leaves."    


"Oh?" Only then did Faang Yang turn his head to look at Hundred Eyed Daoist. "Do you know about this?"    


Hundred Eyed Daoist only listened to Baofu's words, but Faang Yang had no choice but to care about Baofu. "When I was in Corpse Sect, I wanted to see two secret manuals of Gate Of Spirit. The Soul Searching Arts is one of the Cultivation Method that I learned from it."    


Faang Yang was a little surprised. "You are in the Corpse Sect, how could you have the Cultivation Method of the Gate Of Spirit?"    


Hundred Eyed Daoist said calmly," During the war between the Corpse Sect and the Gate Of Spirit, countless experts were killed or injured. Although the Corpse Sect was defeated in the end, the Gate Of Spirit suffered a great loss. It's not rare to get some spoils of war. "    


Faang Yang thought it made sense, so he made an inviting gesture. "Then I'll have to trouble you to come and see if you can see anything."    


Hundred Eyed Daoist did not stand on ceremony. He walked to the front and flipped through the diary. He looked at the two willow leaves carefully and thought for a while. "I need to use some skills to confirm."    


Faang Yang agreed without hesitation. "No problem! You can do whatever you want."    


In any case, Mr. Shiwu had already used all the techniques he could. Although he didn't gain much, he was still very confident in the quality of the willow leaves.    


Under Faang Yang and Baofu's gaze, Hundred Eyed Daoist took out a cinnabar basin out of nowhere and poured it into clear water. He chanted a spell that Faang Yang couldn't understand at all and then threw the two willow leaves into it.    


After doing all this, Hundred Eyed Daoist said to Faang Yang, "There should be some changes."    


Faang Yang immediately looked towards the cinnabar basin and saw that the willow leaves were still lying quietly at the bottom of the basin. With the willow leaves as the center, the clear water in the cinnabar basin slowly turned light green, from light green to deep green!    


When the last basin of clear water became thick dark green, the color no longer changed. Faang Yang then asked Hundred Eyed Daoist, "What should we do next?"    


Hundred Eyed Daoist thought for a moment, looked at the diary and said, "Bring the diary over, flip it open, and place it flat on the table."    


Faang Yang immediately followed Hundred Eyed Daoist's instructions and took the diary over, opened it, and placed it flat on the table. Hundred Eyed Daoist's right hand formed a seal, pointed, and gestured.    


The cinnabar basin turned into dark green water, and it obediently flew out of the basin and landed on the diary. Faang Yang did not make a sound the whole time. Since he had already asked him to do it, he could not doubt it!    


The magical thing was that this cinnabar basin had at least three kilograms of water. All of it was absorbed by the diary, and not a single drop was spilled outside!    


After the last drop of water was absorbed by the diary, the originally wordless diary suddenly had a full page full of words!    


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