Super Golden Eye

C1556 He Really Had No Money

C1556 He Really Had No Money

It wasn't easy to deal with the opening ceremony, and it was a huge cocktail party. Faang Yang couldn't stand it, so he let Li Xue's representative leave quietly through the side door.    


Ever since Li Xue was ordered by Faang Yang, she had grown very quickly. She had changed from a little girl who was always at ease to a strong woman who could fight alone, and had successfully entered the core circle of the Yangming.    


Of course, the most important thing for her to truly integrate into the core circle was to be mentally prepared for her boss to run away at any time.    


Furthermore, Shen Tong had specially added a sentence in the transmission to Li Xue, telling her to try her best to make the decision on everything. Regardless of whether Faang Yang was there or not, she would pretend that he did not exist.    


Originally, Li Xue was very curious as to why Shen Tong would tell her so. Now, she completely understood that Faang Yang had already raised the level of the hands-off manager to the highest level.    


He dared to leave the high-end Business Forum, which was held by OM, just because he wanted to. That was not something that could be done by just being willful!    


After coming out of the venue, Faang Yang took a deep breath and took off his suit and threw it into the car. He only wore a shirt and felt much more comfortable.    


After coming out of the parking lot, Faang Yang was thinking about where he should go when he saw Klitzing standing at the exit with a bunch of promotional pages in her arms, ready to send her out.    


Faang Yang's car slowly approached. Chris immediately ran over and handed him a promotional page. "Sir, please take a look... Eh, why is it you? "    


Clearly, meeting Faang Yang here made Chris feel a little awkward. Faang Yang stopped the car and said," Why are you giving out flyers here? It's so heavy. Wouldn't it be better to ask someone for help?"    


Chris's face turned slightly and she muttered, "Actually, it's nothing. Anyway, I have nothing to do. I'll just treat it as training my own abilities."    


Faang Yang's eyes looked at the promotional page in his hand. Although the design was more exquisite, it was difficult to cover up the rough printing. The defects of the paper were inferior. It must be because of the lack of funds.    


Faang Yang opened the car door. "Get in the car."    


Chris looked at the pile of promotional pages that had not been sent out yet and shook her head. "No, I still have to send all of these out. This is my last hope.    


Today was the opening ceremony of Business Forum. It would definitely be the day when everyone was present. Those who can be invited are all world-renowned companies.    


As long as there is a company that recognizes our plan, it will bring a turning point for the company. I cannot give up."    


No matter how one looked at it, Chris's words were not wrong. If it was not because he had talked to Li Xue, Faang Yang also thought that her actions were correct.    


But now, Faang Yang patiently advised, "I understand your feelings, but to be honest, I'm afraid that even if you stand here for a day and post ten times of this kind of advertisement page, it will not have any effect."    


Chris was stunned and couldn't help but ask, "Why do you say so?"    


Faang Yang took out a promotional page and pointed at a few numbers. "Look at the numbers on it. The start-up capital of 5 billion dollars is estimated to be between 30 billion and 50 billion. It will not be capped.    


The initial stage of the test is at least four years. The success rate of the plan is only 43%! With such high risk, high investment, and a long period of investment, do you think people will pay attention to it if there is no blue book investment?    


Most importantly, the design of this advertisement page was not bad, but it was clearly printed from a roadside shop. It was too rough.    


A project with a value of 50 billion M dollars actually used a promotional page printed by a roadside shop to advertise. How many people do you think will actually read it?"    


Chris had a dejected look." I also know that this is not good, but the company's funds are really very tight right now. They really don't have any money left!    


Even printing these, I only printed them after I used the necklace that my mother left me. What else can I do... "    


Faang Yang shook his head and got off the car. He put all the promotional pages on the ground into his Trunk and said to Chris, "Get in the car. Take me to your company to take a look."    


Chris's eyes immediately lit up. "God, are you going to invest in our company?"    


Of course Faang Yang would not let go so quickly. "I have never said such things. It's just that you helped me before. I am also curious about your company's situation. I will go and check it out first.    


However, from a private point of view, no matter what the result is, I will sponsor you with a million dollars in my name."    


The light in Chris's eyes instantly dimmed. "Only one million, so much less..."    


Faang Yang was also drunk on Chris's performance. "Please, it's just that I have a good temper. If it were someone else, with what you just said, they might not even get a cent!"    


Chris hurriedly apologized, "Sorry, I did not mean that. It was just that I felt that the number that I wanted to raise was too different. I was anxious, so please don't mind."    


Faang Yang said, "If you mind, I won't talk about this with you. I'll drive away immediately. Get in the car. Take me to your company. "    


Chris thought for a while and got in the car. She pointed out the company's location on the automatic navigation system. They had actually reached the edge of the map. No matter how she looked at it, it was a desolate corner.    


When passing by a large supermarket, Faang Yang directly got out of the car and bought a bunch of fruits, vegetables, and meat. The Trunk could not store them, so he threw all the promotional pages into the trash can.    


Chris immediately exploded and screamed, "What are you doing?! Those are my things!"    


Faang Yang shook the promotional page in his hand, "Why do you still keep this thing? Shame? If you still want to publish it, then go spend more effort and print something of a higher grade.    


At least in that case, there would still be people who would be willing to take a look. What was the difference between this and the roadside shops selling discounts and wholesale washing water leaflets? Is it shameful?"    


" But... "    


Chris always felt that something was wrong, but she did not know how to refute. She watched helplessly as Faang Yang threw the promotional page that she had painstakingly printed into the trash can. The entire Trunk was filled with food.    


On the road again, Chris had an unhappy look on her face. She did not speak the entire time. Faang Yang was also happy to be quiet and focused on driving the car.    


On the map, he did not know what to do. As he ran, Faang Yang finally understood what it meant to watch a mountain run to death.    


After driving for two hours, there were few people around. After driving for more than an hour, they saw an abandoned mining area in the distance.    


Faang Yang rubbed his eyes hard to make sure that this was an abandoned mining area. He turned around and asked Chris, "Are you sure your company is here? Why didn't I see anyone?"    


Chris stopped and said, "The company is out of money. All the employees have been fired. The reason why they chose this place to be the company's headquarters was because Underground Space was big enough to save a lot of renovation costs."    


Faang Yang could only sigh. This was really saving money! Chris got off the car and opened the lock on the big iron door. After the car drove in, it was locked again.    


Under Chris's guidance, Faang Yang parked the car in front of a kind of mine in the middle. He put everything on the lift and the two of them stood up. Chris pressed the button.    


"Ok." The machine only made a sound before it stopped. No matter how Chris pressed, there was no reaction. "How could this be? Damn it!"    


Faang Yang gently pushed Chris and pointed to the emergency light beside. "Chris, it's not about the lift. It seems to be a blackout!"    


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