Super Golden Eye

C1616 Miraculous Events

C1616 Miraculous Events

After the two of them separated, Faang Yang directly took the elevator upstairs. Of course, on the way there, the nodding of his head felt like it was going to hurt his neck.    


It was not easy for him to reach the office, but he found that Shen Tong's office was actually not closed. From the crack of the door, he saw Shen Tong, Cao Miaoyu, and Chu Bingqing huddled together, not knowing what they were discussing.    


Faang Yang quietly walked over and suddenly said, "Three beauties, what grand blueprint are you researching?"    


"Ah ~" Three exclamations shocked the three girls who were focusing on the problem.    


When she turned around and saw that it was Faang Yang, Cao Miaoyu's apricot eyebrows were upside-down. " Hey, can't you knock on the door before you come in? Don't you know that scaring people will scare people to death?"    


Faang Yang had an innocent look on his face." I just wanted to make a joke with everyone. I didn't know you guys were so timid! "    


Chu Bingqing rarely did not stand on Faang Yang's side. "Faang Yang, it was your fault this time. We were afraid and you suddenly appeared. It really shouldn't be."    


"Afraid?" Faang Yang scratched his head. "What is so scary about?"    


Shen Tong and Cao Miaoyu were still angry with him and ignored him. Luckily, Chu Bingqing still handed him a blueprint.    


"Look, this is Mountain Relying Plain. We want to build a gas station here. It can spread the natural gas of Blagoveshchensk to the surrounding towns and increase the speed of the gas conversion.    


But the few times where the land was tested were all in vain. Moreover, all the people who participated in this project were inexplicably confused and confused."    


Of course, Faang Yang could not see anything from the map. He only knew that the location of the Mountain Relying Plain was not counted. It just happened to be located in the north of Jiangbei. It was like a natural gate.    


"Can you tell me more about it? What did you encounter, or is there something strange about it? What is the doctor's opinion on this? "    


Chu Bingqing replied," The doctor did not give a specific diagnosis. He only said that it was caused by stimulation and shock.    


However, all the people who participated in the exploration, other than a guide who was unconscious, did not receive any useful information. "    


Faang Yang was a little puzzled. "Then wouldn't it be fine to ask the guide directly? He should know what happened, right?"    


Chu Bingqing smiled bitterly. "But he doesn't know anything. He only said he brought it to the mountain and then fell asleep for no reason. After he woke up, he was in the hospital."    


Faang Yang asked, "So magical? What was the name of the guide? Where is he now?"    


Chu Bingqing said," The name of the guide is Dai Xianglong. Because Mountain Relying Plain was once a Japanese military stronghold, it has now been cultivated into a cultural landscape. There are many guides like Dai Xianglong.    


But Dai Xianglong is the bravest among these people, and he has the most complete understanding of the terrain. That is why we will find him? "    


Faang Yang quickly caught the key of it. "Bravery? It's understandable that he has the best understanding of the terrain. What does a guide have to do with courage?"    


Cao Miaoyu could not help but say, "Do you think everyone is like you, a god who descended to the mortal world and is not afraid of anything?    


Mountain Relying Plain is a famous ghost cave! Many people saw something unclean appear. Some people even died in the mountains! Do you think I'm afraid?"    


Faang Yang touched the sparse stubble on his chin." Unclean things? Then let's go somewhere else? Why are we competing here?"    


Cao Miaoyu said sarcastically," As expected of the big boss. He just opened his mouth and closed it. Do you know how much cost it will cost to change to another place? How much time will it cost? "    


Faang Yang was a little embarrassed." I don't know... but I know you must know. "    


Cao Miaoyu said, "The cost will increase by at least 60%! The work period will be extended by four months. Not to mention, because the route is a long distance away, the cost and maintenance costs will be a long-term investment!"    


Faang Yang's face was not red, and he was not panting." Oh, so that's how it is. Then what you mean is that we still need to build it here?"    


Cao Miaoyu rolled her eyes at him. "Isn't this nonsense? If there was a second suitable target, we wouldn't be so conflicted."    


Cao Miaoyu then looked at Faang Yang sneakily. "But now, I have a good idea!"    


Faang Yang had a bad feeling. "What good idea?"    


Cao Miaoyu asked, "Whose company is it?"    


Faang Yang answered honestly, "Mine..."    


Cao Miaoyu asked, "Since it is yours, then shouldn't you make some contributions to the company?"    


Faang Yang pointed to his nose, "Do you want me to go and check it out myself?"    


Cao Miaoyu asked back, "Do you think there is anyone more suitable than you? Do you want us three weak girls to go?"    


Faang Yang had nothing to say. "Okay, okay, okay. I will go, okay? At least you have to tell me how to contact that Dai Xianglong, right?"    


Chu Bingqing quickly reminded, "Faang Yang, can we change to another guide? That Dai Xianglong always made people feel uncertain. It is really too strange."    


Faang Yang explained, "You don't understand this. Since we have to solve the mystery, then all the key figures must be present.    


It's precisely because Dai Xianglong has a problem that we have to let him go. Only then can we find out where the problem is."    


Chu Bingqing wanted to persuade him but was stopped by Cao Miaoyu, "Ms Bingqing, you don't have to worry about him. In her own company, if she did not care about it, who else could she rely on?    


Furthermore, you still don't know what kind of person he is? Nine lives more than a cat! Even if everyone in the world dies, he won't lose a single hair! "    


Faang Yang finally gave in to Cao Miaoyu." Can you not scold me less? No matter what, I am also the boss. I am always like this. Should I come in the future or not? "    


Cao Miaoyu mercilessly exposed him. "You speak as if I can say a few more words to be obedient and you can come a few more times. No one will believe you!"    


Faang Yang knew that he was in the wrong. He asked Chu Bingqing, "Do you need any data? I'm afraid I can't do it myself, right?"    


Chu Bingqing said, "The company has a professional Survey Team, so we can set off at any time. But can you do it yourself? Do you want to call someone over so that we can take care of each other?"    


Before Faang Yang could make up his mind, his phone rang. He looked at the number and could not help but laugh. "Hehe, I don't know who to look for, so naturally someone will come to me."    


When he picked up the phone, he heard Wang Qiang's voice. "Faang Yang, are you in Jiangbei now?"    


Faang Yang said, "Are you there? He just got off the plane."    


Wang Qiang immediately said, "Then come. Come, let's go to the 307 Clubhouse. I'll get the wind for you!"    


Faang Yang rolled his eyes. "I'm afraid not now. I still have some things to do. Why don't you accompany me for a trip? It's not too late to go back. "    


Wang Qiang said discontentedly, "What do you have to do as a hands-off manager? Don't try to fool me. I won't believe it. "    


Faang Yang became anxious. "What I said is true! If you don't believe me, drive to the company's building and pick me up! How about we go together? "    


" You're at the company? " Obviously, Wang Qiang did not expect this, but he quickly said, "Alright, wait for me at the headquarters. I'll be there right away."    


After hanging up the phone, Faang Yang said to Cao Miaoyu, "Give me Dai Xianglong's contact details. Where can I find him? Then gather the people of Survey Team and prepare to set off! "    


Cao Miaoyu looked for Dai Xianglong's contact details and place of residence and wrote them on a piece of paper for Faang Yang.    


"If there is no one in his house, just call him. The people of Survey Team can set off at any time."    


Faang Yang put away the note and said, "That's it then. I will go and meet that Dai Xianglong first. Ask the Survey Team to meet me in Mountain Relying Plain."    


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