Super Golden Eye

C1674 To Advance or to Retreat?

C1674 To Advance or to Retreat?

Faang Yang replied with a question, "Do you think any random treasure would have an Elixir Medicine? If the Holy Ancestor Treasure is still intact after the first tribulation of magma, it means that there are more mysteries waiting for us to uncover!    


Although I have entered the Holy Ancestor Treasure before, it is only the outer region. I have not entered the inner region of the treasure. As for what is inside, I have no idea.    


However, if there is an even greater danger inside, or an even more dangerous trap, what do you think will happen?"    


Chiang Huawen somewhat understood what Faang Yang meant." Everyone knows that there are Elder Unaging Medicine here. They will frantically gather here and then be devoured by the Holy Ancestor Treasure's trap! "    


Faang Yang's tone was heavy. "That's right. This is what I am worried about! Even with Elder Jiang's identity, he could not control himself. How many people could still control him?    


Even if there are, how many top experts do you think there will be in the world at that time? If there is a mysterious force that suddenly rises, conquering or destroying the world, how difficult will it be?"    


Chiang Huawen had completely regarded Faang Yang as an existence on the same level as him. He did not have the slightest intention of looking down on him.    


"But almost all the major powers in the east and west have come here. Who is the dark hand among them?"    


Faang Yang said, "Since the goal is to conquer or destroy the world, then this mysterious force will definitely not easily expose itself. Otherwise, how can we carry out the plan?"    


Chiang Huawen thought of a possibility. "Faang Yang, do you know about the situation of that mysterious force? If that's the case, you better tell me everything you know!"    


Faang Yang replied, "I do know about the existence of a super force. Although its main activity is in the west, it's said that it has its own foundation in the Ancient Martial Realm.    


Most importantly, the shadow of this mysterious power can be found in almost all the conflicts that Faang Yang has had recently.    


However, there's still no clear evidence to prove how big the connection between them and the Holy Ancestor Treasure is. "    


Chiang Huawen said seriously," Tell me, what is the name of that mysterious force? "    


Faang Yang said softly, "Dark Wing!"    


He said, "Dark Wing?" Chiang Huawen repeated the name softly. He did not find any relevant information. Just as he was about to ask a few more questions, he saw a signal for help on a mountain in the west.    


Faang Yang's expression changed. "There is indeed a situation!"    


Chiang Huawen also saw the distress signal. "I will personally bring people to take a look!"    


Faang Yang stopped him. "Wait a moment. I suspect that this might be a ploy to lure the tiger away from the mountain. Let's wait and see."    


Less than a minute later, the distress signal rose from the east, then from the south to the north. They were all calling for help!    


Bopu and Wuxie rushed to Faang Yang and asked anxiously, "Master, what should we do now? All the people we sent out were attacked and we lost contact with them. I am afraid..."    


Faang Yang ordered one order after another, "Gather the men and retreat to this place. With the entrance of the underground palace as the center, build some fortifications on the spot to prepare for the attack."    


"Alright, send the signal now!"    


Bopu and Wuxie immediately sent out the signal flare. They gathered the men who stayed behind and started to build defensive fortifications around the camp.    


Those who were sent here were all elites from different forces. Their strength was beyond description. The efficiency of having them cut rocks and build fortifications was extraordinarily high.    


In less than an hour, a two-meter wide and four-meter tall fortification had been completed! In contrast, the bad news was that none of the people sent out to search the mountain had returned!    


Before entering the Holy Ancestor Treasure's underground palace, they had already dismantled a group of elites. This caused everyone's hearts to be covered in a layer of shadow.    


Apart from the people from the Devil Dao who had been training themselves in dangerous environments since they were young, almost everyone from the other powers had solemn expressions on their faces. There wasn't the slightest hint of a smile on their faces.    


Faang Yang patrolled the area and was quite satisfied with the fortifications. Once again, he gathered with Chiang Huawen, Bopu, and Wuxie. "Now, everyone has decided whether to advance or retreat!"    


Bopu said vaguely, "If we don't search the mountain, we won't lose so many people, and we won't be in such a passive situation."    


Although he didn't make it clear, it was obvious that he was dissatisfied with Faang Yang's decision to search the mountain. Before Faang Yang could say anything, Wuxie didn't want to do it anymore. He looked at Bopu coldly.    


"Who do you think you are? If you have something to do, you can just blame it on master. If you can't stand it, why don't you go on your own? No one will stop you!"    


Chiang Huawen also helped to excuse Faang Yang. "The decision to search the mountain is not wrong. Think about it, if those disciples did not give us a warning, I'm afraid everyone would have been attacked!    


When the time came, they would have to fight hastily without any preparation, and the casualties would be much greater than now. Although the situation is not good, at least we still have room for negotiation."    


Bopu sounded a little regretful when he said those words. Other people had also given up their manpower and did not complain. Why did he only have so much to say?    


Hearing what Wuxie and Chiang Huawen said, Bopu was afraid that Faang Yang would get angry, so he hurriedly explained, "Lord Faang Yang, I'm not criticizing you, but saying what I think. Please don't blame me. "    


Fang Yang said generously, "Of course I know you are not really targeting me. It is just that the Dark Council has just experienced a turmoil, so it will be harder for you to explain it to them when you go back."    


Bopu looked at Faang Yang gratefully. "Thank you, Lord Faang Yang, for understanding me. I am really under a lot of pressure."    


Faang Yang comforted him, "Don't get too angry. As long as we can gain something from this trip, we will be less suspicious of you. If you gain something, you have to pay a price. "    


Bopu seemed to be a little lacking in confidence. "But now, we have completely fallen into a passive position. The person who attacked us must be the Six Defense Sect People.    


Since they are still alive, it means that the Holy Ancestor Treasure did not suffer any disastrous losses. If that's the case, the rest of our journey will be extremely dangerous!"    


" How can there be a free lunch in the sky? Even if it does, it might not fall into your hands."    


Faang Yang saw that Lei Zhentian and his disciples had started to blow up the passageway. He turned around and said to the few of them:    


"Everyone, give us an idea. We should either advance or retreat. Everyone, let's move together. This time, we must not split up. "    


Chiang Huawen looked behind him. "Faang Yang, since the enemy is coming with a menacing aura, why don't we retreat to the outside of the valley? Won't it be good to continue after we have recovered our strength? "    


Faang Yang said calmly, "It is easy to enter the valley, but difficult to leave. I am sure that the path back must be filled with killing intent. Compared to that, it's safer to keep moving forward. "    


Wuxie was the first to say," I don't mind! What is there to be afraid of? Since we are already at the entrance of the treasure, there is no reason for us to retreat!"    


Faang Yang looked at Bopu again. "What about you?"    


Bopu smiled bitterly. "Master, if I say that I do not want to move forward, what will you think?"    


Faang Yang was expressionless. "I don't want to think about anything. For the sake of getting to know you, I will burn incense on your grave next year."    


These words clearly meant that if Bopu really wanted to go back, he would die! Although it was unpleasant to hear, Bopu did not think it was an alarmist.    


"So, I have no choice! Whether I live or die, there is only one way to walk to the end!"    


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