Super Golden Eye

C1680 A Man-eating Bug

C1680 A Man-eating Bug

"Yes, but there must be a plan."    


Sheng Erniang saw Faang Yang and the others increase their speed, turned around and walked out. "Do your own thing. Don't care about things you shouldn't care about."    


Sheng Laosan saw Sheng Erniang leave, and his face became gloomy. His eyes sparkled, and it was unknown what he was thinking.    


Sheng Erniang appeared in another room and said to the person sitting opposite her, "Aunt Yun, I will give you a chance. Faang Yang and the others came again and now they were in Dragon Coiling Path.    


If you can create trouble for them in Dragon Coiling Path and show them your ability, then I will consider letting you stay here! "    


Aunt Yun heard Sheng Erniang's words and could not help but be overjoyed," Really?! I can really stay here and join Holy Clan?!"    


Sheng Erniang's tone became even more serious, "Didn't you understand what I said? The prerequisite is that you must show your extraordinary strength! The Holy Clan doesn't need trash!"    


Aunt Yun quickly agreed," Okay! I will prove my strength! But where can I find a usable familiar now? I can't possibly fight Faang Yang alone, right?"    


Sheng Erniang turned to the other side and said, "Follow me."    


Aunt Yun quickly followed him. If Faang Yang was here, he would realize that Aunt Yun, who was originally weak, now had the strength of an earth grade!    


One had to say that there were too many mysteries in the sacred ancestor periodic. It made people sigh in admiration.    


They called the innermost door on the opposite side. Both sides of the door were sealed spaces. The stench of poisonous insects assaulted their faces, making them retch.    


Sheng Erniang asked, "Do you know what is on both sides?"    


Aunt Yun carefully identified it. On the left side was a space. It was a kind of insect that looked like a combination of dragon lice and water centipedes.    


Its front legs were especially sharp and powerful. It was big and all of it was gathered in a dark corner. It was so dense that it made people shiver.    


On the right side was a large group of giant moths. The strange thing was that the hair of this kind of moth looked somewhat similar to the face of a ghost.    


Aunt Yun sucked in a breath of cold air, "This is Corpse Trionyx and Ghost-face Moth?! There is actually such a creature in this world?!"    


Before Aunt Yun came here, although she did not have any cultivation, she had read a lot of books and had extensive knowledge. Naturally, she had seen relevant introductions from the ancient records.    


The Corpse Trionyx and the Ghost-face Moth were all extremely ferocious ancient creatures. It had been a long time since anyone had seen their traces. She did not expect to see them here!    


Sheng Erniang nodded slightly, "Sure enough, you did not disappoint me. You still have some knowledge. It was not in vain for me to help you improve.    


Now, I can tell you the method to control these two creatures. Then, you can deal with Faang Yang and his group. Do you have confidence?"    


"Faang Yang?!" Aunt Yun's face turned ferocious when she heard this name. "Of course I have confidence! Leave it to me!"    


Sheng Erniang was very satisfied with Aunt Yun's attitude, "Next, it will be your performance."    


In Dragon Coiling Path, Faang Yang and his group were still moving forward quickly. Suddenly, their feet became wet and Faang Yang suddenly stopped.    


Chiang Huawen and the rest who followed behind almost caught up and quickly asked, "Faang Yang, what's wrong?"    


Faang Yang looked at his feet. He was still a little wet just now, but now he could faintly see the water. "There's water in front of us!"    


"There's water?!"    


Everyone was shocked. Looking around, they found that the stone wall behind them was very dry, not like a water channel.    


An answer that made everyone uneasy surged into their hearts, this water. Someone had deliberately let it in!    


Chiang Huawen was still able to keep his composure. "Is there any way forward?"    


Faang Yang looked ahead. "Can we still move back? If I'm not wrong, I'm afraid something has happened behind us."    


As if to verify Faang Yang's words, they heard hurried footsteps behind them. Elvin, Ming Jian, Tongming, and the others chased after them while panting.    


Because Dragon Coiling Path was too narrow, they were all stuck here. Chiang Huawen shouted in a deep voice, "Tongming, what happened behind us?! |”    


Tongming's hair was messy, and there were bloodstains all over his body. However, there were no wounds on his body, so it should not be his own blood. "Elder Jiang, there are so many insects behind us!"    


Chiang Huawen was so angry that he almost forgot to breathe. "Bugs? How could you be so scared by small bugs?! "    


Ming Jian stood behind the bright lights and spoke incoherently, "Elder Jiang, those are not ordinary insects. They are insects that can eat people! It really eats humans! Ah ~ "    


Before he could finish his words, Ming Jian clutched his stomach in pain and fell down. Faang Yang saw several wounds on Ming Jian's body, and most importantly... In Ming Jian's body, there were two strange bugs that were biting his internal organs!    


Faang Yang immediately shouted, "All of you, squat down! Tongming, throw Ming Jian over here!"    


No one knew what had happened, but everyone subconsciously did what Faang Yang said. The people between him and Ming Jian all squatted down. Tongming picked Ming Jian up and threw him towards Faang Yang.    


Faang Yang firmly caught Ming Jian in his hands. His hands were like lightning, suppressing all the acupuncture points in his body. Ming Jian immediately calmed down and stopped struggling.    


Immediately after, Faang Yang pulled out Ming Jian's sword and thrust it towards Ming Jian's abdomen!    


This time, everyone's facial expression changed dramatically. Tongming shouted angrily, "Faang Yang! What are you doing?! How dare you commit murder in public!"    


Faang Yang's sword stopped there. "Murderous? I am trying to save him, okay?! If he was delayed any longer, he would die for sure!"    


Tongming was furious. "Faang Yang! Do you really think we are fools? Ming Jian had a bad temper. He had been disrespectful to Daoist Ann previously, but you don't have to take revenge on him like this, do you?    


Elder Jiang, don't you want to stand out and say something fair? Are you going to watch Ming Jian kill Yu Fei just like that?!"    


Faang Yang couldn't be bothered with him. Instead, he looked at Chiang Huawen, who had a troubled look on his face." Elder Jiang, I don't care if you make a decision! Anyway, it wasn't me who died. "    


Chiang Huawen was indeed in a difficult position. He looked at Faang Yang, then at Ming Jian, who had lost his consciousness on the ground but was still twitching from time to time. He said with difficulty.    


"I believe in Faang Yang. He will not take advantage of the public to help himself! Let him give it a try! "    


Tongming's face was full of disbelief. "Elder Jiang, do you really believe him?"    


Chiang Huawen asked back, "If you don't believe Faang Yang, do you have a better choice? Of course, if it is really like what you said, using official means to get revenge, I will also give you justice!"    


Tongming's eyes were red. "Okay! Very good! Then I'll wait and see! "    


Chiang Huawen turned to Faang Yang and said," You have decided? Let's begin."    


Faang Yang did not even bother to speak. He simply raised the tip of his sword and opened Ming Jian's abdomen. After a series of movements, two black bugs were immediately picked out from Ming Jian's lungs and liver and tossed onto the ground.    


After the bugs were picked out, Ming Jian's body no longer twitched. Faang Yang simply stopped his bleeding and threw it to Tongming. Since they had a good relationship, someone would take care of the aftermath.    


Tongming had been gnashing his teeth at Faang Yang before, but now he realized that there was something in Ming Jian's body, and it was swallowing his internal organs. He could not help but feel ashamed and speechless.    


He lowered his head and took out some medicine to apply it on Ming Jian. Although the injury was very serious, a cultivator's body could bear it very well. As long as one paid attention to recuperation, it should not be a big problem.    


Faang Yang directly shot out two strands of true qi and killed the bug. Everyone's eyes turned to this place.    


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