Super Golden Eye

C1683 Ghost Face Moth

C1683 Ghost Face Moth

Fang Yang shouted, "Attention all! Attack upwards! We can't let them destroy the barrier! "    


In fact, without needing Faang Yang to say anything, everyone understood what was going on. All of them went all out, bombarding the barrier.    


Countless insect corpses fell from the barrier. Faang Yang picked one up and carefully examined it. "What the hell is this? A moth? Why does it have a ghost face?"    


Chiang Huawen could not hide his shock." Ghost-face Moth! This is also a legendary creature! It is said that it can break any formation or barrier in the world and eat everything. The dust on its body has hallucinatory effects and is extremely difficult to deal with! "    


Faang Yang looked at the black Ghost-face Moth on top of it and then looked at the dense Corpse Trionyx below." In other words, we are dead for sure? "    


Chiang Huawen's face was ashen. He said in a hoarse voice, "We're dead for sure!"    


If there were not many of them, they could still fight to the death. The current situation was simply hopeless!    


However, after Bopu studied the corpse of a Ghost-face Moth, he was very excited. "Master, perhaps I can solve this problem!"    


Fang Yang was overjoyed. "What solution do you have?"    


Bopu blinked mysteriously. "Master will know after taking a look!"    


Bopu made a strange sound. Immediately, a dozen or so Blood Clan nobles walked in front of him. The weakest one was a count.    


After Bopu made another strange sound, the eyes of more than a dozen nobles from the Blood Clan lit up. They cried out strangely.    


Bopu said to Elvin, "Elvin, open an exit and let my children out."    


Although he did not know what Bopu wanted to do, Elvin still controlled the barrier and opened up a passageway. A dozen or so Blood Clan nobles followed behind Bopu, turning into bats and flying out!    


When the dozen or so bats appeared in the sky, the previously aggressive Ghost-face Moth immediately stopped.    


The giant bats that Bopu and the others transformed into emitted strange sound waves. They opened their mouths wide and sucked, swallowing dozens of Ghost-face Moths!    


Most importantly, once Bopu and the others left, it was as if the entire Ghost-face Moth army had become sluggish, waiting for them to devour them!    


When Wuxie saw the dozen or so giant bats moving back and forth in the air, he couldn't help but click his tongue in wonder.    


"Master, those few large bats, don't tell me they want to eat all those disgusting moths? Aren't they afraid of having a stomachache? "    


Faang Yang also felt really nauseous when he saw it. "It looks like it, but they seem to be eating very happily. They probably won't have a bad stomach..."    


With the sudden emergence of Bopu and the others, suppressing the Ghost-face Moth, the pressure on Archbishop Iven's side was greatly reduced. After stabilizing the Light Protection, he took a breath of relief.    


"Oh, don't worry about them. This kind of moth is called the Ghost Spirit Moth. In its body, there will be a small energy crystal that can absorb and convert all kinds of energy.    


In the past, this kind of Ghost Spirit Moth could be seen frequently in the West World. However, the Blood Clan unexpectedly discovered that the crystal inside the Ghost-face Moth could enhance their strength, so they began to hunt for it.    


A thousand years ago, the Ghost-face Moth was almost extinct in the West World. I never thought that there would be a tribe here. No wonder they are so excited."    


Chiang Huawen said emotionally," Sure enough, one thing is better than the other. Soy sauce is better than tofu. Faang Yang, you really have the Great Fate with you. You can turn bad luck into good luck. "    


Faang Yang did not dare to take the credit for himself. "Elder Jiang's words are a little heavy. We can only say that our luck is good. Hopefully, we can pass the test smoothly."    


While they were talking, Bopu and his subordinates were having a great time eating. It had been so many years since they had eaten such delicious food. Today, they could be considered to have had enough of it.    


An hour later, the Ghost-face Moth that was still covering the sky just now had been eaten to the point that there was barely any left. Elvin opened up a passageway once again and asked them to come back.    


After turning back into human form, Bopu and the others almost all became three times fatter. They held their stomachs and looked happy. "Comfortable. It's been a long time since I felt so comfortable."    


Faang Yang patted Bopu's big belly with amusement. "Can you do it? Why does it feel like eight months of pregnancy?"    


Bopu said, "No problem. It's just that I just ate it and haven't digested it yet. Just give me a few minutes."    


After saying that, Bopu sat on the ground and meditated. His entire body was covered by a heavy Black Aura. A few minutes later, when he stood up, his stomach had completely disappeared. Moreover, it seemed like his strength had slightly increased!    


Faang Yang asked, "His strength has increased?"    


Bopu stretched his arms and legs, feeling the condition of his body. "The improvement is limited, not even ten percent."    


Faang Yang's mouth twitched, almost amused by him. "Please, you are a prince! After your strength increased by ten percent, aren't you satisfied?"    


Bopu chuckled and said, "It's alright, it's alright. I don't know if there are any more Ghost-face Moth in other places."    


Faang Yang said snappily, "Don't worry. If there are, no one will fight with you. I will keep all of them for you!"    


His eyes swept across the dozen or so Blood Clan nobles behind Bopu. Sure enough, all of them had improved significantly. The two most powerful ones had the strength of a prince!    


However, they were the princes of Blood Clan. Only by obtaining the inheritance of a prince could they be considered a true prince. As for the others, as long as they didn't obtain the inheritance, it would be Great Duke. The hierarchy was very strict.    


Bopu was very happy to see his subordinates become stronger. However, the others weren't in the mood to care about this. Chiang Huawen and Faang Yang discussed.    


"Faang Yang, although the Ghost-face Moth is broken, what about the Corpse Trionyx? Is there any other way?"    


Faang Yang and Bopu joked, "Bopu, why don't you suffer a little more and swallow these Corpse Trionyxes as well?"    


Bopu was shocked, "Don't! I won't touch those things. You should look for someone else. Be merciful and let me go."    


" I'm just teasing you. Are you serious? " Faang Yang smiled and looked around, trying to find a way out.    


Soon, Faang Yang was attracted by the holes of different sizes on the stone wall of the burial cave. Thinking back to the scene in Undersea Crypt, it seemed to be a possible choice.    


Chiang Huawen had been paying attention to Faang Yang's actions. Seeing his eyes wandering on the stone wall opposite him, he guessed what he was thinking. "You want to go out from there?"    


Faang Yang asked, "Other than there, do we have any other way out? By the way, what about Daoist Xuan Yi? Call him over to study it together. "    


"Sure." Chiang Huawen asked Dao Child to call Xuan Yi over again.    


With his previous experience, Old Daoist Xuan Yi restrained himself a lot. He bowed his head in front of Chiang Huawen and gave him a beating. : "Elder Jiang, can I help you?"    


Chiang Huawen said politely, "Xuan Yi, I invited you over because I want you and Faang Yang to study it together and see where we can break through from."    


Xuan Yi said humbly, "I dare not, I dare not. Although the Little Friend is young, its skills are brilliant. Poverty-stricken People can't compare with it."    


It seemed that what happened just now had dealt Xuan Yi a big blow. Faang Yang felt a little helpless.    


"Elder Daoist, I was just lucky. At this moment, this matter concerns everyone's life and death. Please let go of your prejudices and work together to overcome this crisis."    


Seeing Faang Yang's sincere attitude, Xuan Yi asked, "Does Little Friend already have an idea?"    


Faang Yang nodded and pointed at the stone wall on the opposite side. "In my opinion, it seems to be the only way to make an article from there. What do you mean, Daoist Priest?"    


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