Super Golden Eye

C1755 Increase the Progress

C1755 Increase the Progress

Under the heavens, anyone who dared to challenge Devil God's incarnation and wanted to drop some equipment was afraid that there was no other person besides Faang Yang who could do it!    


Even if it was the Dark Council's arch-enemy, Light Church, unless Bright God possessed his body, even the Pope would not easily provoke him.    


Huaide and Lobo looked at each other and saw shock and disbelief in each other's eyes.    


After a long time, Huaide said with difficulty, "Master, I think it is the wisest decision in my life to join you."    


Faang Yang smiled and said, "Haha, it is still too early to say it now. But I can guarantee that it will not be worse than you staying in Dark Council! "    


With these words, Huaide and Lobo had nothing to hesitate about. They immediately expressed, "I am willing to serve you, my lord."    


Faang Yang's goal had been achieved. He could not blindly bribe people. The best way was to increase the benefits.    


"Your task is very simple. It is to ensure that you do not expose yourself. Do your best to collect as much information about the Dark Wing as possible.    


As for the rest of the time, Han Mei will teach you some tricks to increase your combat strength. What do you think?"    


Huaide and Lobo did not have any objections. "It is up to you, my lord."    


Faang Yang, Huaide and Lobo discussed it and then turned to Han Mei. "Do you have any other questions?"    


Han Mei tilted her head and thought for a while. "Of course. Since you want us to move around in the West Force, you should at least give us a reasonable identity, right?"    


Faang Yang said, "Didn't you give us the special assistant position of Yangming Group? It's not enough?"    


"Of course not!"    


Han Mei's eyes widened. "Although your Yangming Group is not small, its center of attention is within the country. Within the territory of the West Force, there is no way to interfere. What is the use of this identity?"    


"It seems to make sense." Faang Yang pondered for a moment. "But now, the Yangming Group's overseas business is completely independent, and it is in the process of integrating with Yuv Mei's Jiya Group.    


When the overseas business is fully integrated, it will be a completely new independent foreign organization. I will arrange a special task group for you, right? "    


"Of course. At least, the Jiya Group's business and foundation are much bigger and more convenient in the west compared to the Yangming Group."    


Originally, the Jiya Group was founded by Jiya, who had transformed into Han Mei. No one knew their company better than her.    


Although Han Mei seemed to have abandoned the Jiya Group for the sake of a new life and a new beginning, it would be hard for her to part with it in her heart.    


Faang Yang looked at the time. "Since that's the case, you guys should get to know each other. I will go and urge the merger of the overseas companies and keep in touch at all times!"    


Huaide and Lobo respectfully bowed. "Yes, Master."    


After returning to Jiangbei, Faang Yang rushed directly to Shen Tong's office. Seeing him in a rush, Shen Tong did not know what happened. "What happened?"    


Faang Yang took a breath and asked, "How is the merger with Yuv Mei going?"    


Shen Tong's face relaxed a little. "I thought it was something important. Such a big project definitely needs time. The progress is about one-third now."    


Faang Yang frowned. "Only one third? How long will it take if all the progress is completed? "    


"If all of them are done..." Shen Tong roughly calculated, "If all the procedures and documents are done quickly, two months should be enough time.    


But if there is any mistake, or if there is a segment that is stuck, then there will be an indefinite delay. "    


Faang Yang could not delay it for that long. "Two months? That time was too long, and he could not wait. Is there any way to complete it as quickly as possible? "    


Shen Tong did not know why Faang Yang was so anxious, but since this was his company, she could not say anything.    


"The problem now is not with us, but Yuv Mei. To be precise, it is with Jiya Group.    


Because this merger case came too hastily, there were no signs beforehand. Furthermore, the original chairman of the Jiya Group had vanished into thin air without leaving any words behind.    


Therefore, the projects established by the Jiya Group in various western countries would be suppressed to a certain extent. To put it bluntly, they wanted to take over the original assets of the Jiya Group as much as possible.    


If there is any way to clarify these controversial assets and get the official recognition, then the speed will be much faster."    


Faang Yang asked directly," How long will it take after the controversial assets are identified? "    


Shen Tong did not dare to speak carelessly, "Next is to submit it to the Ministry of Finance for approval. After it passes, it will basically be completed. The other small details can be carried out one after another."    


Faang Yang asked, "That is to say, the main point is the property rights problem of the West's disputed assets, as well as the approval of the local corrupt government, right? If these two things are done, there are no other problems? "    


Shen Tong nodded, "Yes. However, there are some things that I need to discuss with Yuv Mei in the end. After all, she is now the person in charge of the Jiya Group's reputation. "    


"Alright, I understand." After saying that, Faang Yang walked out. As he walked, he gave Shiwu Yu a call. "Let's go to the airport and fly to Kulun!"    


He rushed to the airport without stopping. Shiwu Yu was already waiting there. He jumped on the plane and flew directly to Kulun.    


On the plane, Shiwu Yu said to Faang Yang who was sitting beside him, "Mr. Faang, why do you suddenly want to go to Kulun?"    


Faang Yang replied, "I have no choice. There are some things that need to be done using some special methods. Do you think I am willing to be a flying person every day? How is your father recently? "    


Shiwu Yu sighed. "What else can we do? Ahuan and I don't dare to casually come to his room now. Now that we have nothing else to do, we will gather information and see if there is any suitable method, but we have gained little."    


Faang Yang comforted, "That is the Bright Holy Dress! How could it be so easy to get rid of it? He still had to think of a way slowly. At least your father's situation is still stable. That's a good thing."    


Shiwu Yu also understood." A good thing is a good thing. However, father's obsession is too deep. There are many things that he can't let go of. This makes it very difficult for us as his children. "    


Faang Yang looked out the window and said faintly, "There are a lot of things that can't be let go just like that. It's easy to say, but very hard to do... really hard. "    


There was a moment of silence in the cabin. The two of them did not speak. They each had their own thoughts and could only hear the sound of the engine.    


After landing smoothly at the Kulun airport, Faang Yang immediately called Yuv Mei. "Yuv Mei, where are you now?"    


Yuv Mei was very excited when she received Faang Yang's call. "Mr. Faang, I'm in the company now. Why are you looking for me?"    


Faang Yang walked out of the airport and called a taxi. "Give me your company address. I will go and find you now."    


Yuv Mei said in surprise, "Huh? You are in Kulun? Why didn't you call earlier so that I could pick you up!"    


Faang Yang said," There's no need for that. I'm not a child, can I still be lost? Tell me the address. I'm already in the car. "    


Yuv Mei quickly said, "The company address is 168 XX Street, Yuv Mei International. I will wait for you outside the company."    


"Okay, I will be there in a while."    


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