Super Golden Eye

C1767 At the Same Time

C1767 At the Same Time

At least before the Dark Wing was destroyed, Faang Yang didn't want to see the Light Church collapse. "Alright, I'll make a trip for you."    


After agreeing to Blatter's request, Faang Yang didn't have the time to greet anyone else and hurried out. Just as he walked to the entrance of the hotel, his phone rang again. This time, since it was Guu Luosi calling!    


A bad feeling rose in Faang Yang's heart, and he immediately picked up the call. "Don't tell me you were also attacked by Dark Wing!"    


Although Guu Luosi's voice was still calm, it could not hide his anxiety. "Yes! The people of the Dark Wing seemed to have appeared out of nowhere and attacked the headquarters of the Dark Council!"    


Faang Yang felt that his head was a little big. "Damn it! They actually attacked at the same time! What day is it today!? Why is everything happening together!?"    


Guu Luosi was stunned. "What do you mean? There are other things happening? "    


Faang Yang said, "A few minutes ago, I just received news that the Holy Light Mountain was also attacked by the Dark Wing. More than half of it has fallen!"    


Guu Luosi really did not receive any news about this. He seemed very surprised." The Holy Light Mountain has been breached, and more than half of the Holy Light Mountain has fallen? Did I hear it wrong?"    


The Dark Council and the Light Church had been entangled with each other for many years. They had been restraining each other and understanding each other. From the records, no one had ever heard of anyone attacking the Holy Light Mountain, let alone losing more than half of its forces!    


To the Light Church, it would definitely be a day where they would be nailed to the pillar of shame! It also pulled the Light Church down from the altar.    


Faang Yang said, "It's absolutely true. It seems like the situation is more serious than what you have encountered now."    


Speaking to himself, Cross said seriously, "Mr. Faang, although the headquarters of Dark Council can still hold on for the time being, it is not a long-term solution.    


There are not many people attacking Dark Council Headquarters. The main reason is that there is a strange magic barrier. As long as our people enter it, their strength will be instantly drained and they will be slaughtered.    


If you want to solve the problem, you must first break the formation outside. I've thought about it for a long time. Other than you, no one else seems to have this ability. So... please!"    


Faang Yang had no reason to refuse." Magic barrier? Alright, I will rush over as soon as possible. How long can you guys last? "    


Hearing Faang Yang agree, Cross' tone became much more relaxed. "At least within three days. As long as we don't go out, they won't be able to do anything."    


Faang Yang said," Got it. I will rush over as soon as possible. "    


The headquarters of Dark Council was a lone island that was suspended in the sea. In addition to the many years of management and the ferocity of the Dark Council Member, it was unrealistic to take it down in a short period of time.    


While driving, Faang Yang informed Shiwu Yu. After the two of them met at the airport, they talked about the cause and effect of the incident in the cockpit, and then discussed it with Shiwu Yu.    


"The situation is like this. Light Church and Dark Council are asking for help at the same time. We have to save both of them, but because of the different directions, we have to carefully consider which one to save first."    


A huge map was laid out in front of Shiwu Yu. The approximate coordinates of the two locations were circled out, and they kept gesturing.    


"Mr. Faang, in my opinion, we should go to Siberia first, then turn to the headquarters of Dark Council."    


Faang Yang asked, "Tell me what you think."    


Shiwu Yu pointed at the red circle on the map with his hand and said, "From what you just said, we can guess that Dark Wing's main purpose in attacking Holy Light Mountain.    


It was definitely a big deal to mobilize nearly a thousand experts at once. It was because of this that they did not have enough strength to deal with the Dark Council. They only set up a barrier to trap them.    


Since the Light Church was the most threatened, that's why I said we should go to the Siberia first."    


Faang Yang nodded slightly. "That makes sense. It's decided then. We will fly to the Siberia first! Put me down in front of the no-fly zone and wait for my news. "    


"Alright." After discussing it, Shiwu Yu started the plane and soared into the sky, heading towards Siberia.    


This was a quiet land. Due to the special geographical environment and the cold weather, few people had set foot on this land. It was also covered with a mysterious veil.    


In the north of the Siberia, near the Northern Ice District, there was a tall ice mountain. Surrounding it was the famous uninhabited area of the Siberia.    


In this region, there was a very powerful magnetic field. Anything modern would fail here.    


Shiwu Yu's aerial map showed that he was about to reach the no man's land. He immediately said to Faang Yang, "Mr. Faang, we are about to reach the no man's land. Get ready!"    


Faang Yang carried the parachute and stood in front of the cabin door. He made an OK gesture and said, "Get ready!"    


Shiwu Yu was close to the no man's land. He opened the cabin door, and Faang Yang jumped down.    


Shiwu Yu drove the plane and circled for a week before flying directly to the airport of New Siberia for supplies and maintenance.    


After Faang Yang jumped off the plane, he controlled his direction and falling speed and tried his best to fly towards the middle of the no man's land.    


Only when he was about a hundred meters above the ground did Faang Yang open his parachute and land steadily on the snow.    


Taking off the parachute on his body, Faang Yang took a deep breath, and like a gust of wind, he went straight to the largest snow mountain.    


With Faang Yang's strength, he increased his speed by ten times. It took him nearly three hours to reach the top of the snow mountain even though he was running at full speed.    


The strange thing was, Faang Yang found that other than snow, there was no one else at the top of the mountain!    


"Did I find the wrong person?"    


Faang Yang was enduring the boredom when the snow in front of him suddenly shook slightly. An old man with white hair and beard came out from under the snow!    


Although the old man in front of him looked kind and kind, Faang Yang had an extremely dangerous feeling. He respectfully bowed.    


"Old man, may I ask if there is a Penance Institution in Light Church nearby?"    


The old man kindly replied, "Why are you looking for Penance Institution?"    


Faang Yang was sure that this old man was also a member of Penance Institution. "It's like this. Holy Light Mountain was attacked by some foreign races, and only a few places like Pope Hall and Holy Pond were left.    


The spies that were left outside had all been destroyed and could not be contacted. That's why the Pope asked me to send a message for him. "    


A powerful aura burst out from the old man who looked like a rotten wood. His eyes were as sharp as lightning." What did you say?! Holy Light Mountain was attacked by a foreign race? Only Pope Hall and Holy Pond were left?"    


Faang Yang was caught off guard and was forced to take a few steps back by the powerful Qi. It was not easy for him to stand up, and his heart was like a raging storm.    


"I don't know the specific situation. I just told him what the current Pope said."    


He knew that the old man in front of him was not simple, but he did not expect him to be so powerful! And this was only one. God knows how many other powerhouses were there!    


The old man hurriedly retracted his aura and said apologetically, "Sorry, I lost control of myself for a moment and did not have the habit of controlling my emotions. We will immediately head to Holy Light Mountain, and any Pagan that blames Bright God... They will be judged by the light!"    


Faang Yang reminded, "Old sir, do you want to come down the mountain with me? I can use a plane to send you to Holy Light Mountain. "    


The old man rejected him very straightforwardly, "No need. If that is the case, it will be too late."    


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