Super Golden Eye

C1783 Secret Valley Ghost Stone

C1783 Secret Valley Ghost Stone

I got word from Baofu that the Spirit Invisibility Sect people have all left Jiangbei overnight. It seemed like Faang Yang's plan to establish his authority was very successful. At least, the people who stayed in Jiangbei had become much more obedient.    


With nothing to do for the time being, Faang Yang quietly went to the Secret Base in Blagoveshchensk. Han Mei was sparring with Huaide and the others. When she saw Faang Yang, she was very surprised. "Why are you here?"    


Faang Yang said with a smile, "I miss you guys, so I came to take a look. Don't worry about me. You guys continue."    


"Tch, it would be strange if I believed you!" Han Mei jumped out of the field and picked up a handkerchief to wipe her sweat. "Tell me, do you have any other ideas?"    


Huaide and Lobo also came over to greet Faang Yang. "Master."    


Faang Yang looked up and down. "En, not bad. After calming down, it seems that Han Mei's special training is still very useful to you."    


Huaide said gratefully, "Yes, Miss Han Mei is a genius! Her utilization of strength is simply superb. She opened a door for us and saw a new world!"    


Lobo also pounded his chest hard. "I feel stronger now. I can kill an elephant with one punch!"    


Faang Yang was amused. "Haha, then you have to take it easy. There are not that many elephants on Earth for you to fight."    


Han Mei drank some water and interrupted them. "Alright, let's ask what you are here for first. Before understanding your intentions, I am not confident."    


Faang Yang pointed at Huaide, "I am here to find him."    


Everyone was a little surprised. Huaide pointed at his own nose. "Looking for me? I wonder what business does master have with me?"    


Faang Yang took out a restored image of a Space Stone and said, "Have you ever seen a stone like this?"    


"Let me take a look." Huaide took the picture and looked at it carefully for a long time. He shook his head and said, "Sorry, I have never seen a stone like this."    


Faang Yang was a little disappointed, but Lobo, who was next to Huaide, glanced at it and said, "Hey, this kind of stone looks very familiar..."    


Faang Yang's eyes suddenly lit up. "You have seen it before?"    


Lobo tilted his head and thought for a long time. He suddenly clapped his hands. "I remember! At the back of our family's mountain, there was a small valley. There seemed to be a lot of this kind of stones on it.    


As long as people get close to them, they will mysteriously appear in another place. We all call them Ghost Stones."    


" Ghost Stones? They will be sent to another place when they get close? That's it! Hurry and bring me there!"    


Faang Yang was extremely excited. The ghost stone Lobo mentioned had the same attribute as the Space Stone! Most importantly, according to Lobo's words, there seemed to be a lot more!    


Lobo scratched his head. "It's nothing to bring you there. But that valley can't be entered at all! Once we get close, we'll disappear mysteriously. Some people even directly fell off the cliff! It's too dangerous."    


Although Faang Yang did not have any good ideas right now, if he did not seize such an opportunity, he would be letting himself down.    


"Let's go there first. We will make plans after we see the situation. What's wrong? Is it inconvenient?"    


Lobo said," That's not the case. It's just that the place is a bit remote. I also discovered it by chance back then. Since Master wants to go and take a look, I'll bring you there. When are you leaving? "    


How could Faang Yang sit still?" Of course, the sooner the better! Do you have anything else to do?"    


Lobo did not expect Faang Yang to be so anxious. He picked up his clothes and said, "Then let's go to the airport now? I don't know if there are any more flights. "    


Faang Yang did not want to wait. "The flight is easy. Let's go back to Jiangbei directly. It will be convenient for us to take the private plane back and forth."    


After Faang Yang and Lobo left in a hurry, Han Mei also came over to take a look at the picture. She looked puzzled. "What kind of stone is this? Is there anything special about it?"    


Huaide did not know how to explain. "Although I can't see it either, it must not be a common thing for adults to take a fancy to it."    


Han Mei threw the picture to the side. "You are right about that. Faang Yang is a profiteer. He does not get up early if there is no profit. I do not know what he is up to."    


Faang Yang and Lobo left Blagoveshchensk and quietly returned to Jiangbei. Mr. Shiwu was busy with the monitoring center and could not leave. He could only ask Wang Qiang to be the pilot.    


Under Lobo's guidance, they set the route and took the plane to Northern Europe. After more than ten hours, they saw mountains of different heights in the distance.    


Wang Qiang lowered the altitude of his flight. Lobo tried his best to identify them for a while and pointed to a canyon in the northwest direction. "That's it!"    


Wang Qiang circled in the air and dived straight down. Lobo and Faang Yang slid down from the rope. Wang Qiang drove the plane to the nearby airport for maintenance and replenishing fuel.    


After landing on the ground, Lobo pointed to the canyon in front of him and said to Faang Yang, "There is a cliff in the canyon. There is a hidden valley under the cliff. Ghost stone is there."    


Without Lobo saying anything, Faang Yang already felt an extremely powerful Space Power! He didn't expect that the treasure that he couldn't even find in the Light Church could not even be compared to an ordinary stone in this place!    


Rubbing his hands together, Faang Yang said to Lobo, "Lobo, do you want to go in with me?"    


Lobo shook his head like a rattle drum. "No, no, no, I dare not go in again. After going in that time, he was thrown out and broke two ribs. It was too scary."    


"Then wait for me here. I will go in myself." Faang Yang did not force himself and slowly moved towards the valley below the cliff.    


Lobo shouted nervously from above, "Master, you must be careful! If there is any situation outside, how can I go back to see Master Huaide and Master Han Mei!"    


Faang Yang said loudly, "Don't worry, I will be careful."    


The deeper they went, the stronger the Space Power became, and its movement was very irregular. Once the active Space Power came into contact with it, the situation like Lobo had said would appear.    


Moreover, the Space Power here was very variegated. It did not have a solid location, so only heaven knew where it would be transported to! It seemed like Lobo had suffered quite a bit, which was why he was so timid.    


Fortunately, with the help of the Golden Eye, Faang Yang could easily find a relatively safe passage. Less than 500 meters away, he walked for more than an hour before reaching the bottom of the valley.    


When he was above, the bottom of the valley was completely covered by snow and vegetation, and nothing could be seen. When he reached the bottom and saw the scene in front of him, Faang Yang sucked in a cold breath of air.    


The entire valley was less than a mile in circumference, and it was densely packed with Space Stones of different sizes!    


Faang Yang was extremely excited. "My goodness! I'm rich now!"    


However, with so many Space Stones, even if Faang Yang had Universe Bag, he could not store a few. He immediately took out his phone, wanting Wang Qiang to drive the plane over and transport more of them out.    


However, when he took out his phone and took a look, the phone that was known as the most powerful signal on Earth actually had no signal at all!    


Faang Yang helplessly put away the phone again, "Looks like this Space Power is really magical, I can only rely on myself."    


Since the Space Stone that could be brought out was limited, then he had to make proper use of the existing spatial resources. These Space Stones had different shapes and sizes, and they took up too much space.    


Faang Yang tried to slash out with his palm towards a smaller Space Stone beside him. However, before he could even touch the Space Stone, it had already disappeared!    


Faang Yang's true qi was not enough, so he could only try to use the Geomantic Omen Power.    


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