Super Golden Eye

C1824 The Ocean Imperial Palace

C1824 The Ocean Imperial Palace

Huaide and Lobo received Faang Yang's call and rushed to the Songjiang Pier on the third morning to meet up with him.    


After all the supplies were loaded onto a freighter, before dawn, they quietly left the pier and headed towards the deep sea.    


After leaving River Song, Faang Yang called Huaide, Lobo, Wang Qiang and Ji Ping together. "You all should get to know each other. Huaide, Wang Qiang is my brother. He will be fully responsible for the gambling of ships.    


I don't need to say what your main task is. It's not to question your ability, but to let you conserve your energy as much as possible."    


Huaide answered respectfully," Master, it's my honor to be able to serve you. It doesn't matter what I do. "    


Faang Yang reminded Wang Qiang again, "If there are any emergencies, discuss with Huaide. His strength is second only to Blood Clan Prince's. I believe he can give you suggestions in many places."    


Wang Qiang could also feel the hidden Pressure on Huaide and Lobo's bodies, so he suggested:    


"Faang Yang, I know you are taking my face into consideration. Actually, after you left that day, I thought about it for a long time. There was no need to be so conflicted.    


Now I have thought it through. As long as I can do something meaningful, everything else doesn't matter. Huaide's overall strength is stronger than mine. I'll let him be the supervisor. I'll be the assistant!"    


He never thought that Wang Qiang would have such a huge change! Faang Yang felt gratified in his heart, but he still rejected his proposal.    


"Wang Qiang, I'm very happy that you think that way. However, this appointment did not have much to do with one's strength.    


As I said earlier, Huaide and Lobo have more important things to do. They are just hanging around on the gambling boat.    


Think about it. Something could happen at any time on such a big gambling boat. If they are not on the boat, won't they deal with it?"    


Wang Qiang scratched his head." Since you say so, I'll just agree. Anyway, it's more or less the same for me. "    


Faang Yang said," We can work together to better protect our homeland and work hard to create a better tomorrow! "    


Faang Yang, the leader, did not put on airs, so the others did not feel any pressure. After a while, they became familiar with each other.    


On the way, they stopped on a deserted island. Mr. Shiwu parked the submarine there. After Huaide and Lobo went down to receive the submarine, they left Lobo and most of the people behind. Only Huaide followed them on the freighter.    


After driving for more than ten hours, the sky was close to dusk. From afar, they could see a mighty golden cruise ship parked on the sea's surface.    


Faang Yang stood on the bow of the ship with a group of people and looked into the distance. Ji Ping cried out in surprise, "Wow! Wow! Wow! It was too beautiful! It's like a palace floating on the sea!"    


Ji Ping did not mean to say it, but Faang Yang heard it pretty well. "Maritime Royal Palace? En, this name is not bad. It just so happens that I have a headache coming up with a good name. Consider it a great contribution to you!"    


Ji Ping was stunned." What? I just casually said it and named it?"    


Faang Yang looked at him with amusement. "What else do you want? Do you want to make another banner, knock on the gong and send it to your doorstep, and then do a national tour? "    


Ji Ping said bitterly, "No need. It's just that this is the first time I realized that I still have some artistic cells."    


Wang Qiang, who was beside him, honestly said, "Blind cats will always run into dead rats. There's nothing to show off about."    


Just like that, the two ships slowly leaned against each other. Anthony stood on the gambling boat and waved enthusiastically.    


"Hi! My brother, you are finally here! If I had come any later, I wouldn't have given this big guy to you! "    


The crew had already finished setting up the springboard. Faang Yang walked to Anthony's side and gave him a big hug.    


"Haha, you said we were brothers. If you really like this ship, I'll give it to you. At most, I'll just make another one and it'll be over."    


Anthony could not help but shake his head. "It's really not good for you to be together! A few hundred million worth of things, why does it sound like a child's play from your mouth? "    


Faang Yang smiled and said, "It doesn't matter how much money he has. As long as he knows it, it's not a problem. As long as he's here, won't he be able to earn more without money? "    


Anthony sighed with emotion. "No wonder the elders in the family gave you such a high evaluation. Just this realm is not something I can compare with. Comparisons really have to die!"    


"Alright, don't flatter me there. I'll introduce you to a few friends."    


Faang Yang waved his hand and called Wang Qiang and the others in front of him. "Wang Qiang and Ji Ping, you should know each other. These two are Huaide and Lobo.    


This ship will be called Maritime Royal Palace from now on, and they will be responsible for the daily affairs. But at the beginning, I will have to trouble you to take care of them for a few days.    


Of course, I won't let you help for free. They are all my brothers, and the Maritime Royal Palace is mine alone. I am willing to give 20% of the shares to you, how about it? No problem, right?"    


"20% of the shares? Are you joking?"    


Anthony was really shocked. He waved his hand in front of Faang Yang's eyes. "Are you out of your mind? Giving out 20% of the shares for no reason?    


Do you know how much profit this represents? The Passino family has a total of three gambling boats. I've never heard of anyone earning 20% from a single boat!"    


Faang Yang shrugged." Of course I know. But for me, although the more the better, it is not indispensable.    


If 20% of the shares can help you and gain the friendship of the Passino family, I don't think this is a losing deal."    


Anthony could be considered a person who had seen the world, but when faced with 20% of the shares that Faang Yang gave out out of thin air, he was a little bold.    


"Faang Yang, this matter has exceeded my ability. I need to report it to the elders first before I can give you an answer."    


Faang Yang waved his hand. "No need. I am giving this to you in my personal name, not to the Pacino family. Why should I report it to them?"    


Anthony quickly pulled Faang Yang to the side and lowered his voice. "Are you crazy? With such a loud voice, if someone heard it, I'm afraid the elders will ask me to go to Xiaohei's house again!"    


Faang Yang did not understand. "What are you afraid of? I will give you the money, do you need to be so careful? "    


Anthony smiled bitterly. "Do you think that everyone is like you? The Pacino family had been maintained until now, and no one knew how many factions it had been divided into.    


Sometimes, a single wrong word could lead to a fatal disaster! I've just been promoted, and I already have such a large amount of grey income... What would other people think?"    


Faang Yang looked at him strangely." What could they think? They earned money based on their own ability. How could others snatch it away? I thought you had great ability, but it turns out that you are also an embroidered pillow. It looks good, but it is useless! "    


Anthony completely ignored Faang Yang's sarcasm." Whatever you say, but this money, I really don't dare to take it! I appreciate your good intentions. Let me live a peaceful life. "    


Faang Yang did not force it. "Since you have difficulties, I will not say more. This way, from the official opening of the business, 20% of the profits will be split into one card each month.    


You don't need it now. Who knows if you will use it in the future? I will open a safe in the RS bank's safe deposit box and place the card inside. When you want to use it, you can withdraw it at any time."    


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