Super Golden Eye

C1856 The Blueprint from 20 Years ago

C1856 The Blueprint from 20 Years ago

Fallen Lord wasn't stupid. Faang Yang had left him in the West World without any worries. This time, Faang Yang had suddenly summoned him, and it wasn't because he wanted to have a drink with him.    


Faang Yang straightened his body and said, "Come and sit down. Do you know that the Dark Wing has a stronghold here?"    


Fallen Lord was not surprised. "I know. I was the one who sent this news."    


Faang Yang said, "Yes, I am going to use it to attack."    


Fallen Lord was shocked. "Master, are you joking? Although it is only a stronghold, its strength cannot be underestimated!"    


Faang Yang pressed his hands down. "Calm down, don't rush to make a conclusion. Isn't this a discussion with you? In your opinion, if there are two princes and ten Great Duke, can we do something about it?"    


" No! " Fallen Lord did not even need to think about it. He gave the answer directly. "If there are only these people, they will only be sending themselves to their deaths!    


Master, this stronghold could be said to be the hub of the South Coast of Dark Wing! I know about the matters between you and the Dark Wing, but you can't be so impulsive, right? "    


Faang Yang replied with a question," Then what do you want me to do? Continue to hide in Jiangbei, wait for the Dark Wing to settle the Light Church and Dark Council, then come and deal with me?    


I'm sorry, that's not my personality! Since he wants to take advantage of me, then I absolutely can't let him have a good time!    


I called you here today not to listen to your reasoning, but to tell you that I want to make a move on this stronghold! You only need to cooperate with my actions."    


His voice was not loud, but it was filled with an unquestionable aura. Fallen Lord felt suffocated as well. He couldn't help but take half a step back, but his heart was filled with shock.    


Before this, even if he was under Faang Yang's control, Fallen Lord had never truly acknowledged his strength. He only thought that Faang Yang had relied on the Evil Arts to succeed.    


But this time, just the unintentional release of his Qi had made the fallen party feel the pressure. This was enough to show how powerful he was.    


Realizing his awkwardness, Fallen Lord couldn't help but lower his head. "Master, if we add you, the chances of success might be higher."    


Faang Yang closed his eyes. "Of course I will participate. I will give you half a day. I want a map of the stronghold's internal route. Don't tell me you can't do it."    


Fallen Lord averted his gaze. "Master, I am afraid this matter will be a little troublesome..."    


Faang Yang yawned and looked at Fallen Lord with a smile that was not a smile. "For others, it may be troublesome, but for you, it shouldn't be difficult, right?"    


Fallen Lord's expression changed. "Sir, what do you mean by this?"    


Faang Yang said casually, "What do you mean? Don't forget that I once left a little bit of Xiaodong in your body. It was not only a catalyst, but also many other uses."    


Faang Yang deliberately paused when he said this. Seeing that Fallen Lord's face had turned pale, he continued, "Do you want me to say it, or do you want me to say it myself?"    


Fallen Lord completely stepped on Faang Yang's rhythm and said with a bitter smile, "The Eastern Dao Art is indeed magical! That's right, I did escape from this stronghold.    


When I reported this stronghold, I actually just wanted to ask the lord to give them some trouble. I never thought of completely pulling him out.    


It was precisely because I escaped from this place that I understood how terrifying it was! Even if Sir attacked together with me, it might not necessarily succeed!"    


" All you need to do is to tell me what you know. As for whether you succeed or not, I will naturally bear the responsibility. " As expected, it was a scam! Faang Yang was secretly delighted in his heart.    


There was so much information about the Dark Wing in his hands, but this was the most complete and accurate one. Furthermore, it was reported by Fallen Lord. Could it be a coincidence?    


If Fallen Lord refused to admit it, then there was nothing Faang Yang could do about it. If his defense mechanism was really so magical, he wouldn't have to spend so much time on it.    


Fallen Lord didn't think too much about it. Ever since he met Faang Yang, he had been shocked by all kinds of miraculous things that he had created. It seemed like nothing was impossible in front of him.    


After hesitating for a long time, Fallen Lord finally compromised. He took out a USB from his chest and handed it over.    


"Master, since you want to pull it out, then I have nothing to say. This is the blueprint of the former stronghold that I drew.    


However, this was twenty years ago. I am not sure how much it has been changed. I need you to make the judgment yourself."    


Faang Yang reached out and took the USB." You can go back first. I will contact you again when we move out. "    


"Yes." Fallen Lord bowed respectfully and turned to board the plane. His speed was so fast that he wished he could grow a pair of wings. It seemed that Faang Yang had left a shadow in his heart.    


After Fallen Lord left on the water plane, Faang Yang once again dived into the water and returned to the submarine.    


Huaide and Lobo greeted him at the door. "Master, you are back."    


"Yes." Fang Yang dried his clothes first, then handed the USB to Huaide. "This is the blueprint of the stronghold, but it was twenty years ago. Let's make a reference first."    


Huaide could not help but be overjoyed, and quickly held it tightly in his hand. "With this, at least the possibility of our plan succeeding will be much higher.    


Such a large-scale fortification basically has a good framework. There will not be many changes in decades. At most, it will be supplemented with details. It is very useful!"    


Although Faang Yang's clothes were dry, the sea salt particles stuck to his body. He felt a little uncomfortable. "You guys take care of it first. I'll go take a shower and change my clothes."    


When he returned to his room, Faang Yang took a shower and changed his clothes. When he came out, he saw that Huaide and Lobo were still gesturing with serious expressions.    


Faang Yang walked over. "What's wrong? Is there a new problem?"    


Huaide smiled bitterly. "Master, if what is written on it is true, then it is not just a difficult problem that can be described. You can take a look."    


Huaide flashed to the side and let Faang Yang sit at the main seat. He explained to him by the side, "Master, look at what is written on it. It is not a stronghold. It is clearly an underground fortress!    


We only had five floors on the ground and three floors underground before. But this secret map actually has seven floors underground!    


And from the description marked on it, the four floors below are all secret gene research institutes. I'm afraid there are a lot of experts hidden here. This is not something we can deal with."    


Faang Yang listened to Huaide's explanation and looked around the map. The map was very detailed. The entire stronghold was divided into three parts.    


The fifth floor of the ground part was mainly for normal business, as well as negotiation and transportation work. The relative strength was relatively weak.    


The underground part was divided into two parts. The first three floors were mainly the warehouse area and the equipment area. There was a large amount of resources piled up, and the guards were already very strong.    


And further down, there were four more floors, which was where the highlight was. The Dark Wing's Gene Research Institute was the place where Fallen Lord had escaped to.    


Apart from a large number of experts stationed there, there must also be quite a number of test subjects left behind by the Dark Wing.    


Although their strength might not be comparable to Fallen Lord's, they were still first-class experts. Any one of them wouldn't be much weaker than the prince of the Blood Clan.    


After Faang Yang took a closer look, he couldn't help but shake his head. "Tsk tsk, what a good guy. I wanted to fight a watchdog, but I didn't expect to provoke a hornet's nest. This is going to be interesting."    


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