Super Golden Eye

C1854 Wilder Requested to Fight

C1854 Wilder Requested to Fight

Faang Yang waved his hand. "No need. You just need to send the photo of the gun to the monitoring center and let them keep an eye on it. You don't need to look for it openly anymore.    


Songda was entrusted by someone to do so. The target is me. If he doesn't achieve his goal, the buyer won't give him any reward, so he will definitely take the next step. "    


Baofu said hatefully," How dare a tiny Black Mage be so arrogant? It's best not to offend me! "    


Faang Yang said seriously, "There are experts in Black Mage too. This Songda is very difficult to deal with. Especially those strange Descending Techniques, it's hard to guard against them. We still have to be careful. "    


Bao Fu said, "Master, I admit that the Descending Technique is indeed very strange, but it is mainly used against strangers. Don't forget, I already died once.    


In principle, I'm already a dead person, so why would I be afraid of his Descending Technique? Besides, I have the Blood Bead with me. The Descending Technique can't do anything to me."    


Faang Yang patted his head." Look at my memory. You are really the natural enemy of the Black Mage. This is good too. With you in Jiangbei, I don't have to worry about what tricks he will use against others. "    


Baofu lowered his hand and said, "Master, don't worry. I will do my best to ensure the stability of Jiangbei! You also need to be careful. "    


Fang Yang said casually, "I don't need you to tell me. My own life is more important than anyone else's. If I die just like that after earning such a big fortune, it would be all thanks to you? "    


Baofu also knew that Faang Yang was joking, so he didn't take it seriously. After bowing, he turned around and left to settle his own matters.    


After Baofu left, Faang Yang returned to the hotel alone. He ate something in the restaurant to ease his suppressed mood.    


Halfway through his meal, his phone rang. He picked it up and saw that it was Huaide calling. He immediately picked up the call. "Huaide, what's the matter?"    


Huaide said respectfully over the phone, "Master, the preparation work for the early stage is almost done. Can we start moving?"    


Faang Yang reminded him, "Huaide, you have to think clearly. Once it starts, it will never stop! There must be casualties in the battle. Are you really ready? "    


Huaide was very calm. "Master, in the Blood Clan, we have to face all kinds of competition since we were young. We will not be affected by anything."    


Faang Yang thought for a while and said, "In that case, I will meet up with you as soon as possible. Let's do the first operation together."    


Huaide said, "Okay. Where can I meet up with master?"    


Faang Yang pondered for a moment and said, "I am not sure now either. Wait for my call. I will gather the latest intelligence and find the target first. Then, I will inform you."    


Huaide did not ask any more questions. "Understood. I will wait for the master's notice."    


After hanging up the phone, Faang Yang contacted Baofu. "Baofu, do you have any news about Dark Wing recently?"    


Baofu said, "The information is very complicated, but there are not many useful ones."    


Faang Yang asked, "How many of the strongholds of the Dark Wing can be confirmed?"    


"Master, please wait for a moment."    


Baofu was silent for a while. After a few minutes, he said again, "There are only two places that can be confirmed. One is in America's Luo Fu state, and the other is at the border between America and X country."    


Faang Yang did not even think about it and directly said, "Try to clarify the situation of the stronghold in Luo Fu state. You can start with it."    


Baofu immediately said, "I will sort out the information as soon as possible."    


Faang Yang was not in the mood to eat. "Ask Baiyi to send me to the sea. After you have sorted out the information, just send it to me directly."    


After the two of them discussed it, they split up and acted separately. Half an hour later, Faang Yang took a private plane and flew towards the public sea.    


Before boarding the plane, Faang Yang and Huaide made a phone call and asked him to start moving towards South Coast in the United States. They marked the coordinates of the meeting of both parties on the sea map.    


Three hours later, the plane arrived above the coordinates and saw the submarine floating out of the water. Faang Yang greeted Hundred Eyed Daoist and jumped down when he was circling at a low altitude.    


After successfully boarding the submarine, Huaide and Lobo stood on the deck with people to welcome him. "Master."    


Faang Yang waved his hand. "Let's talk inside. The target outside is too big."    


The group entered the submarine and immediately dived into the deep sea. Everyone else had their own duties. Only Huaide and Lobo followed Faang Yang to the meeting room.    


After sitting down, Fang Yang first looked at the information sent by Baofu on his phone. Then, he used the projection device and projected it onto the wall.    


"Dark Wing is not so easy to deal with. Although I have collected a lot of information about them, it is hard to tell if they are real or fake.    


However, this stronghold in South Coast, America, should be able to confirm that it is real. It is also the target that I have chosen. "    


Huaide and Lobo carefully looked at the pictures and introductions in the projection, and had a basic understanding of the stronghold.    


Lobo knew that he was stupid. At a time like this, he only needed to listen. Huaide raised his question.    


"Master, this stronghold seems to be in a remote location, but it is not far from the port and the navy base. It will not be easy to quietly destroy it."    


Faang Yang analyzed, "From the information on it, this should be an important stronghold of Dark Wing. It is very likely to be the key place to control the entire South Coast.    


If I am not wrong, there should be a considerable amount of wealth inside it. If it is just destruction, it will be a huge consumption and loss to us.    


So my principle is to fight! While attacking our opponents, we will also obtain enough spoils of war. Not to mention how many of them are left, at least we won't lose too much."    


Huaide was a little worried." Master, I understand what you mean. But this way, the difficulty will increase greatly, and the chances of casualties will also increase exponentially. I have to consider it!"    


Faang Yang also admitted it. "Indeed, if you want to gain something, you naturally have to pay a price. But think about it. A stronghold like this can only rely on a surprise attack to see the results.    


Since we have already charged in, what's the problem with obtaining spoils of war after the battle? "    


Lobo could not help saying," Can't we just use the underground missile? This can at least ensure the safety of the people. "    


Faang Yang shook his head. "This time, we really can't! Not to mention whether the underground missile could really penetrate the defense of the stronghold, as long as they opened fire, they would immediately be exposed!    


Next to us is the navy base. Do you think our submarine can stop the siege of the entire navy base?    


Besides, if there is a large amount of weapons and ammunition in the stronghold, causing a huge explosion, it will cause a large number of innocent casualties. This is not something that I do not wish to see."    


Huaide naturally would not argue with Faang Yang." Since Master has already made up his mind, we will just act according to Master's orders. "    


Faang Yang said seriously, "Huaide, Lobo, I hope you guys understand one thing. I have said before that you will be responsible for the operation of Dark Wing, so I won't say anything.    


The reason why I came here this time is because of the uncertainty of the information. I don't want you guys to be in danger. Secondly, I want to see your ability to change on the spot!    


Thus, I'm only giving my opinion. As for how to act and how to arrange it, I'll leave it up to you to decide!    


From now on, you will treat me as an ordinary member under your command and arrange tasks for me according to the requirements."    


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