Super Golden Eye

C1861 Wade's Awareness

C1861 Wade's Awareness

In Dark Lord's mind, although Faang Yang was a dangerous opponent, he had never thought that Faang Yang would have such an ability. Or, it could be said that he had the courage and courage to play such a big game.    


After all, the Light Church and Dark Council were deeply rooted in their roots. Although the Dark Wing had launched a sneak attack on them, which had severely injured their vitality, they still had some foundation.    


If it was anyone else, they would think that it was some family who had been unfair to them. They would use their own methods to take revenge on others. Since they had the intention to take revenge, they would naturally take this side as their main target.    


The mistake in their strategy was destined to be a waste of all their efforts. The real murderer, however, was taking a ride on the sea.    


The incident in South Coast had caused a new wave of bloodshed in the West World. The Light Church and Dark Council had yet to recover from their previous injuries, and they were now suffering from revenge once again.    


One of the five major bases of Dark Wing had been destroyed. The loss was huge. Under the heavy pressure, all of their anger had been vented on the Dark Council and the Light Church.    


The Light Church and the Dark Council had just suffered a huge loss at the hands of the Dark Wing, but before they could recover from it, they were once again attacked by someone, causing them to become really angry.    


If the tiger didn't show its strength, would it really become a sick cat? The two old powers had once again reached an agreement under the overbearing imposing manner of the Dark Wing. As long as the Dark Wing didn't surrender, the two sides wouldn't start a war anymore!    


Although the Dark Wing was strong, they had indeed gained some advantages. However, that was only under the circumstances of their sudden attack.    


Once they walked from the bottom to the surface and faced the powerful counterattack of these two forces, the Dark Wing immediately felt a different kind of pressure.    


Almost every public stronghold suffered a strong attack and suffered heavy losses. Many businesses and territories were redistributed. The entire West World was in chaos.    


Faang Yang sat on Corpse Devouring Beast King's back and received a message from Fallen Lord. After reading it, he let out a soft laugh. "Hehe, perfect! This is the result I want to see."    


Killing someone with a borrowed knife was the cause of the disaster. The flames of war had successfully shifted back to the West World. No matter what the final outcome was, it had at least given him precious time to catch his breath.    


Two days later, they finally arrived at the sea region where the war with Light Church had taken place. Faang Yang asked Corpse Devouring Beast King to stop and said, "This is the place. Let's dive."    


Corpse Devouring Beast King brought Faang Yang along and dived all the way down. They saw the Haitian villa that was surrounded by the formation. It had been so long, but because of the protection of the formation, there were no changes.    


Faang Yang rearranged the formation and expanded the area. Even if all the Corpse Devouring Beast entered, it wouldn't feel crowded.    


In any case, it didn't need to be waterproof. The modification process was much simpler. It was completed in less than an hour.    


After the remodelling was completed, Faang Yang placed array symbols on the foreheads of all the Corpse Devouring Beasts, allowing them to freely enter and exit the formation barrier.    


After doing all this, Faang Yang said to Corpse Devouring Beast King, "You all will live in this sea region from now on. Try not to go too far.    


If you encounter danger or die of old age, then you must return here. This is what we discussed before."    


Corpse Devouring Beast King was still very satisfied with the environment of this region of the sea. "No problem, I promise you!"    


After getting Corpse Devouring Beast King's answer, Faang Yang did not say anything else. "Alright, you guys continue to familiarize yourselves with the environment. I have something to do, so I will leave first. I will come to see you when I have time in the future. "    


Corpse Devouring Beast King said solemnly, "Thank you for helping us regain our freedom. If you need anything from us in the future, just say it!"    


"Okay, I wish you all a happy life!" After a simple farewell, Faang Yang returned to the submarine and said directly to Huaide:    


"Return at full speed. Arrange another room for me. It's almost soaked to the point of becoming a salted fish."    


The best and largest room had already been given to Faang Yang, but now he had to arrange another one. Although Huaide felt a little puzzled, he did not say anything.    


"Sir, why don't you go to Lobo's room? His room is the biggest other than your room. The submarine has limited space, so there are no extra rooms. "    


Huaide was obviously the one in charge other than Faang Yang, but he left the good room to Lobo. This made Faang Yang look at him in a higher light.    


"No need. Go to your room. I'll take a shower and change my clothes. "    


"Okay, as long as you don't mind." Huaide brought Faang Yang to his room. He was treated the same as his other subordinates.    


The only difference was that the other members had two rooms, while Huaide had one. After taking a shower and changing his clothes, Faang Yang went to the small meeting room.    


Huaide immediately got someone to bring a table of big meals over. "Sir, let's eat something first."    


Faang Yang really felt hungry. He did not stand on ceremony and sat down to greet Huaide and Lobo. "The two of you don't need to stand. Sit down and eat together. There are no outsiders."    


"Thank you, master."    


Huaide and Lobo had known each other for a long time. They knew that Faang Yang did not put on airs and was very easy to get along with other than proper business.    


When they were eating, no one said anything. After they finished eating, the servants brought fruit plates and refreshments. Huaide carefully asked, "My lord, did the South Coast base really be destroyed?"    


Faang Yang took a sip of hot tea and said, "En, it seems that my luck is not bad. I just found a good opportunity to get rid of it."    


Huaide's face was full of admiration. "It's simply unbelievable! That was simply an impossible mission! Master is too outstanding. "    


Faang Yang put down the teacup." Didn't I say it? It was just that my luck was better. After we go back, you guys continue to follow beside the Maritime Royal Palace, and try to avoid probing the Dark Wing.    


After suffering such a huge loss, the Dark Wing has now become a mad dog that bites whoever it sees. We have already gotten into a fight with the Light Church and the Dark Council. Don't let us get in the way again."    


Huaide could also think of the key to the problem." Indeed, the Dark Wing discovered it too smoothly in the past. They had never encountered any decent setbacks.    


In addition to the continuous suppression of Light Church and the Radiant Congress, the entire organization was somewhat inflated. Being slapped in the face like this, they will definitely express something. It's a pity that I don't have the chance to participate in this operation."    


Faang Yang said with a smile," I don't have the chance this time. There's still a next time, right? Most importantly, our strategic goal has been achieved. It can also be considered a victory! "    


Huaide wanted to show off in front of Faang Yang, but he missed the best opportunity. "I suddenly understand one thing."    


Faang Yang looked at him with amusement. "What reason?"    


Huaide said very seriously, "It is as long as the master decides on something. No matter how unreal it seems, just do it. It is definitely right!"    


Faang Yang was amused by his words. "Haha, this is a little too much worship. I was just lucky for a moment. I can't always be lucky. "    


Huaide shook his head. "Luck is only one aspect. Sir has an indescribable thing on him. I don't know how to describe it."    


Faang Yang encouraged him. "There will be a chance! I asked you to come because I want to show you guys a stage. One day, all of you will be the most outstanding main characters! "    


Huaide kept Faang Yang's words in his heart, and then he reported a situation." Master, not long after you left the submarine, there were some changes to the submarine.    


I have gathered all the technical staff, but after four rounds of inspection, I still did not find the problem. "    


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