Super Golden Eye

C1872 The Heavenly Demonic Sect Master

C1872 The Heavenly Demonic Sect Master

Faang Yang opened the cabin door and said, "It's better to have some free time. I don't think I have any free time. You can go back. You don't have to wait for me. "    


Seeing that Faang Yang was about to leave, Han Mei could not help but shout again, "You really don't need me to stay behind to accompany you?"    


Faang Yang waved his hand. "No need. I can handle it!"    


Walking out of the airport, Faang Yang took a taxi. "Master, Hongyun Hotel."    


The driver looked at Faang Yang through the rearview mirror. "Sir, do you want to eat or stay at the hotel? Let's change to another hotel. "    


Faang Yang was confused. "Why?"    


The driver kindly explained, "I took a guest to Hong Yun Hotel this morning, but he told me that it was closed for the whole day!    


Even the guests who had checked in earlier all left. I saw that Sir came from afar and didn't want you to be nailed. "    


Faang Yang smiled and said, "It's fine. Send me there. If it really doesn't work, I'll think of another way."    


The driver saw that he had said something, but Faang Yang did not change anything, so he did not say anything. "Okay."    


He did not expect Wuxie to say that he only wanted to reserve the top floor, but now the entire hotel was not open for business. This was really cruel.    


40 minutes later, the car stopped in front of the Hongyun Hotel. Before it stopped, two big and strong security guards walked over and shouted:    


"Go, go, go! You again. Didn't I tell you that our hotel is not open for business today? Don't you want to stay here anymore? "    


As a top-class hotel in QH, Hong Yun Hotel had many drivers who relied on it to make money.    


However, due to various considerations, only cars recognized by Hong Yun Hotel could be parked outside. If they were not able to receive guests here in the future, it would be a huge loss.    


The driver hurriedly smiled and said, "Please calm down, brothers. I'll leave now, I'll leave now."    


Faang Yang was a little unhappy when he saw that he was going to ruin other people's business by taking a car. He said to the driver, "Don't move. I'll take care of it."    


The two security guards saw that the car was not moving and wanted to chase them away. However, they were glanced at by Faang Yang and felt as if they had fallen into an ice cellar. It was difficult for them to breathe.    


Faang Yang took out his phone and dialed Wuxie's number. He only said one sentence, "I'm at the hotel entrance."    


After hanging up the phone, in less than a minute, they saw a figure rushing out of the hall. It was Wuxie. He looked around and went straight to the taxi.    


The two security guards were from the Heavenly Devil Sect, so they naturally recognized Wuxie. They quickly bowed and said, "Young master."    


Wuxie ignored them and went over to open the door for Faang Yang, "Master, you're here."    


"Yes." Faang Yang agreed. He took out five red tickets and handed them to the driver. "Master, this is the money for the car."    


The driver was also a man with good eyesight. He could naturally tell that Faang Yang had an even greater background. He did not dare to accept his money. "No need, no need. It is my honor to be able to give you a ride."    


"It is only right and proper to pay by car. Take it."    


Faang Yang didn't say anything. He stuffed the money into the driver's hand and said to Wuxie, "Tell your men to remember this man. Take care of this car in the future."    


"One word!" Wuxie kicked the guard beside him. "Did you hear what master said just now? Do you know what to do now?"    


The guard answered, "Don't worry, master. I will do it properly."    


" At least you know what to do. " After Wu Xie gave his instructions, he led Faang Yang and said, "Sir, please come in."    


Faang Yang didn't say anything. He followed Wuxie into the exclusive elevator and went straight to the top floor.    


After they left, the security guard who was kicked said to the driver with an envious look, "guy, you have met someone important today.    


Let's go. Come with me to register. In the future, as long as there are guests calling for a car in the hotel, I will give priority to you."    


The driver was overjoyed and hurriedly stuffed the five red tickets in the hands of the security guards." My two brothers are also my benefactors. It's been so hard every day. Buy a box of cigarettes and smoke. "    


"You sure know how to do things!" The security guard was amused. He did not refuse. It had to be known that the fare for a hotel guest was a small amount, and the tip was the biggest! This bit of money could be earned back in one or two trips.    


Faang Yang naturally did not know how big of an impact a casual sentence of his would have on the fate of an ordinary driver.    


The elevator reached the top floor. Once they walked out, it felt like they were in a garden. There were green vegetation everywhere. The dining table and chairs were cleverly hidden within, making people feel relaxed and relaxed.    


In addition, this was the top floor of the hotel. Although it wasn't the tallest building in QH, it was still the top few. Basically, the entire scene of QH's city could be seen.    


Wuxie led the way, "Master, the master is in the revolving restaurant in front of us."    


Faang Yang took a deep breath and adjusted his condition. "Wuxie, do you need to pay attention to anything when meeting your master?"    


Wuxie shook his head, "No need. There is nothing to pay attention to. Just say whatever you want. I am always like this. "    


Faang Yang rolled his eyes. "You are you, I am me. How can it be the same? Forget it, I am too lazy to talk to you. "    


While they were talking, the two of them had already reached the entrance of the restaurant. Wuxie shouted loudly from outside, "Master, Mr. Faang has arrived."    


Soon, the two girls opened the door and said crisply, "Master, please!"    


Faang Yang nodded his head symbolically, "Thank you."    


Walking into the revolving restaurant, there was actually a fake mountain and a fountain in a room close to three hundred square meters. But other than the two girls, there was no one else.    


Wuxie seemed to be more familiar with these girls, so he casually asked, "Xiaolan, where's the master?"    


The girl on the left replied, "The master is changing his clothes. He will come out immediately. Please forgive him, Mr. Fang."    


Faang Yang smiled and said, "No rush. I came early."    


Xiaolan led the two to a stone platform. "Please take a seat. What do you need?"    


Faang Yang pointed at the fruits on the stone platform. "These are enough. No need to trouble me. I'm not here to eat. Please do as you wish. "    


"Mr. Fang, if you need anything, you can call me at any time." After saying that, Xiaolan and her companions retreated to the back.    


Faang Yang discovered that these girls didn't look old, but each of them had the strength of a Heaven Rank! Furthermore, it seemed as if they were standing casually, but it faintly coincided with the meaning of the four symbols, surrounding him in the middle.    


This made Faang Yang very shocked. Sure enough, Heavenly Demon Sect had hidden their true strength! Could it be that they were able to have a brief moment of peace with the Kunlun Sect? It was only because they had a strong foundation that they could do it.    


After sitting for a few minutes, they heard the ringing of the flower formation. Xiaolan immediately said respectfully, "Sect Master has arrived!"    


The door to the inner room opened. A person in a green long dress, a yellow jacket, and hair tied up in a fairy bun was seen. His eyebrows were like the distant mountains, and his eyes were like the stars and the moon. He pointed his red lips and looked around.    


The most important thing was that the Heavenly Demon Sect's Sect Master looked to be only seventeen or eighteen years old! He was not even as old as Wuxie!    


Faang Yang's mouth twitched. He whispered to Wuxie, "This is Heavenly Devil Sect Master?"    


Wuxie nodded solemnly. "That's right. Zi Huan, the current Heavenly Devil Sect Master, is up there!"    


Faang Yang was puzzled. "But she looks very young..."    


Wuxie quietly pointed at the four girls around him. "Do you think these girls are young? How strong are they?"    


Faang Yang naturally couldn't stop him with the help of the Golden Eye. "They should be around the age of ten to twelve, and they are at least at the Heaven Rank.    


This is also one of my puzzles. Even if he started cultivating in his mother's womb, he wouldn't have such a high cultivation base, right?    


If everyone in Heavenly Demon Sect is like this, then those so-called geniuses will all be a joke. They can all line up and commit suicide. "    


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