Super Golden Eye

C1882 What Was Supposed to Come Would Always Come

C1882 What Was Supposed to Come Would Always Come

Chen Mo ignored him. Lee Anqi glared at him. "The pot is over there. If you want to eat it, go and get it yourself."    


"Hey, don't be so fierce, okay?" Faang Yang felt wronged. He took some noodles and put them next to the two girls. Lucky, Wuh Tu, and Wuh Li tactfully moved to the side.    


Faang Yang said as he ate, "Chen Mo, how will the supplies be distributed today?"    


Although Chen Mo was not cold to Faang Yang, when it came to work matters, she was still very attentive.    


"It is very difficult. The terrain of Bead Ancient Holy Plain is complicated, the population is small, and the accommodation is very scattered. Moreover, they seem to reject us very much, and even refuse to accept the resources sent out! "    


Faang Yang asked, "What are the resources sent over this time?"    


Chen Mo replied, "Mainly cotton clothing, quilt, and tents. There are also some food and jerky."    


Faang Yang put down the noodles in his hands. "Can you give me a list?"    


Chen Mo looked at him, turned around, and went back to the tent. When she came out, she held a piece of paper in her hand. "It's all on this."    


Faang Yang took the list and walked to the front of the three people. "Take a look. This is the goods sent to you. It's freezing in the sky. Organize it and send it to the people who need it the most as soon as possible."    


Although the three of them ignored Chen Mo and the others, now that Faang Yang had spoken, it was completely different. "We will follow the decree. We will gather everyone right away."    


After saying that, Ji Mo let out a clear roar that tore through the sky. The howl was long and distant, and it seemed to have some sort of special charm.    


In less than ten minutes, Faang Yang saw people gathering in groups of twos and threes. After an hour, nearly a thousand people had gathered outside.    


Ji Jie seemed to be very familiar with everyone. After checking, he said to Faang Yang, "Lord Zhu Gu, other than Ren Zeng and Suo Lang, who have not all their patients, all the people have arrived."    


Faang Yang nodded. "Very good. You are more familiar with the situation. You see that the distribution of these resources is better. You will be in charge. We are in charge of registration and distribution."    


Ji Jie was a little hesitant. "Lord Zhu Gu, this is not appropriate, right? You are the owner of the Sacred Origin."    


Faang Yang interrupted him. "There is nothing wrong with it. If I tell you to, then so be it. Where are the rules?"    


"Alright." Ji Jie looked at the list in his hand helplessly and started to call out names one by one. More and more people came out to receive the supplies, then knelt and left.    


Everyone had a clear division of labor. Even so, when the last tent was distributed, it was already night time. The group of people didn't even have time to eat.    


But Chen Mo looked very happy. "Haha, this time it really went too smoothly! Faang Yang, you really have a way to trick people. I didn't expect you to have the potential to be a fraud."    


As soon as Chen Mo said those words, she saw Ji Jie, Wuh Tu, and Wuh Li surrounding her in the middle. A powerful Qi emerged from her body and completely locked onto Chen Mo.    


Faang Yang was startled. He hurriedly rushed over to protect Chen Mo." Misunderstanding. Don't use your True Qi. She was just joking. Disperse. Disperse. "    


Wuh Tu glared at Chen Mo. "Anyone who disrespected Zhu Gu will enter the Avīci Infernal Realm!"    


Chen Mo's face was pale. She was surrounded by three Heaven Rank Late Period warriors at the same time. That kind of pressure absolutely made people not want to face her a second time.    


Subconsciously leaning against Faang Yang, Chen Mo asked in a trembling voice, "Faang Yang, I didn't say anything either. Why are they so angry?"    


Faang Yang said in a low voice, "Because they think I am the reincarnation of the holy spirit they worship. Naturally, they won't allow anyone to profane the god in their hearts.    


On this side, you must learn to respect the faith of others. Don't speak carelessly. It is very easy to cause trouble. "    


Chen Mo asked in surprise, "There is such a thing? Then why didn't you tell me?"    


Faang Yang innocently spread out his hands, "Blame me me? You didn't ask. Why would I say all this? "    


Lee Anqi quickly came over to comfort Chen Mo. "Alright, alright. All of you, quiet down. Aren't you tired after working for a day? Master Wu has already finished cooking. Let's go and eat something first."    


Faang Yang wanted to call Ji Zhe, Wuh Tu, and Wuh Li over to have some hot food. But they firmly refused to sit with Chen Mo. They would rather starve than eat!    


Faang Yang really had no way to deal with these stubborn tempers. He could only let them go and come back to eat with Chen Mo and the others.    


The night in Bead Ancient Holy Plain was long and quiet. The dancing bonfire was the only light on the ice plains.    


On a snowy hill far away, two figures stood side by side, paying attention to the situation beside the bonfire. One of them was Chen Tao, who had been missing for a long time!    


Putting down the telescope in his hand, Chen Tao said to the person beside him, "Kumu, it seems that our guess is correct. Faang Yang is indeed afraid that we will attack Chen Mo. He has already arrived."    


Kumu asked, "I heard that the two of you are old acquaintances. Do you have confidence in dealing with him?"    


Chen Tao replied very straightforwardly, "I do not have confidence in killing him or defeating him, but it is not a problem to delay him."    


Kumu's voice was cold, "As long as you can stall him, it will be fine. Leave those two girls to me."    


Chen Tao reminded, "Are you sure you want to fight? What Chiang Bochu meant was that he did not want to become enemies with Faang Yang. If he isn't happy, who will bear the responsibility? I can't afford to offend him."    


Kumu was a little unhappy." What are you afraid of? Could it be that I, Putuo, am one level lower than his Kunlun? Besides, wasn't it also to increase the chances of success for our future operations?    


You don't have to worry. If Chiang Bochu really causes trouble, I will bear all the responsibility! It's no big deal."    


" It's settled with your words! " Chen Tao adjusted his condition. "Then I'll go into stealth now and attack in five minutes!"    


Kumu nodded vigorously. "Okay!"    


It was late. With the reaction of the plateau and the cold weather, everyone went back to their tents to rest after eating.    


Only Faang Yang, Chen Mo, and Lee Anqi were left by the bonfire. Ji Jie, Wuh Tu, and Wuh Li were sitting in the distance, like old monks meditating.    


Chen Mo remembered the scene before and was still a little scared. She asked in a low voice, "Faang Yang, these people are so scary. Their cultivation is obviously very high, but I can't sense their existence at all."    


Faang Yang said in a low voice, "They are the real cultivators. This is their home, their root. Their souls and bodies have already merged with this heaven and earth, so you can't sense them."    


Lee Anqi held Chen Mo's hand. "Momo, when you go back this time, put your work aside. It would be dangerous for a girl to run around like this every day.    


Just like today, if Faang Yang is not around, how do you think we should end this? We can't always think of a better way."    


After this incident, Chen Mo did not want to be as persistent as before. "Faang Yang, do you think there will be someone who will attack me? Really?"    


Before she could finish, she saw Faang Yang suddenly stand up and release his aura. "Of course it's true, because he's already here!"    


Almost at the same time, a flash of saber light rushed from the right side of Faang Yang's back. Faang Yang raised his right hand, and the Dragon Scale Sword was already in his hand.    


With a light twist of his feet, he dodged the air attack. With a backhand attack, he struck three times, forcing the opponent to retreat. Seeing the person in front of him, Faang Yang was not surprised at all.    


"Chen Tao, you really came! You have disappeared for so long. It seems you are very confident in yourself."    


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