Super Golden Eye

C1884 Snow Peak Stone Room

C1884 Snow Peak Stone Room

Lee Anqi and Chen Mo were skeptical. "Really?"    


Faang Yang patted his chest and promised, "Of course it's true! Would I lie to you? Leave it to me! Tomorrow morning, let the others go back first. It's late, let's rest."    


After walking out of the tent, Faang Yang called the Three Dharma Kings to make arrangements. "Wuh Tu, Wuh Li, the two of you work hard tonight to prevent another sneak attack."    


Wuh Tu and Wuh Li respectfully replied, "This subordinate obeys!"    


Faang Yang turned around and asked, "Where is the safest place in the Sacred Land?"    


Lucky did not even think about it. "Holy Tower! The place where Zhu Gu's relics were stored."    


"Uh... That doesn't seem appropriate." Faang Yang rubbed his nose. "Is there anything else?"    


Ji Jie thought for a moment and said, "Another place is the Snow Girl Peak behind us. When the Sacred Land was in its glory days, there was also the Side Courtyard in the Snow Girl Peak.    


Now that they had been out of repair for a long time and were short of manpower, the houses in the Snow Girl Peak had been abandoned. It had been abandoned for many years. However, it is absolutely safe on the snowy peaks of the Holy Land."    


Faang Yang's eyes lit up." Bring me there to take a look. "    


Lucky did not know what Faang Yang wanted to do, but he still turned around and led the way. "Okay."    


The two of them once again turned towards the direction of the holy land. They passed through the middle of the holy land and went straight up. They saw a snowy mountain that was straight into the clouds.    


Ji Jie pointed to the snowy mountain and said, "Ahead is the Snow Girl Peak. There are three cliffs. Only this passage that leads to the top and bottom of the mountain is connected to the holy land."    


Faang Yang was very satisfied with this place. "Not bad, not bad. Let's go up and take a look."    


The way up the mountain had indeed been abandoned for many years. It was simply by feeling. Fortunately, Lucky had been to Snow Girl Peak before, and he vaguely remembered it.    


Half an hour later, the two of them arrived at the top of Snow Girl Peak. They saw a few broken walls that were covered by thick snow.    


Lucky stepped aside and said, "Lord Zhu Gu, this place is not suitable for people to live in."    


Faang Yang walked around. It was a world of ice and snow. If they built a new house, it would indeed take a lot of manpower and time. It was really not worth it.    


Judging from the old address, it was also a grand palace in the beginning. If he had the ability, he would not have to rebuild it all the time.    


Faang Yang could only take a step back and ask for the second best. "Is there any other place in Snow Girl Peak where people can live?"    


"Other places where people can live..."    


Lucky thought for a moment and said, "Another place is the cave that the Ascetic used to cultivate. However, it's not very big, and it's very simple and crude."    


Faang Yang said, "Where is it? Let's go and take a look. "    


Ji Jie pointed to the cliff in the south. "It's on the cliff facing the sun."    


The two of them walked to the edge of the cliff and found a steep slope that was less than a palm's width. If it wasn't for Lucky pointing it out, no one would have been able to tell that it was a tunnel.    


Jet said, "In the past, as long as there were believers who cultivated in seclusion, they would come here. They would either choose a ready-made cave or open up a new cave abode for secluded cultivation."    


Faang Yang said to Lucky, "Wait for me here. I'll go down and take a look myself."    


Lucky said worriedly, "Lord Zhu Gu, no one has been walking around here for many years. It's very slippery. What if..."    


Faang Yang took out a piece of winged man clothing from his Universe Bag and put it on. "I have this. Don't worry." After saying that, he deliberately took off and circled around. "Are you relieved now?"    


Ji Jie sighed with emotion. "Don't worry. Zhu Gu is indeed an extraordinary person."    


Faang Yang flew down directly. Because it was facing the sun and the cliff was steep, there was not much snow.    


After flying down a few dozen feet, there were some holes of different sizes. Roughly counting, there were at least a hundred of them.    


Faang Yang chose the largest hole in the middle and landed. After pushing open the hole, he walked a few meters and found a corner.    


After turning the corner, he saw a stone mansion that was more than a hundred square meters. There were also some stone tables, stone chairs, and stone beds. No one had lived here for many years, and they were all covered in dust.    


What surprised Faang Yang the most was that there was actually a secret room that was more than ten square meters in the innermost room, and there were even some grain residues inside.    


Faang Yang was very satisfied with this cave, and immediately cleaned up the dark room. He used the Dragon Scale Sword to clear out a notch, and then took out a teleportation stone slab and placed it inside.    


After spending an hour or so, he connected the Teleportation Array to the Teleportation Array in Blagoveshchensk. After that, he sent the Spirit Stone over.    


When they arrived in Blagoveshchensk, Faang Yang immediately went to find Han Mei. "Han Mei, you have to help me out."    


Han Mei looked at him vigilantly. "What do you want me to do again? Wasn't the last time you moved the gold bricks enough?"    


Faang Yang quickly said, "Not this time. I want to modify a stone cave. That's why I need your help. "    


Han Mei's expression eased up a lot, "How do you want me to help you?"    


Faang Yang said, "Nothing much for now. I just need to clean up the place. At least I can live there. Also, there is nothing there. Do you have anything extra? Time might be a little rushed. "    


Han Mei thought for a while." It is not a big problem. Since time is urgent, it will depend on your performance! "    


A trace of uneasiness flashed in Faang Yang's heart." What do you want to do? "    


Han Mei flicked her hair. "I will not do anything. I will help you clean the cave! Come here, go to the warehouse to get the things first."    


Han Mei went to the warehouse room. "Cang Ming generator, automated construction robot, quickly assemble the template. These are all needed first. Move them over."    


Faang Yang carried the things over for more than ten times before he moved them over. "What else is there?"    


Han Mei said, "Step by step. First, build the foundation, and then prepare for the next step. Come, I'll go with you to take a look. "    


The two of them were teleported to the cave. Han Mei first set up the automatic cleaning robot's program, and then went to find the cave flat to clean up the trash.    


Even though those stone tables and chairs were still usable, Han Mei still mercilessly tore them apart and threw them out from the cave entrance.    


The robot's work efficiency was extremely high. In less than an hour, the entire stone room was renovated into a square shape with edges and corners.    


Han Mei pointed at the assembling board that was piled at the side, "Don't just stand there. Do you want me, a woman, to do this job?"    


"Can't I do it?" Faang Yang gloomily started to stick the assembling board on the stone wall.    


He had never done this before, so he was a little confused. After being damaged by Han Mei a few times, he finally found the trick and his movements became faster.    


With Faang Yang's speed and stamina, it took him a full three hours to decorate the entire stone room with assembling materials.    


Now, it looked like an unrenovated rough room. Faang Yang wiped the sweat off his forehead. "What should we do next?"    


Han Mei said, "Next up is the details. You didn't do this yourself, did you? So I suggest that you ask for the opinions of whoever lives there. Otherwise, they won't like it. "    


Faang Yang thought about it and agreed." That makes sense. You go back first. I'll bring the two of them over to take a look. After that, I'll choose what I want. "    


Han Mei said sourly, "Are they girls? Hmph, you are really the only one who has a mistress hidden in a golden house like you!"    


Faang Yang was a little embarrassed. "Don't speak nonsense. We are just ordinary friends."    


Han Mei curled her lips. "I am too lazy to care about you. I will go back."    


With a flash of white light, Han Mei disappeared from the Teleportation Array. Faang Yang also returned to the top of the cliff. Lucky saw him coming up and let out a long breath. "Lord Zhu Gu, you're finally back."    


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