Super Golden Eye

C1887 A Ninth Stage Supreme

C1887 A Ninth Stage Supreme

This was a sign that Faang Yang had reached his limit. Perhaps he would faint in the next second! Furthermore, he could not move his body, speak, or move his body!    


As time passed by, Faang Yang's mood became heavier and heavier. Finally, the last trace of True Essence Power in Faang Yang's body was sucked out. His vision turned black and he fainted.    


Just as Faang Yang was about to fall down, an extremely powerful golden light suddenly erupted from the Holy Tower behind him. It shot into the sky, and Faang Yang, who was about to fall down, froze on the spot!    


All the believers in the Bead Ancient Holy Plain were attracted by the golden light. They all walked out of their tents and worshiped the Holy Land.    


When the golden light reached its peak, a treasure image vaguely appeared in the sky. It looked somewhat similar to Faang Yang.    


Along with the appearance of the treasure image, an obscure Sanskrit sounded in the sky. Golden symbols danced in the sky. Faang Yang used all his strength to not activate the formation, and it was instantly activated.    


The golden light on the Array Picture was connected to the array formation on the other nine snowy mountains. It actually transformed into a ninth-grade Lotus Platform, which was right below the treasure image in the sky!    


Wuh Tu and Wuh Li had also arrived beside Ji Mo. When they saw the magnificent scene in the sky, they were all very excited. "A ninth-grade Heavenly Sovereign! Zhu Gu has already reached the realm of ninth-grade Saint Sovereign!"    


Tears were flowing down Wuh Tu and Wuh Li's faces. "The rise of the Sacred Land is just around the corner!"    


In everyone's eyes, Faang Yang's current appearance was solemn, and he had merged with the Heavenly Sovereign Dharma in the sky. No one knew what had happened to him, and no one knew what had happened to him.    


The dharma idol in the sky had existed for nearly the time it took to make a cup of tea before it gradually disappeared. When all the unusual images disappeared, Faang Yang's body lost its support and fell to the ground.    


Ji Jie, Wuh Tu, and Wuh Li, who were kneeling on the ground, quickly went forward to help him up and check his pulse.    


"It's just that I overused myself and overworked myself. It's not a big problem. As long as I have a good rest for a few days, I will be fine. I will carry him to the main hall first. "    


When he woke up, it was already noon of the second day. Faang Yang struggled to sit up. Next to him, Ji Jie and Wuh Tu, Wuh Li immediately surrounded him. "Lord Zhu Gu, you are awake? Are you alright?"    


"Yes, I'm fine. I just feel a little dizzy."    


Faang Yang seemed to have a strange dream in a daze. In the dream, there was a monk who looked similar to him, sitting opposite of him. From the beginning to the end, he just recited some scriptures that he did not understand.    


Faang Yang was sure that he had never heard of those strange characters before. The strange thing was that not only did he completely understand them, he also understood them all!    


However, if he wanted to say what the scriptures were saying, he wouldn't be able to say it at all. That type of mysterious feeling made one go crazy.    


Ji Mo and the other two still had worried expressions. "Lord Zhu Gu, you should lie down and rest a bit more. If you have anything to do, just let us do it."    


Faang Yang shook his head. "Nothing. I just encountered some strange things..."    


When he said this, Faang Yang's eyes swept across the Buddha statue in the main hall. He opened his mouth wide in surprise and pointed at the Buddha statue. "This is it. It's exactly the same!"    


Ji Jie and the others looked in the direction he pointed at. "Master, this is the first Shape of Zhu Gu's Shape. This should be your first time seeing it today, right?"    


Faang Yang said affirmatively, "No! When I was unconscious just now, I saw this statue. It was still chanting scriptures that I could not understand."    


Lucky asked, "The scriptures that I could not understand? Could the great one try to say a few words? I can make a judgment "    


" Let me try. " Faang Yang carefully thought about it and opened his mouth to say a string of standard Sanskrit scriptures. His pronunciation was standard, and his words were clear. It stunned Jean, Wuh Tu, and Wuh Li.    


Faang Yang originally wanted to say a few words, but for some reason, he couldn't stop himself from opening his mouth! He spoke for nearly half an hour before stopping.    


Faang Yang scratched his head in confusion. "What did I say just now?"    


Ji Mo and the others' eyes turned from shock to fanaticism. They said excitedly, "Guangfa Secret Treasure, Vajra Original Scripture! It has been lost for nearly three hundred years. I did not expect to see the light of day again today!"    


Wuh Tu's voice was also trembling. "Zhu Gu has returned. The Holy Land has been blessed. The secret treasure has reappeared, Vajra Infinite!"    


Faang Yang smiled bitterly and said, "Can you make it clearer? I have no idea what you are talking about."    


Ji Mo calmed his emotions and answered respectfully, "Lord Zhu Gu, this 《 Vajra Original Scripture 》 can be said to be the secret scripture that opened the mountain for the Secret Sect. It was created by the first Zhu Gu.    


After that, all the Cultivation Method and classics were derived from this. However, three hundred years ago, during the great catastrophe of the holy land, not only was the holy land destroyed, this secret scripture was also missing. "    


Faang Yang asked," Since it was lost three hundred years ago, how could you determine that this is the 'Secret Treasure Trove's Vajra Original Scripture'? And not some other scripture? "    


Wuh Li interrupted, "Lord Zhu Gu, because the other scriptures were born from it, there are more or less quotations.    


In addition, although the whereabouts of the Original Scripture are unknown, there were also some seniors who could barely remember some of the contents of this aeon, but they were all incomplete.    


All the Sacred Land descendants wanted to use the incomplete book in their hands to restore the Original Scripture. However, every version was extremely different, and there was no way to determine whether it was real or fake. They could only leave it unsettled.    


Therefore, even though we haven't truly studied the Original Scripture, we can still determine whether it is real or fake. We can confirm that it is correct!"    


Faang Yang himself felt that it was somewhat inconceivable." In other words, under some inexplicable circumstances, I actually obtained a secret manual that has been lost for three hundred years? "    


"No! This saying is wrong."    


Ji Jie said confidently, "Because the Original Scripture was originally the first creation of the first Zhu Gu, and you are also the reincarnation of Zhu Gu, it is not strange for you to obtain the memory inheritance."    


Faang Yang asked in return," Then why did Zhu Gu not obtain the memory inheritance in the past? "    


"There are many reasons for this, and the main reason is talent and talent. Only those who have the highest compatibility with the inheritance can obtain more things. "    


"Really?" Faang Yang clearly did not believe this.    


After all, he was the only one who knew that it was because he had secretly learned the Vajra Palm Seal that caused this misunderstanding. He wasn't the reincarnation of Zhu Gu, and it was impossible for him to be the reincarnation of Zhu Gu.    


Ji Jie, Wuh Tu, and Wuh Li lowered their heads and discussed for a while. "Lord Zhu Gu, please rest more and take care of your health first. Almost all the believers outside are on a pilgrimage, so we have to maintain it.    


The three of us have an idea. We hope that after Master recovers, we will hold a general assembly to let the majority of the believers admire Zhu Gu's spirit. "    


Faang Yang did not want to cause himself so much trouble." We will discuss this matter in the future. I have a lot of things to do now, so it is best that I do not reveal myself. "    


Ji Jie and the others had experienced the attack of Kumu and Chen Tao that day. They knew that what he said was not false. "Lord Zhu Gu, if there is a need, the entire Holy Land can send troops and swear to fight to the end for the enemy."    


Faang Yang tried to persuade them. "I understand everyone's feelings. If there is a need, I will naturally inform you. At least the situation is still within my control.    


What you need to do is to manage the Holy Land well, take care of all the believers, and continue to increase your strength.    


In my heart, the Holy Land of Ancient Pearl is my last bargaining chip and reliance. I hope that when the time comes, you will not disappoint me. "    


Jick and the others respectfully prostrated themselves on the ground. "We pledge our lives to follow Lord Zhu Gu!"    


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