Super Golden Eye

C1891 Strive for the Initiative

C1891 Strive for the Initiative

Faang Yang narrowed his eyes. "Can I understand that this is a different threat?"    


Zi Huan seemed very confident. "That is your own feeling, not my intention. At least until now, I have shown my sincerity."    


Faang Yang did not like this tone the most. " Oh? Sincerity? Perhaps. At least, if he was dissatisfied, it would be another matter. I will consider Sect Master Zi Huan's suggestion again and give you an answer."    


Zi Huan could not understand that she had already used both soft and hard methods. Even though she had already said so much, Faang Yang was still so calm.    


"Alright. I will wait for Mr. Faang's news. I hope it will not take too long. It will be a burden to both of us."    


Faang Yang was very straightforward. "I can't guarantee when I will give you an answer. During this period of time, you can totally plan according to your own thoughts. You don't have to worry about my feelings.    


If I'm afraid that I will reach an agreement with Chiang Bochu and join forces with him, I won't mind either. The road is facing the sky, and we will each take one side. What do you think? That's it. I still have things to do."    


After saying that, Faang Yang did not give Zi Huan another chance to speak and hung up the phone. Standing in front of the window, Faang Yang stretched his back and fell into deep thought.    


Zi Huan trying to win him over was using information that was not equal. She used the information she had as a bargaining chip to attract Faang Yang.    


Chiang Bochu relied on the name of Kunlun to make Kumu and Chen Tao willing to stand together with him. That was why he dared to poach the corner of Heavenly Devil Sect and attack Chen Mo and Lee Anqi.    


Perhaps someone would say that he could really do whatever he wanted just because he had a strong backer? Sorry, the reality was really like this. As long as his backer was strong enough, he could really do whatever he wanted!    


Of course, Zi Huan was not willing to be suppressed by Chiang Bochu. She still wanted to use her influence to win the right to speak.    


However, Chiang Bochu's unexpected sneak attack disrupted Zi Huan's plan. If Faang Yang, Chen Mo, and Lee Anqi joined Zi Huan's group, they would be able to compete with Chiang Bochu.    


With Faang Yang's personality, he naturally did not like to be threatened with conditions. But he himself did not want to implicate Chen Mo and Lee Anqi because of this!    


The problem was that Faang Yang was now a lone wolf. Even if he wasn't expelled from the Azure City Mountain, he was still far from being comparable to the Kunlun Sect and the Heavenly Devil Sect.    


"It seems like I have to take a risk. I'm afraid I have to give it my all." Faang Yang made up his mind and called Lee Anqi. "Anna, where are you?"    


Lee Anqi sounded very excited. "I'm shopping with Sister Mei and Momo. What's wrong?"    


Faang Yang said, "Come back to the cave earlier. I have something to tell you."    


Lee Anqi immediately became serious. "Are you in a hurry?"    


Faang Yang said, "Yes."    


Lee Anqi said, "We will be there in half an hour."    


After hanging up the phone, Faang Yang and Ji Jie told him that they should go to Snow Girl Peak first and wait in the cave.    


They hadn't seen each other for a few days, but things had changed. Although the two girls didn't live here, they had still carefully planned everything out. They didn't lack electrical appliances and daily tools.    


Faang Yang looked at the fridge and took a bottle of beer. He sat at the entrance of the cave and slowly drank it. He carefully calculated what to do next.    


Just as he was lost in thought, he heard footsteps coming from the Teleportation Array. Lee Anqi, Chen Mo, and Han Mei walked over with big and small bags.    


After throwing everything on the sofa, Lee Anqi rubbed his shoulders. "What's the rush?"    


Faang Yang did not expect Han Mei to come with him and was a little hesitant. Han Mei was such a smart woman and immediately said,    


"Yo, look at my memory. There seems to be a bag of things that was not taken out of the car. I have to go and take a look quickly. You guys chat first."    


Faang Yang said apologetically, "Sorry, because this matter is related to the three of us. It's not that I can't tell you, but I just don't want you to get involved in unnecessary trouble."    


Han Mei pretended to be surprised, "Yo, since when did you know how to take care of other people's feelings? Don't worry, I am not a person who is careful with my eyes. "    


After Han Mei left, Lee Anqi and Chen Mo sat together and looked at Faang Yang with their beautiful eyes, waiting for him to speak.    


Faang Yang sat opposite of them and said solemnly, "I called you back to discuss something with you. In order not to be treated as a chess piece, I am prepared to charge into the Immortal Censer Peak again!"    


"Immortal Censer Peak?!" Lee Anqi and Chen Mo both had the same tone, but the meaning was completely different. It was Chen Mo's first time hearing this name, so she did not know what it meant.    


Lee Anqi and Faang Yang, on the other hand, had made it all the way here, so they naturally had deep feelings about it. She said anxiously, "Are you crazy? Did you forget how you escaped last time?"    


Of course I know how you escaped last time," Faang Yang said in a low voice. But I have to go. Because only there can we hide the opportunity to take the initiative!    


Kunlun Sect and Heavenly Devil Sect are existences that we can't afford to offend. When the eight dragons gather, what will happen when the Upper Realm opens? Perhaps only they will have the relevant information.    


Although there are three of us, even if we are compared to Zi Huan, we might not be able to gain the upper hand, let alone the cunning Chiang Bochu.    


However, if we can obtain the treasures hidden in the Immortal Censer Peak, we might really be able to raise our status and fight with them!"    


Chen Mo could not help but ask," The Immortal Censer Peak you are talking about, what exactly is hidden in there? "    


Lee Anqi shook his head, "Don't ask me, I also don't know what is hidden inside."    


Faang Yang was also stumped by the question. He scratched his head and said, "This question... I am not too sure about the specifics."    


Chen Mo widened her eyes. "You don't even know what it is, and you still say you can change the situation? Who gave you confidence?"    


Faang Yang explained, "Because the secret of Immortal Censer Peak is obtained through a very special channel. I believe it is definitely not baseless."    


Chen Mo was a little helpless," Please, you are not a child anymore. Be more mature, okay? If someone casually drew a pancake, would you bite it?    


A fake pancake is good. What if it's a poisonous pancake? To risk his life to try it out for an uncertain opportunity? Is it worth it?"    


Faang Yang looked at her." If you didn't try, how would you know if it was worth it? We don't have much time to waste right now. We have to think of a way."    


Lee Anqi saw that the two of them were a little angry and quickly said, "Don't talk so much. If you have something to discuss, why are you so angry?    


Faang Yang, Momo is doing this for your own good. Why do you have no idea? She didn't say anything wrong. "    


Faang Yang said," Anna, I am really under a lot of pressure right now. If I can't find a way to balance the situation, then anything that happens later will be possible.    


No matter how well you hide yourselves, there's no wall in this world that can't be exposed. I can't stay by your side all day, right? "    


Lee Anqi suggested," We can understand your intentions. Maybe you can change your choice? For example, the Holy Ancestor Treasure?    


After all, you have been in there a few times and are relatively familiar with it. Moreover, there are people there who have really obtained benefits, right? "    


Faang Yang voiced out his true thoughts," Anna, in my heart, I feel that the Holy Ancestor Treasure seems to be even more unreliable than the Immortal Censer Peak. "    


Lee Anqi was stunned. "No way? Why do you have such thoughts? Could it be that the benefits that those people obtained were all fake?"    


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