Super Golden Eye

C1906 Pressure

C1906 Pressure

Lee Anqi did not say anything. Chen Mo pulled Faang Yang to the other stone room on top of the room. It was turned into an artificial greenhouse and was filled with fresh fruits and vegetables.    


Faang Yang's jaw almost dropped. "No way? Did you make this yourself?"    


"Who else could it be?" Lee Anqi said angrily, "Cultivating alone is not a solution. If there really is any movement, even if it is sealed safely, it will not starve to death."    


Faang Yang solemnly apologized to the two of them, "Sorry, I said the wrong thing. Please forgive me."    


Lee Anqi's mood had not recovered yet. "No need. Anyway, we sisters are pitiful people. No matter what others think, it cannot be decided. Momo, let's go back and eat by ourselves."    


"Don't! I've been starving for a long time. Leave some for me! " Faang Yang shamelessly sat in front of the table and lowered his head to eat and drink, sweeping away all the dishes.    


He patted his stomach in satisfaction." Oh ~ It's so delicious. I don't know how long it's been since I've eaten such delicious food."    


Seeing that their work had been confirmed by their sweetheart, the two girls once again put on smiles on their faces.    


Lee Anqi took out another plate of fruit. "I really don't know how much I owe you in my previous life. I will pay you back in this life. Did you gain anything from your seclusion? "    


Faang Yang took a bite of the apple and said, "Yes, I did gain something. My strength has also increased, but I still don't know how much it has increased."    


Lee Anqi was also happy for him. "It's a good thing that I have gained something. What should I do next?"    


Faang Yang's hand paused in the air. After thinking for a while, he slowly said, "I want to call Chiang Bochu and Zi Huan together and have a good talk."    


Chen Mo advised, "So anxious? You don't need to consolidate it again?"    


Faang Yang shook his head. "The best way to increase strength is through actual combat. From the looks of it, there is no one more suitable than the two of them. "    


Lee Anqi also forgot his previous unhappiness and asked worriedly, "But even though your strength has increased, it is not necessarily a good thing that you are unable to control it freely."    


In a fight between experts, the slightest mistake could affect the outcome of the entire battle. Especially after reaching the high rank, the moment of breakthrough was often the most dangerous period.    


Faang Yang obviously understood what they meant, but he did not want to change his mind. "I understand the principle, but I really don't have time.    


After leaving this place, I will immediately contact Chiang Bochu and Zi Huan. Before we reach the agreement, you guys better protect yourselves and wait for my news. "    


Lee Anqi and Chen Mo looked at each other and did not try to persuade him anymore." Since you have already decided, then do as you wish. We support your decision. No matter if you succeed or lose, you will not regret it. "    


After a moment of silence, Faang Yang walked to the Teleportation Array and started the Spirit Stone. He said to Lee Anqi before activating it, "After I leave, immediately take the Spirit Stone down. Unless I call, do not open it."    


Lee Anqi said in a low voice, "Got it."    


A white light flashed. Faang Yang had already left the stone room and arrived at the underground base of Blagoveshchensk. Soon, Han Mei rushed over.    


Looking at Faang Yang from head to toe, Han Mei frowned slightly. "Why do I feel that you are different now?"    


Faang Yang looked at the clothes on his body. "What's different about it? Could it be that you changed your clothes because of it?"    


Han Mei shook her head. "It has nothing to do with clothes. It is a very special feeling. How should I put it... I seem to have seen it somewhere before..."    


Faang Yang felt it was even stranger. "Have I seen it before? Is there someone like me?"    


Han Mei rolled her eyes at him. "What are you thinking about? I'm not saying that you all have the same feeling or aura! Do you understand?"    


Faang Yang looked at him with amusement. "From Essence Holy Ancestor until now, I'm afraid even you don't know how many people you have thanked. It's not strange for you to have two people with similar temperament occasionally."    


Han Mei's eyes lit up." Yes! It's the Sacred Ancestor! The absolute ruler of the Pressure and domineering aura you have right now is exactly the same as the feeling that the Sacred Ancestor gave me back then!"    


Faang Yang was also stunned." The absolute ruler's Pressure and domineering aura? Could it be that you didn't have it before? This is very hurtful... "    


Han Mei said firmly," No! In the past, I only felt that you were very powerful, but you were not on the same level as the Pressure and dominance of an absolute ruler. "    


Faang Yang spun around on the spot. "According to what you said, I have changed a lot this time?"    


Han Mei said, "Yes, very big! The current you, as long as you stand there, even if you don't say anything or do nothing, you still give people a huge pressure."    


Faang Yang shrugged his shoulders. "It's really mysterious. Anyway, I don't feel any difference. Is it safe here? "    


Han Mei looked at Faang Yang with a complicated look in her eyes. "Everything is normal. The safety factor is very high. With your formation, it is very safe."    


Faang Yang was still very assured of her. "Don't let your guard down. The enemy is very cunning. You may not know when your carelessness will cause great losses."    


Han Mei nodded. "I will be careful. If Anna and the others don't come over, I will not go out myself."    


After Faang Yang repeated his instructions, he stood on the Teleportation Array again. "I will leave this place to you. I will return to Jiangbei immediately."    


Han Mei did not say anything. "Okay. Take care of yourself too."    


Faang Yang smiled. "I will."    


With a flash of white light, Faang Yang walked out of the underground Teleportation Array in Jiangbei. Before he reached the door, Baofu appeared in front of him silently. "Master, you are back."    


Faang Yang immediately asked, "Baofu, do you know where there is a relatively empty place near Jiangbei, and where there are few people?"    


"It is more spacious and deserted?" Baofu thought for a moment and said, "I'm afraid we can only go to the depths of the Northern Xingling Ridge.    


That place is deep in the mountains and forests. The terrain is complicated and wild beasts often appear. Very few people go there. Why did Master suddenly think of asking this?"    


Faang Yang said," I need to find a place to have a good talk with Chiang Bochu and Zi Huan. I want to fight for the right to speak for myself.    


But I have to make the best plans. If we can't reach an agreement and start a fight, I have to avoid arousing suspicion as much as possible. "    


Baofu understood his thoughts and suggested, "Master can discuss it with Hundred-Eyed. He had stayed in Prosperous North Mountain for many years, so he should be more familiar with it."    


Faang Yang's eyes lit up. "That's right! Why did he forget about him? Call him over quickly."    


" Yes, I'll call him over right away. "    


Bao Fu only stomped his foot and made a strange sound. In less than three minutes, Hundred Eyed Daoist's voice came from outside. "Master, Hundred-Eyed has come to receive the order."    


"Come in." Baofu brought Hundred Eyed Daoist to Faang Yang.    


Faang Yang asked, "Hundred-Eyed, are you familiar with Prosperous North Mountain?"    


Hundred Eyed Daoist was also confused. "It's alright. I have lived there for more than ten years. But I only moved around in Bear-blind Valley. I didn't go too far. "    


Faang Yang said, "It's like this. I want to find a remote, secluded, and large place to discuss things with someone. What do you think is suitable?"    


Hundred Eyed Daoist understood." Oh, it's fine as long as it's at Xiong Kuanzi Valley. It's surrounded by deep mountains and old trees. The place is big enough, so it won't be a problem for me to do whatever I want. Why don't I bring you there to take a look? "    


Faang Yang said," Alright, I'll have to trouble you. There's no time to lose. Let's set off now! "    


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