Super Golden Eye

C1920 He's a Good Man

C1920 He's a Good Man

Lee Anqi's words touched Chen Mo's heart. The two of them just stood there in a daze at the kitchen door, thinking about their own thoughts. The room was silent.    


It had been a long time since Faang Yang slept so peacefully. He could completely relax and did not have to worry about anything. When he woke up, it was already half the night.    


Fang Yang opened his eyes and stretched his body. When he saw Lee Anqi and Chen Mo's appearance, he could not help but be stunned. "What are you standing there for? What is on your mind?"    


"Ah, you are awake."    


Lee Anqi was the first to react. He walked in front of Faang Yang and said, "Are you hungry? I'll go and make some more."    


Faang Yang sat up and shook his head. "Sorry, I fell asleep while lying down. Wasn't it done? I still need to do it again?"    


Lee Anqi said, "It has been so long. It has long since cooled down."    


Faang Yang smiled and said," What's there to be afraid of when it's cold? As long as it's made by you, I love it. I'll help. "    


The three of them went into the kitchen together and heated up the food that they had prepared earlier and brought it to the table. Everyone had a tacit understanding and were discussing some relaxing topics.    


Very quickly, they finished eating and packed up. Faang Yang said to Lee Anqi and Chen Mo, "Chiang Bochu's side has been settled for the time being. He should not do anything to you guys anymore.    


It was really uncomfortable to stay here these few days. They should go back and relax. I'll cover all the expenses. "    


Li Anqi pursed her lips." You said it unwillingly, as if someone cares about that lousy money! As long as Momo and I want to, who knows how many people are crying and shouting for money to be sent to us. "    


Faang Yang smiled and handed over a credit card. "Hehe, you're right. The two beauties are able to look up to me. Take this card and swipe it casually. There is no limit."    


"Hmph, at least you know what's good for you!" Lee Anqi took the card without hesitation and pulled Chen Mo, who was beside him, over. "Momo, let's go and help him grind bankruptcy!"    


Chen Mo's face was a little conflicted. "Ms Angel, with just the two of us, I am afraid that the speed at which we buy things is not as fast as the speed at which he makes money. It's too difficult to get bankruptcy... "    


Faang Yang's brain stopped working. "D * mn, so ruthless..."    


Lee Anqi could not help it. "Pffft, Momo, it's really hard to find someone as honest as you now. Let's go."    


Lee Anqi pulled Chen Mo into the teleportation formation, who still did not understand what was going on. Faang Yang shouted from behind, "If you want to come back, call me in advance!"    


"Got it!" Lee Anqi impatiently agreed to activate the teleportation array. A white light flashed and disappeared.    


Faang Yang shook his head and went forward to take the spirit stones from the transmission array and put them aside. He returned to his room and sat cross-legged to meditate.    


Surviving in the line of continuous battle and life and death had allowed Faang Yang's strength to increase extremely quickly. However, due to various reasons, he had never had the time to stabilize and consolidate his current realm.    


It was not easy for him to obtain a rare free time, so he naturally wouldn't miss it. He meditated for seven days!    


In these seven days, Faang Yang patiently used the power of heaven and earth, Feng Shui, to cleanse and refine his body and meridians, and purify his true essence energy.    


When he woke up from his seclusion, his aura became more stable, restrained, and the pressure became stronger. Most importantly, his mental state had been adjusted very well.    


Feeling the abundant True Essence in his body, Faang Yang walked out of the cave with satisfaction and arrived at the holy temple in front of him. As soon as he appeared, Ji Jie rushed over immediately. "Lord Zhu Gu, you're finally back."    


Faang Yang asked, "What's wrong? Did something happen?"    


Lucky shook his head repeatedly. "No, no, I just want to report the recent development of the Sacred Land to you, my lord."    


Faang Yang sat down on the chair. "I was just about to ask, how is the situation now? What about Wuh Tu and Wuh Li?"    


Ji Mo could not hide the excitement on his face. "With Lord Zhu Gu's great divine ability, the entire holy land has undergone a tremendous change.    


Everyone's cultivation base has improved tremendously, and the climate of the entire Sacred Land has also become suitable.    


In order to select good seedlings to enter the holy temple and focus on nurturing, Wuh Tu and Wuh Li went out yesterday to Hongfa. I estimate that they will only be back tomorrow at the fastest possible time. "    


Faang Yang nodded." It's good that you are fine. I believe that the Holy Land will only get better with the few of you here. Even if I am not here in the future, I will not die again. "    


Ji Jie was shocked and asked nervously, "Why did Master Zhu Gu say that? The people of the Holy Land look forward to welcoming you back to the Holy Land every day. Are you going to abandon your people again?"    


Faang Yang explained, "It's not that I want to abandon someone, but you have to be mentally prepared. No one can exist forever. There must be life and death."    


Good luck struck him on the ground. "The Sacred Land has been under the protection of Lord Zhu Gu since the establishment of the Sacred Land. Zhu Gu is the only master of the Holy Land for all eternity. He will never change!"    


Faang Yang did not want to give up such a good team easily. He thought for a while and said, "This is a good thing. How about this? Tomorrow, call everyone in the Holy Land to the Holy Temple and hold a Dharma Assembly. "    


He had asked many times before, but he did not expect Faang Yang to take the initiative to propose a large-scale Dharma Assembly this time. Lucky was afraid that he would go back on his word and immediately agreed. "I will follow the decree. Subordinate will go and inform them now."    


Along with the long ringing of the bell, the news spread very quickly. That night, almost all the residents of the holy land brought their families with them, carrying them on their backs as they rushed to the square outside the holy temple.    


Wuh Tu and Wuh Li also came back. Together with Ji Jie, they helped arrange the people's rest and food. The division of labor was clear.    


Although there were thousands of people outside, it was very orderly. There was almost no noise. Everyone's face was flashing with a pious, sacred light that moved people.    


"Stubborn cultivation, not pure joy, not clean nor worry..."    


The next morning, when the first ray of sunlight broke through the darkness, a loud and clear sound came from the sacred temple.    


Ji Tuo, Wuh Tu, and Wuh Li, all the people of the holy land, knelt on the ground with tears flowing down their faces, listening to Faang Yang recite the Secret Treasure Trove of Guang Fa, Vajra Scripture.    


Faang Yang's voice was not fast, and every word was clear. Every word seemed to be emitting a magical light that could cleanse the soul.    


While Faang Yang was reciting the scripture, he was sensing everything around him through the golden compass in his body.    


He could clearly feel a very mysterious force surging out from the bodies of all the people of the holy lands and entering his body.    


As time passed, this force became more and more obvious, making Faang Yang feel very comfortable.    


An idea suddenly popped up in Faang Yang's mind. "Could this be the so-called power of faith?"    


If that was the case, it could also be understood why those guys who were already in Upper Realm were still interested in the mortals in the lower realm, constantly developing and competing for believers.    


It was only the time to recite a scripture, but Faang Yang could clearly feel that his True Essence had become more solid and purer!    


This kind of improvement was completely different from the effects of Feng Shui. It could not be said who was stronger and who was weaker. Each had their own strengths.    


Seeing that he was about to finish reciting the Vast Magic Secret Treasure Vajra Scripture, Faang Yang made up his mind at the last minute and activated the golden compass with all his strength. Instantly, the sky was filled with golden light.    


Golden lotuses fell from the sky and entered the bodies of every single believer in the square. They flashed and disappeared in a flash.    


After the golden light faded, Faang Yang finished reading the scripture and said loudly, "Those who believe in me can live again. Go through hardships and ascend to paradise... "    


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