Super Golden Eye

C1935 The Mysterious Disappearance

C1935 The Mysterious Disappearance

Kung Qianqian was the only one in the study, busying herself by the table. There were three big stacks of documents in front of her. She was almost buried in them.    


Kung Qianqian raised her head and pointed to the sofa beside her. "Take a seat first. I will finish calculating this."    


Faang Yang sat down on the sofa. "You are the new head of the family. You are very diligent. Is there a need to work so hard?"    


After Kung Qianqian finished calculating the last number, she leaned against the back of the chair and rubbed her temples. She looked tired.    


"Can I not work hard? At least I need to know this mess. When the time comes for the auction, how much will it be worth?"    


Faang Yang asked, "Auction? Could it be that there is a financial problem with Kung family? "    


Kung Qianqian looked at Faang Yang and said, "There is no financial problem with the Kung family, but grandfather's decision has already destroyed the foundation and future of the Kung family. Will you agree to let the Kung family continue to live in the Eastern Sea?"    


Faang Yang replied with certainty, "No!"    


Kung Qianqian was not surprised. "So, before you chase them away, you should pawn your family's wealth as soon as possible. Maybe you can reduce some losses."    


Faang Yang did not have the slightest sympathy for Kung family, "Did your grandfather say where to go?"    


Kung Qianqian shook her head. "No. Not long after you left, someone found grandpa. After that, I was appointed as the new master of the Ren family, and my grandfather went missing."    


Faang Yang's pupils contracted. "Missing? He didn't leave by himself?"    


Kung Qianqian said with certainty, "Whether or not he left by himself is not clear, but absolutely no one knows. Even the person closest to him during normal times didn't notice at all. "    


Faang Yang immediately took out his phone and called Luh Yuan. He quickly said, "Go to the other families that have attacked and check if those crippled experts are still there. Send me a message as soon as possible!"    


Three minutes later, Luh Yuan called. Just as Faang Yang had expected, all the crippled experts had vanished into thin air.    


Faang Yang didn't have the mood to stay in Kung family for long. He stood up and said to Kung Qianqian, "It seems like we have known each other for a while. I will give you three days to deal with the matters of Kung family.    


Three days later, if there are still properties of the Kung family in the Eastern Sea, don't blame me for being merciless! "    


Kung Qianqian said in a low voice, "I will let my clansmen leave the Eastern Sea as soon as possible."    


Although the Kung family was very famous in the East Sea, no one knew what would happen if they changed to a new place. What was the use of having money? Most of the time, money was not omnipotent!    


After walking out of the Kung family's courtyard, Faang Yang immediately looked for Luh Yuan. "Have you found out where those people went?"    


Luh Yuan looked ashamed. "Sorry, there is no news for now."    


Faang Yang frowned. "Didn't you say that there are people from you at every intersection? Why did so many people disappear into thin air? If you are alive, you must see the person. If you are dead, you must see the person. Could it be that there is really someone who can transform into a living person? "    


Luh Yuan muttered," I have already given the order to search the entire place to see if there are any new discoveries. "    


Faang Yang did not speak. He paced back and forth in the room, thinking about the problem in front of him. Given Luh Yuan's style of doing things, he was extremely careful. He even knew the other party's way of doing things. Clearly, he was fully prepared.    


However, with so many people disappearing at the same time, it was impossible for them to not have any clues. Faang Yang stopped and said to Luh Yuan:    


"Go and ask again, did the people at the main intersection see any large trucks passing through? About two hours after your operation!"    


"I'll go and ask right away." Luh Yuan turned around and made another phone call. As expected, he found an important clue.    


"Mr. Faang, you are right. An hour after we left, a chain of fresh cargo trucks appeared at six intersections!"    


Faang Yang's eyes lit up. "Get the information about the six cars immediately! Follow them all the way and see where they have gone!    


Forget it. I don't think you have any professional experts here. Give me the information. I'll get someone to investigate. "    


" Okay. " Luh Yuan immediately reported the basic information of the six trucks to Faang Yang.    


Faang Yang immediately sent it to Shiwu Yu. "Ayu, these trucks carried away a batch of important hostages. You need to lock onto them immediately and see where they went."    


"Let me see."    


There was a sound of keyboard tapping on the other end of the phone, and then Shiwu Yu's voice came. "These cars meet up on West Street and head east to the seaside road."    


"Continue monitoring. Report the location to me at any time!" Faang Yang immediately went downstairs and drove straight to the seaside road.    


Faang Yang had just driven onto the coastal highway when he received Shiwu Yu's latest information. "The convoy has entered Tunnel No. 2, which is about 14 kilometers away from you in a straight line."    


"Roger that!" Faang Yang locked onto the location of the Positioner and rushed to Tunnel No. 2 at full speed.    


A few minutes later, Shiwu Yu heard a surprised voice. "Eh, why hasn't that convoy come out yet?"    


Faang Yang immediately asked, "What's wrong?"    


Shiwu Yu said, "The second tunnel along the coast is only 1.2 kilometers. The speed of this convoy is about 60 miles per hour.    


With the light and the route problem, they should appear from the other side in two minutes. But it has already been seven minutes, and there is still no movement! "    


Faang Yang stepped on the accelerator." I will rush to Tunnel No. 2. If there is any situation, we will know when the time comes! "    


Five minutes later, Faang Yang's car drove into the tunnel.Edited by: Lifer, Fingerfox Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio He turned on the headlights and slowed down. He carefully observed everything in the tunnel.    


Suddenly, a huge billboard in the middle of the tunnel caught his attention. Stopping the car by the side, Faang Yang walked to the billboard and pushed it hard, revealing a secret passage downwards!    


Faang Yang did not enter directly, but drove the car to the secret passage. The moment he entered the secret passage, he jumped out of the car.    


He nervously observed the situation in the secret passage. After about four seconds, he heard a muffled sound coming from the secret passage. The entire secret passage collapsed!    


The powerful explosive force caused even the ground under his feet to tremble. There were quite a number of floating rocks falling down from the top of the tunnel.    


"As expected, there is a backup plan! Fortunately, I'm smart!" Faang Yang dodged the falling rocks above him.    


Shiwu Yu heard something. "Mr. Faang, what happened?"    


Faang Yang replied, "There is a secret tunnel in the middle of the tunnel. That motorcade escaped from the surveillance from the secret tunnel. They also installed explosives inside to destroy the traces. "    


Shiwu Yu asked, "Then what should we do now?"    


Faang Yang rushed out of the tunnel, looked at the terrain, and calculated the direction and distance. "Check if there is any pier between three to five kilometers southeast of the tunnel."    


Shiwu Yu checked. "There is. There is a small fishing village about 3.5 kilometers southeast. There is an old civilian dock there.    


But there is no one in the village now. The pier has been abandoned for a long time. I don't know if it can still be used. "    


Faang Yang immediately ran to the location Shiwu Yu told him. "It can definitely be used. Otherwise, they would not have spent so much effort to dig this tunnel.    


Mobilize the satellite and let me see if there is any information about ships coming in and out of the sea from there. Time, location, starting point. The clearer the investigation, the better!"    


Shiwu Yu could only agree." I'll try my best, but this task is a little difficult. I'm afraid it will take a long time to have a large amount of information comparison. "    


Faang Yang said, "Slow is nothing, as long as there are gains!"    


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