Super Golden Eye

C1936 Support the Corpse Door

C1936 Support the Corpse Door

Although Mr. Shiwu could hack into the satellite system at will, he could not mix in hacking and retrieving analysis information.    


It was like opening a lock was not too difficult, but to move everything in the house, it would definitely take a lot of effort.    


Faang Yang rushed to the small fishing village that Shiwu Yu had mentioned as fast as he could. He only saw a few rows of dilapidated houses, and some of them even had fishing nets that had not been repaired.    


He quickly circled around the village and finally found a new landslide at the west side of the mountain.    


Faang Yang bent down and carefully looked at the ground. As expected, he found a lot of messy footprints. Moreover, the footprints were very new. It meant that someone had indeed come here not long ago and had been transported here!    


Following the footprints, Faang Yang arrived at the civilian pier at the village entrance. However, there was nothing left, and it was obvious that the other party had already used the ship to travel far.    


Whether or not they could gain anything now would depend on the situation on Shiwu Yu's side. He called Luh Yuan and asked him to send a car to pick him up.    


Luh Yuan came very quickly. After picking up Faang Yang, he directly returned to the city. Faang Yang seriously felt that there was a shortage of manpower. Those who he did not trust did not want to stay here any longer.    


The changes in the Eastern Sea had already sounded the alarm for Faang Yang. He absolutely could not make the same mistake a second time.    


When he returned to the hotel, Faang Yang saw that Cao Miaoyu was still busy and did not disturb her. After returning to his room, he contacted Baofu.    


"Baofu, I need a group of people now. Strength doesn't need to be too strong, but loyalty must be high. It's reliable. "    


Baofu immediately replied, "Master, didn't you ask me to train a group of people in the Jin family? Currently, the average cultivation base of these Jin family disciples was above the Profound Rank Middle Period.    


Because they are cultivating my Cultivation Method, there won't be any problems with their loyalty. Also, with Master's position in the hearts of the Jin family disciples, it will be safer."    


Faang Yang was tempted." How many people are there? "    


Baofu answered, "There are 114 people in total. Two of them were earth grade and 28 were Profound Rank Late Period. Ninety five are Profound Rank Middle Period, and twenty-five are Profound Rank Early Period. "    


This was definitely a very powerful team. Faang Yang immediately ordered," Great! Arrange a private plane and have Hundred-Eyed lead them all to the Eastern Sea! "    


Baofu said," Yes, Master. I'll go and contact Hundred-Eyed and Jin family's people right away. We need to set off as soon as possible! "    


Faang Yang thought for a moment and said, "En, you go and tell them. I will talk to Yufei again. This way, they will show enough respect.    


Jin family had been silent for so long in Menggong. Let them have a good time in the East Sea! You must be quick, go. "    


"Yes." Baofu hung up the phone and immediately went to dispatch people to arrange a private jet.    


The current Baofu was definitely the king of the Jiangbei Province when Faang Yang was not around. No one dared to look down on this seemingly gentle and weak child.    


Although they were talking about a discussion, the people of Hundred-Eyed and Jin family regarded Baofu as a god, and his status was even higher than Faang Yang's. Naturally, they wouldn't question his arrangement.    


Of course, out of courtesy and respect, Faang Yang also told Jin Yufei about it. After all, she was the patriarch of Jin family now. This was a necessary procedure.    


After Faang Yang made the call, half an hour later, a private plane carrying more than a hundred people took off from Jiangbei Airport and flew towards the East Sea.    


Two hours later, everyone gathered in Yangming Hotel. Fang Yang called Hundred Eyed Daoist to the side first.    


"Hundred-Eyed, I know you've always wanted to rebuild Corpse Sect. Now, there is an opportunity in front of you. It will depend on whether you can grasp it or not."    


Hundred Eyed Daoist's eyes instantly lit up. "Really?! What opportunity? "    


Faang Yang said, "You can find an island outside of the Eastern Sea as the new mountain gate of the Corpse Sect. You can choose a disciple, but you must make sure that the disciple is willing."    


Hundred Eyed Daoist was a little troubled." Master, the mountain gate is easy to talk about. If I wanted to, I would have built it a long time ago. The most important thing about Corpse Sect is to nurture corpses and refine corpses. This is the most difficult part."    


Indeed, with the advancement of the times, it was indeed very difficult to find a perfect place to cultivate corpses and refine corpses.    


Moreover, raising corpses required a lot of energy and financial resources. It was not easy to raise a corpse to such an extent, but in the end, it was destroyed by someone. This kind of feeling was heartbreaking.    


After all, the Corpse Sect was an existence that even the Devil Dao feared. It was hard to find a place to live since both sides were incompatible.    


It was precisely because of this reason that Hundred-Eyed hid in fear every day. He even went deep into the mountains and forests to ensure peace.    


Faang Yang had already thought of a solution for him. "It was indeed a problem in the past, but now, it's not impossible to solve it."    


Hundred Eyed Daoist looked at Faang Yang in puzzlement. "What brilliant ideas does Master have?"    


Faang Yang pulled out a map of the East Sea and pointed to the southeast. "Do you see this?"    


Hundred Eyed Daoist said, "I see it. That is the island of Japan. What's wrong?"    


Faang Yang pointed to an island chain in the middle. "This is still the territory of the East Sea. If we build the mountain gate here, we can exclude the other powers from ostracizing and targeting us.    


Also, with the support of the East Sea and Yangming Group, you don't have to worry about the supply of resources. You don't have to worry about any worries.    


If you want to raise corpses and refine corpses, you can do it in the territory of the Pacific Island. As long as you stick to your bottom line, no matter what you do, no one will be able to control you. "    


Hundred Eyed Daoist carefully thought about Faang Yang's words, and the more he thought about it, the more reasonable he said," Yes! Master is right! Why didn't I think of this before?! We wasted so many years!"    


Faang Yang smiled and said," Even if you thought of it in the past, you wouldn't be able to realize it. After all, this also required mediation from many parties and cooperation.    


If you carry it out yourself, not to mention everything else, just the problem of everyone's living and drinking is enough to make you worry. "    


Hundred Eyed Daoist was not stupid." Indeed. Fortunately, I have the help of the master. It is also the fortune of Corpse Sect. But I think since Sir wants me to set up the mountain gate there, there should be other intentions, right? "    


Faang Yang did not deny it. "En, to make this decision, besides fulfilling one of your dreams and revitalizing the Corpse Sect, I also hope that you can be a Elite Armament!"    


Hundred Eyed Daoist carefully asked, "Elite Armament? What does Master want me to do?"    


Faang Yang said, "On one hand, the Corpse Sect is the secret Protector of the East Sea. If there is any more chaos in the East Sea, the Corpse Sect must cooperate with me as soon as possible.    


On the other hand, it is the testing stone. Help me test the strength of the Pacific Island, attract their attention and play a role in distracting and harassing them."    


Hundred Eyed Daoist considered for a moment and nodded in agreement." No problem! Everything will proceed according to the plan of the Lord."    


With Baofu in the middle, Hundred Eyed Daoist could be counted as one of the people he could rely on. Faang Yang looked at the time.    


"Since you don't have any objections, I will bring you to meet two people in a while. From now on, they will be the people in charge of Yangming Group publicly in Eastern Sea City, and you will be the person in charge secretly.    


You two should get closer to each other. For a long period of time in the future, you will have to rely on yourselves to contact and communicate with each other. It's impossible for me to personally handle everything. "    


Hundred Eyed Daoist nodded his head repeatedly. "I understand. I no longer have the impulse of the past."    


"That's good. Let's go. Let's sit together."    


Faang Yang invited Gu Xiaosonghexuezimei together and introduced him to them. "Xiao Song, Senior Sister, this is Hundred Eyed Daoist, the descendant of Corpse Sect. He will cooperate with you in the future to maintain the order of the Eastern Sea."    


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