Super Golden Eye

C1164 She Relied on Little Ling to Sneak in

C1164 She Relied on Little Ling to Sneak in

Faang Yang asked, "Can you understand me?"    


A stream of consciousness came from the spiritual body. "Yes, we can communicate in this way in the future."    


Faang Yang felt very fresh. "What's your name?"    


The spirit body was a little confused. "Name? I don't remember. Last time, after absorbing the Spirit Power from a Spirit Stone, I evolved and suddenly learned a lot."    


It seemed that the spirit body had no consciousness before and would only blindly listen to Hundred Eyed Daoist's orders. However, after the church absorbed a Spirit Stone last time, there was a first mutation.    


Faang Yang apologized to it, "Sorry, I shouldn't have mentioned your sad thoughts. Then can I call you Xiaoling?"    


"It's alright, Xiaoling? I like this name!" The spiritual body circled a few times in the air, showing that it was in a very happy mood.    


Faang Yang pointed at the board and said, "Xiaoling, do you understand the situation inside? Where is the woman that tracked us?"    


Xiaoling replied, "It's very big inside. Other than the buildings on top, there are four floors below! They're all weird guys.    


The woman I tracked down seems to be discussing something with some people in the room on the third floor. Are you looking for her?"    


Faang Yang nodded." Yes, that woman always wanted to harm me. All this time, I have not been able to find her exact hiding place. If possible, I hope to get rid of her!    


However, this place is heavily guarded and very special. I have no way to enter without being discovered. I can only talk about it in the future. "    


The Xiaoling excitedly said," Do you want to enter without being discovered? I can help you!"    


Faang Yang was stunned. "You can help me? How can I help?"    


In Faang Yang's memory, the Xiaoling had even exerted a lot of effort to pierce his finger, and its attack power was almost zero. How could it be of use?    


The Xiaoling said, "I can become bigger and wrap you inside. This way, even if you walk in directly, you won't be discovered, and you won't leave behind any traces!"    


"Really?!" Faang Yang's eyes lit up. "This is great!"    


Who knew that the Xiaoling would immediately discuss the conditions with him. "But I also hope that you can agree to two of my conditions."    


Faang Yang asked, "What conditions?"    


The Xiaoling said, "Can you give me a piece of Low Grade Spirit Stone in cash? I found that only the Spirit Stone that contains the purest Spirit Power can help me evolve as soon as possible."    


Without saying another word, Faang Yang took out a piece of Middle Grade Spirit Stone and said, "Take it and use it!"    


When the Xiaoling saw that it was a Middle Grade Spirit Stone, it excitedly spun in circles. "This is great! But I dare to use it now. "    


Faang Yang asked curiously, "Why?"    


The Xiaoling said, "If I absorb this Middle Grade Spirit Stone's Spirit Power, I will immediately enter a deep slumber and digest it. I can't help you anymore!"    


"I see." Faang Yang thought for a while and put away the Spirit Stone. "Then leave it with me for now. I will give it to you after I finish my business. What is the other condition? "    


The Xiaoling carefully said, "Also, I want to follow by your side, okay?"    


" Follow by my side? " Faang Yang was curious why the Xiaoling would make such a request. "I don't have any objections, but that gourd only has a hundred eyes. Will he give it to me?"    


I don't have to stay in the gourd," Lil 'Yu said carefully. All I need to do is attach it to your jade pendant. Can I? "    


" Jade pendant? " Faang Yang touched the Azure Dragon Jade on his neck. "Can't you penetrate anything? Wouldn't it be better if it was inside? "    


The Xiaoling was shocked. "No, I don't have that strength right now. Furthermore, the Spirit Power contained in that piece of jade of yours is even purer than the Spirit Stone.    


As long as I can sense its aura, it will bring me great benefits. Therefore, I can just attach it to the jade pendant."    


" Alright, I promise you Can you prepare to go in now? " Faang Yang agreed without hesitation.    


Although he didn't have much contact with spiritual bodies, Faang Yang already understood that Xiaodong could evolve! God knows what would happen in the future.    


Even if he maintained the current situation, it was still very useful. Not only could he travel freely, but he could also help others become invisible and not affect their movements.    


Who would reject such an awesome function for no reason?    


The Xiaoling reminded once again, "When I wrap you up, you can move. But you can't breathe, you can't speak, you can't attack. "    


"You can't attack? Alright, I'm ready." Faang Yang was a little disappointed, but he immediately understood. If he could turn invisible and attack, wouldn't he be invincible?    


The Xiaoling stuck to Faang Yang's Azure Dragon Jade Pendant, and its body spread like a spider web, quickly wrapping Faang Yang tightly.    


"You can leave now. Don't worry, no one will be able to see you. Go straight in. There's an elevator going down next to the main door."    


With the notification from the Xiaoling, Faang Yang no longer hesitated. He strode in through the main door. As expected, all the Monitor Probe, infrared scanners, and security guards did not notice him.    


Faang Yang could not help but sigh in his heart, "This is really amazing!"    


Lil 'Yu replied proudly, "Of course! Who said that only fighting and killing are considered awesome?"    


"You're right." Faang Yang agreed with this point of view. There were specialties in each field, and each had their own strengths.    


Very quickly, Faang Yang found the elevator. There were two bodyguards guarding the door. He didn't even think about it. He directly went up and pushed open the elevator door and walked in.    


The two security guards outside the elevator looked nervous, but there was no one in the elevator. There was nothing unusual! The two of them looked at each other and left to continue their duty.    


After the elevator door closed, Faang Yang pressed down on the third floor.    


"Ding ~" The elevator door opened, and Faang Yang strode out again under the shocked and frightened eyes of the security guards at the door. Under the guidance of the Xiaoling, he went straight to Tang Xiaoyu's room.    


Along the way, he saw countless shelves filled with all kinds of national treasures and treasures. He did not know where they had plundered it from, but some of them had already packed their bags. It seemed like they had smuggled it out of the country.    


Faang Yang gritted his teeth in hatred. "These greedy guys! On the surface, they acted like humans, but behind their backs, they had all kinds of despicable tricks! Since we have found out, we must not let them get what they want! "    


However, with Xiaoling's current intelligence, he was still unable to understand Faang Yang's angry thoughts, so he very cleverly maintained his silence.    


Very quickly, Faang Yang stood in front of Tang Xiaoyu's room door. Through the thick door, the Golden Eye clearly saw Tang Xiaoyu sitting on the sofa and drinking by herself. She did not seem to be in a high mood, and there were no other people around.    


The target was right in front of him. Faang Yang gently pushed open the door, and just as he pushed open the door, he saw Tang Xiaoyu, who was sitting on the sofa with a depressed mood, loudly shout, "Who is it?!"    


Almost at the same time, Tang Xiaoyu threw the wine cup in her left hand over and with a wave of her right hand, three Flying Blades flew out!    


Although Tang Xiaoyu did not see Faang Yang's position, all of her attacks were based on her many years of fighting intuition. They were not the slightest bit off!    


The Flying Blade was still alright, but Faang Yang dodged it in a flash. However, that half cup of wine drew a line in the air. No matter how hard he tried, there were still some drops of wine dripping onto his body!    


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