Super Golden Eye

C1176 Can't Afford to Lose Face

C1176 Can't Afford to Lose Face

Wang Qiang stuck his head out of the back of the car and said impatiently, "Hey, are you guys going to start driving or not? I'm in a hurry to go eat!"    


Darcy asked Faang Yang, "Are you ready?"    


Faang Yang pressed the horn and stepped on the accelerator." I'm ready. "    


Daisy said to Yellow Hair, "Go and prepare. Give us a time."    


"Okay!" Yellow Hair immediately took out two watches skillfully. After clearing the zeros, he shook them a little.    


Yuv Mei felt both nervous and excited. "Faang Yang, you don't really use this car to compare with him, do you?    


His car was obviously modified. Moreover, this car doesn't even have any windshield. It will affect your eyesight."    


Faang Yang smiled and replied, "It's okay. I looked at the road here. It's basically a winding road. It doesn't have a high requirement of the highest speed, but it has a high requirement of instant acceleration.    


If your car is competing on the road, then I definitely won't compete with him. But on this kind of mountain road, it really isn't any worse than his car!    


As for the lack of wind blocking glass, it wasn't a big deal. Wouldn't it be more enjoyable to treat it as a sports car with a wide-open window? Fasten your seatbelt. It's about to start."    


After Yellow Hair adjusted his watch, another person came over. He signaled the two of them to drive the car to the starting line and raised the flag." Ready, start! "    


As the flag fell, Daisy's golden Kadirak and Faang Yang's blue Porsche rushed up the mountain like two released arrows.    


Apart from the initial 300 meters of straight line reaching the west, they still had a slight advantage. Soon, they arrived at the bend area.    


Although the path up the mountain was very spacious, the protective gear on both sides was not very high. A single mistake could cause one to fall off the cliff.    


Although Daisy's body was not very good, her driving skills were really quite good. It had to be known that every time she ran into a bend, the risk of her tail swinging was much higher than an ordinary curve.    


Because of an emergency curve and a straight road, she had to constantly accelerate and slow down. Moreover, the degree of drifting was much greater, which tested the driver's control of the car and its speed.    


One had to know that there was a cliff that was over a hundred meters wide next to it. If one fell down, they would be crushed into pieces. However, Faang Yang could clearly see from behind that Daisy was not blindly taking risks. She had her own tricks.    


He saw that when Daisy took a sharp turn on the road, the right wheel was directly stuck on the side of the drainage ditch by the side of the road. This way, there would be enough resistance to make him better control and increase his sense of security.    


Faang Yang had to give him a thumbs up. "I didn't expect this Daisy to be such a good driver. Have you been here before?"    


Yuv Mei shook her head. "No, this is my first time here. Dad would never let me come to such a place. Then will we lose to him?"    


Faang Yang chuckled. "Haha, lose? I don't have this word in my dictionary. Sit tight and watch my performance."    


Just as they were about to make a second turn, Daisy's car made another turn. Anyone who had some common sense would know that this kind of mountain road would lead to death if they took a detour.    


Perhaps Faang Yang was someone who did not believe in evil. He stepped on the accelerator and directly made a curve with all his strength! The consequence of drifting at full speed was that the rear of the car directly broke the protective gear, and half of the wheels were suspended in the air!    


Yuv Mei covered her mouth with all her strength. Her heart was about to jump out. Fortunately, Faang Yang skillfully hit the handle, gave the oil, and smoothly made a turn, firmly pressing down on a parking spot in Darcy!    


"F * ck! This works too. Isn't he afraid of death?!" Daisy had run on this road countless times. Of course, she knew how dangerous Faang Yang's actions were.    


After this road was built, every year, many drivers who refused to believe in evil would challenge their limits. In the end, they would all fall to the bottom of the cliff and feed the Wild Wolf!    


The problem was that it was not only this turn. In the following few turns, Faang Yang would cross the bend at full speed! From the beginning, Yuv Mei was nervous, to the end, her expression relaxed, and she began to appreciate the style!    


Seeing the distance between her and Faang Yang getting further and further, Darcy finally understood that this man really did not lie!    


When Faang Yang's car drove past the finish line, Yellow Hair looked at the timer in his hand and could not help but be stunned. "Five minutes and three seconds! This was a new record! It actually increased by more than two minutes! Miracles!"    


Faang Yang only smiled and did not say anything.    


Three minutes later, Daisy's car also reached the finish line. Without needing Faang Yang to say anything, he directly pressed one dollar and gave it to him. "This is the three million that we agreed on beforehand. I lost. I admit defeat!"    


"Uh... What is this money?" Faang Yang looked at the unfamiliar money in his hand. Although he did not know the words, he could still recognize the number of 20,000 on the largest note.    


Yuv Mei, who was beside him, explained, "This is our currency picture? You have never seen it before?"    


Faang Yang had a feeling that he was in a teddy. "Can you tell me what the exchange rate is?"    


Yuv Mei thought about it and said," It should be about 2.5 thousand to exchange for a beautiful knife. "    


Faang Yang asked in a daze, "2.5 thousand for a beautiful knife? In other words, three million for more than one thousand? About ten thousand? "    


Yuv Mei nodded her head," That's about it. "    


Faang Yang shoved the money into Yellow Hair's hands in disgust. "I'll buy you some drinks. You can't afford to lose face!"    


Are you worried that there is a problem with the money?" Darcy asked doubtfully. It was definitely real money! I can swear to God! "    


" F * ck you! If you were to exchange it for Zimbabwe coins, it wouldn't be enough to pay for the oil!" Faang Yang secretly hated himself for not raising the price and saying that he would use money to pay for it.    


Wang Qiang came over with an evil smile. "Hehe, alright, how much does it count? Mosquito legs are also meat, right?"    


"Get lost!" Faang Yang was in a bad mood. He turned around and said to Daisy," Your name is Daisy, right? Look at my face. Can you stop pestering Yuv Mei? "    


Daisy stood there awkwardly for a long time and shook her head. "I'm afraid not... Don't misunderstand. Although Yuv Mei is beautiful, she is not my type.    


It is just that my father asked me to think of a way to get Yuv Mei. That is why I came up with this plan... "    


Yuv Mei was shocked. "Your father? Mayor Yabuli?! Why would he make such a ridiculous request to you?"    


Daisy expressed that she was also very confused." I really can't explain it clearly, but I have already tried my best. It will be easier for me to report when I go back. I believe that they won't force me anymore. "    


"You can leave." Faang Yang did not know how reliable what Darcy said was, but whether it was true or not, it made him feel that things had become more complicated.    


"Thank you." Daisy actually respectfully bowed to Faang Yang. "May I have the fortune to know your name?"    


"My name is Faang Yang." Faang Yang did not want to hide it from him. With his influence here, even if he did not say it, it would not take long for him to be found out.    


"Faang Yang," Daisy whispered a few times. She wanted to deepen her impression of him. "I really hope to be friends with Mr. Faang."    


Faang Yang said, "Whether you are friends or enemies is up to you."    


Daisy nodded thoughtfully. "I understand. Goodbye!"    


Seeing Darcy drive away, Wang Qiang yawned bored. "I'm a little tired. I'll go back to the hotel first. I won't accompany you anymore." After saying that, he got into Ruby's car and left.    


Yuv Mei gratefully said to Faang Yang, "Mr. Faang, can you take me home?"    


A trace of helplessness appeared on Faang Yang's face. "In this situation, what reason do I have to say no?"    


Yuv Mei could not help but cover her mouth and laugh secretly, "Thank you!"    


Faang Yang started the car and swung the tail elegantly. "But if you want me to send you home, you must at least tell me where your home is first, right?"    


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