Super Golden Eye

C1188 Wake up

C1188 Wake up

Yabuli said with a sneer, "What can we do? Isn't your Laya Legion the strongest? Aren't you afraid of Old Ib? Then go and chase them away! "    


Aermu's eyes were filled with anger, "You have to understand that we are just cooperating! Dealing with Old Ib is my business, you don't have to worry about it!    


You have locked Tuyark up for so long, what did you ask? All of my men have to go to the front line. Do you know how much I have lost?"    


Yabuli did not think it was a big deal." Anyway, you are not dead. What is there to worry about? They are all peasants and hooligans. If they die, so be it. We still need to save food!"    


Aermu glared at him. "You!"    


Yabuli looked at the time. "What happened to me? What I said was the truth! Although Tuyark is a businessman, he has connections with a lot of Great Hull councilors.    


Previously, I also received calls from the Resource Department, Foreign Trade Department, and some other departments. Although I didn't mention releasing Tuyark directly, they are giving me pressure. I need to be careful."    


Seeing Yabuli leave without even saying a word, Aermu's self-esteem was deeply hurt.    


Aermu finally realized that in Yabuli's heart, she was just a well-dressed commoner! It was impossible to get his respect.    


Nasen came in from outside and saw Aermu's mood was not right. "Boss, what's wrong with you? Did that bastard Yabuli bully you? I'll teach him a lesson!"    


After saying that, Nasen rolled up his sleeves and was about to rush out to get revenge on Yabuli. Aermu quickly stopped him," Nasen, don't do anything reckless. It's not what you think. "    


Nasen stopped in his tracks and asked doubtfully, "Is it because of that guy called Faang Yang? Why don't I gather some more brothers and try again?"    


Aermu shook her head. "No need to try again. You failed so many times, and you still don't understand? Faang Yang is not someone we can deal with.    


Furthermore, with just a phone call, he could make Old Ib reveal his trump card and willingly show him the door. This would make people ponder even more."    


Nasen scratched his head." Boss, then we won't do anything? We'll just let the lives of hundreds of brothers go in, and then we'll just let it go?"    


Aermu's eyes lit up. "Let's wait and see. Yabuli has always treated us as his guns, but he still doesn't treat us as his people. It's time to wake him up!"    


Nasen also did not have a good impression of Yabuli. "Good. He has always been an eyesore. If he dares to provoke us again, we must teach him a lesson!"    


Aermu said, "Let the brothers have a good rest. It has been hard these few days. Give him half a month's worth of dividends. Go."    


"Okay, boss." Nasen immediately went out to carry out the orders.    


When Nasen left the room, Aermu picked up the phone and found Faang Yang's number. She hesitated for a while and finally dialed the number.    


The phone rang twice and Faang Yang's unique voice came, "Hi, I have already said that there is fate between us."    


Aermu said in a low voice, "Mr. Faang, what do you want to do?"    


Faang Yang replied, "What do you want to do? Didn't I already tell you? Let's work together. On the basis of developing the local resources, we will also infiltrate the E People. If you can replace Old Ib, of course it will be the best result. "    


Aermu said decisively," Impossible! Old Ib and I are like fire and water. There will never be a day when we work together."    


Faang Yang lightly laughed and said, "Haha, really? We both know what is going on. You just want to seek justice for Old Ib's irresponsible actions back then.    


Old Ib also knew that he was in the wrong, so he didn't lower himself to your level. All these years, he has given you a lot of benefits, right?    


Do you really think that you can turn the Laya Legion around by yourself? I'm sure that there must be someone arranged by Old Ib by your side!    


If it wasn't for Old Ib, ask yourself honestly, would you really be able to reach your current height and sit firmly in your current position? Wake up!    


In Old Ib's eyes, you are like a child throwing a tantrum, acting like a spoiled child! Don't naively think that this situation can be maintained forever. It's impossible.    


Old Ib is really very old. Even if I have a way to help him defeat the disease, how long can I live? Three years? Five years? And then?    


Without Old Ib, who would give you privileges? Who would give you face? I'm afraid that even the Laya Legion will fall apart and fall apart!"    


Aermu panicked," Impossible! It was not like that! You are talking nonsense! All of this is something that I have worked hard to achieve!"    


Faang Yang said lightly," One day! If I join hands with Old Ib, it will only take one day for you and Laya Legion to completely disappear! Do you believe it?"    


Aermu said angrily," I don't believe it! Mr. Faang, please don't challenge my bottom line!"    


Faang Yang said seriously, "Lower limit? If I said it would be as easy as flipping my hand to kill you, would you think it was a joke?    


After you die, the Laya Legion will have no leader. As long as Old Ib's spy provokes you, internal strife will consume a lot of energy. What can you use to fight against Old Ib's elite soldiers?"    


Aermu felt that her confidence was being dampened bit by bit," Stop talking, stop talking! "    


"Pa ~" Hearing the sound of the phone hanging up, Faang Yang was a little dissatisfied. "You are too rude. I did not even finish my words before I hung up."    


Wang Qiang laid on the sofa and said lazily, "What you just said, if it were me, it would be good if I didn't find you to fight with my life. You still want to be polite? You think too much, don't you? "    


"What I said is the truth, okay?" Faang Yang snatched the red wine from Wang Qiang's hand and poured himself a cup.    


"Aermu is capable and smart, but sometimes she is too confident! If she overestimates herself, she will become conceited. Sooner or later, she will suffer a huge loss."    


Wang Qiang snatched the wine back and looked at the small amount of red wine in the bottle with dissatisfaction.    


"Don't worry about eating carrots when you have nothing to do! Why do you care so much about other people's lousy business? Or do you want to think about when you're going back? This is a lousy place. Anyway, I've stayed enough."    


Faang Yang said bluntly, "What are you in a hurry for? There's wine to drink, meat to eat, and even chicks to eat. I think you should not be thinking about Shu. Do you still want to go back?"    


"Forget it! If you said that you're not thinking about Sichuan, I would believe you." Wang Qiang sat up and quietly asked, "Is that girl serious? This can also be considered a person earning money and earning money, right? "    


Faang Yang said, "Hey, can you be a little more normal? I am a noble person, a pure person, a person who has gotten rid of lowly interests!"    


Wang Qiang said disdainfully, "Pah! Do you think you are asking for favors in vain? You are just a glum gourd! "    


The two of them were chatting when Yuv Mei walked out of the room." Faang Yang, there is something I need your help with. "    


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