Super Golden Eye

C1360 Changing Feng Shui Is Good for Business

C1360 Changing Feng Shui Is Good for Business

Imagine, if it was a well-maintained new car, all the parts were reinforced, and one of the tires was old, could it be coordinated?    


If this continued, even if Ib's terminal illness was cured, there would still be other problems. Of course, in his opinion, it was only because the treatment was not thorough enough that he would not think that it was Faang Yang who did it.    


It was not that Faang Yang was evil, but that reality was too cruel. Now that they were friends, if they really did not have any value, they might sell them off in the blink of an eye!    


Of course, after tapping the acupuncture point, Ib fell into a deep sleep again. Faang Yang sat alone on the sofa and drank tea. He waited for Shen Xin to call him over to prepare to eat before pulling out the silver needles from Ib's body.    


"Hu ~ It's too comfortable!" Ib opened his eyes and slowly stood up. He moved his hands and feet. He felt energetic, as if he had become ten years younger.    


Faang Yang warned seriously, "The treatment this time is good. It can last for a while. But you also need to be careful during normal times. Don't overuse your body."    


Ib nodded repeatedly. "I will. I am already training my successor. It is just that he is still too young. I am afraid that he will not be able to let go of me for a short period of time. "    


Faang Yang said, "There is no problem with the normal workload. As long as it is not too much, it will be fine. The kitchen has notified us to start the meal. Today, I'll treat you to a taste of the underground Jiangbei Banquet. "    


Ib was in a very good mood. "Then I won't be polite! It seems like it has been a long time since I have eaten Chinese food. I still miss it very much."    


Shen Xin led the way. Faang Yang and Ib chatted and laughed as they arrived at the restaurant. There was a big pot of firewood in the tunnel. It was stewed with river fish, chicken stewed with mushrooms, and pork stewed with noodles. It looked very appetizing.    


Ib was full of praise for his food. It was not that the food was delicious, but that he had been plagued by illness all these years. He was very careful not to eat these things. He did not dare to eat them at all.    


After eating and drinking to his heart's content, Ib drank a little too much. His eyes were red, and his feet were floating. He also had a big tongue when he spoke.    


"Mr. Huang, leave your matter to me! When we return, I will talk to Lislow again. I will definitely let your gas field be opened soon!"    


Faang Yang could tell that his current condition had drifted away, so he naturally would not take it seriously. He agreed and said, "That is really thanks. I believe that our cooperation will continue to increase in the future. There are still many areas where we can rely on Ib's father!"    


Ib patted his own chest loudly. "No problem! What is our relationship? You don't need to say so much. Your matter is my matter!    


When the opportunity arises, let my two little fellows meet with you, and you give them some pointers as well. Right now, I'll trust you!"    


Faang Yang could only nod his head." No problem, there will definitely be an opportunity. Oh, the plane is here. I will help you up."    


Ib was still mumbling, but Faang Yang agreed with a snort and helped him up the plane. After the plane flew away, Faang Yang let out a long breath and returned to his room. He took off the mask on his face.    


"I'm finally gone. I really don't feel comfortable wearing this stupid thing."    


Shen Xin handed him a towel and said, "Wipe it."    


Faang Yang took it. "Sure, you have an eye socket. It seems that finding a girlfriend will make a lot of changes to you."    


"Can't you not be poor?" Shen Xin could not do anything to him. "Seriously, I was impulsive in the meeting room just now and my attitude was not good. I apologize to you."    


Faang Yang wiped his face and asked curiously, "Why do you apologize to me? What is wrong with you?"    


Shen Xin said, "You broke up with Lislow right in front of your face, and you rejected their conditions. It will definitely make the negotiation more difficult. This is all because of me."    


Faang Yang said seriously, "Shen Xin, if you say so, then you are absolutely wrong! Lislow represented the Edon family, and he was here to seek benefits!    


But the money that we have worked so hard to earn, why should we just hand it over to them? What you did was right, what you said was right!    


Not only did you protect the company's interests, but you also destroyed the other party's morale! Not only did you not do anything wrong, you should also receive a huge reward!"    


Shen Xin looked at Faang Yang." You really don't blame me for acting on my own accord? "    


Faang Yang put the towel on the table. "Shen Xin, since I have chosen to let you stay here, it means that I have absolute trust in you! No matter what decision you make, the company will support you! "    


Shen Xin sat down on the sofa with a worried look on his face. : "Don't say you're obedient. If you make such a fuss now, I'm afraid you'll be dragged into it for an indefinite period of time. The longer we drag it out, the more unfavorable it will be for us. "    


Faang Yang did not feel any pressure. He poured himself a cup of tea and drank it happily." Don't worry. I believe Lislow will make a wise decision. "    


Shen Xin thought of something. "Faang Yang, you have been talking about things constantly since you came here. Is it because of bad Feng Shui?    


This place will be the Yangming Group's office from now on. You have to take good care of it. Otherwise, you will be in trouble everywhere in the future. That will be ugly. "    


One fate, two fortunes, three fengshui, four merits, five books. One's fate cannot be changed, but luck can be cultivated. Shen Xin could be considered to be born with a rich life, and also had some understanding of fengshui. Although the place he chose was rushed, it was still considered ideal.    


Of course, if it was compared to Faang Yang, who was known as the number one Geomantic Omen Masters expert, there was naturally no comparison.    


However, this could not be blamed on Shen Xin. Even if he wanted to look for Faang Yang, he had to find him! Perhaps even Faang Yang himself did not know where he would appear when he opened his eyes the next day.    


Of course, Faang Yang would not refuse. After all, this was related to his personal interests. "Alright, I have thought about it too. But it would be better to find a few decent jade artifacts. The effect would be better."    


Shen Xin immediately stood up. "Jade artifacts? I will go and look for them."    


Shen Xin left quickly and returned quickly. He held a few small boxes in his hands, placed them on the table, and opened them one by one. There was a jade Pixiu, a pair of jade lions, a Jade Ruyi, and a jade cabbage inside.    


"Take a look. These are specially found by me. Can you use them?"    


Faang Yang took a closer look and found that all of them were premium quality Jade Material. The color was round and round, and the appearance was excellent. "Not bad, all of them are good stuff. These are enough. I'll go and get them."    


Shen Xin carried the jade pieces and followed Faang Yang out of the meeting room. After walking out of the building, he walked around the outside twice and found the position of the Qi line.    


He pointed to a window beside the door and said, "Get rid of this place and build a door. Put the two jade lions by the door."    


The two of them walked to a random house in the south. Faang Yang said, "Here, clean it up and turn it into a property room. Put the jade cabbage in the southeast position."    


In an office in the north, Fang said, "There's no need to make major changes here. Just place the Jade Ruyi in the south position. But it's best if the female works here."    


Shen Xin noted them down one by one. There was also a Jade Pixiu. "Where is this thing?"    


Faang Yang said, "The Jade Pixiu is a Moneymaker Holy Object. Of course it's in your office! Come, let's go and take a look. "    


The two of them went to Shen Xin's office. With the help of the Golden Eye, Faang Yang found the position of fortune in the east. "The jade Pixiu is right here. Just do as I say. There will definitely be no problem."    


Shen Xin immediately said, "I will get someone to do it right away!"    


This was the stronghold of Yangming Group. All kinds of technical staff were used, but it was just a matter of breaking a door. It was not difficult at all. In less than an hour, the demolition and construction were all done.    


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