Super Golden Eye

C1362 Hospital Toxic Shadow

C1362 Hospital Toxic Shadow

Faang Yang made a cushion and stood up. "Let's go. We'll have a big meal after your wife is done with her illness."    


Lislow immediately said, "If you can cure my wife's illness, I can give you a year card in a five-star hotel! You can eat whatever you want and play however you want! I'll pay for it! "    


Faang Yang was still cautious." We'll talk after we meet your wife. I don't dare to say anything now. "    


The two of them boarded Lislow's helicopter and flew for more than two hours. They stopped at a private hospital with beautiful scenery.    


After getting off the helicopter, Lislow introduced them to Faang Yang by the roadside. "This is one of the seven private hospitals in Edon family.    


Although it doesn't look big, the world's top medical equipment and top medical teams can be found here."    


Faang Yang was not very enthusiastic. "There are indeed many things that can be done with money, but there are also many things that can't be done with money."    


Lislow also did not speak. He walked even faster. The main building of the hospital was a four-story building. It looked very solid and sturdy.    


Lislow took the elevator to the third floor and said to Faang Yang, "Lima is the innermost room. I hope she will get better today. It will be even better if I can hear her voice."    


Faang Yang comforted her, "You have this intention. I believe she will definitely sense it. Of course she will not be willing to leave you."    


The two of them walked to the door and found that there were no guards on duty at the door. The door was also open. Lislow felt a little strange. "Huh? Where did Anton go? He actually dared to leave the post without permission!"    


Faang Yang saw a small bloody mark on the door frame, as if it had been wiped clean. He immediately tensed up and quickly said, "I'm afraid your wife is in danger! Hurry up and go in to save her! "    


After saying that, he kicked open the door and rushed in. Outside was the instruments room, the on-call room, and the rest area. The patient was in the suite inside.    


When the two of them rushed in, they saw a person who looked like a nurse. He was holding a large needle and injecting air into Lima's body!    


Injecting a large amount of air into the vein would first cause pulmonary artery embolism, leading to acute right heart failure and lung infarction. If the large amount of air was slowly injected, it would cause a wide gas embolism that could not be saved!    


Most importantly, if someone deliberately hid it, if it was not a professional medical staff, they would not be able to tell at all!    


Therefore, air killing had already become a very vicious and hidden assassination method, and it had been used by many conspirators.    


Seeing his wife being injected with air, Lislow roared and rushed forward. "Stop! You bastard!"    


The other party was clearly a professional killer. Although Lislow had also practiced karate for a few years, he was more focused on fitness and did not have any actual combat experience.    


When the killer saw Lislow rushing over, he knew that the matter had been exposed. He kicked Lislow away and jumped down from the third floor. He rolled on the ground, took off the momentum, jumped up and ran, and soon disappeared.    


Faang Yang watched coldly from the side and did not have any intention to attack. He waited for the killer to escape before walking to Lima's side to check the situation.    


The assassin used a 20-milliliter syringe, which had been injected with more than half of the air. He probably wanted Lima to die more naturally, so the beating was not fast, which gave her hope to live.    


Lislow struggled to get up from the ground. He did not care about the assassin but asked with a trembling voice, "Lima, how are you? Don't scare me! Lima, look at me. Say something!"    


Faang Yang was upset by Lislow's cry and shout. He said in a deep voice," She can still be saved now. If you don't keep quiet, I won't care anymore! "    


Lislow immediately stopped talking." Please save her. I won't say anything. "    


As expected, Lislow calmed down. Faang Yang first injected a wisp of True Qi to protect Lima's five viscera and brain. Then he carefully checked her condition.    


He didn't know if he didn't see it, but he was shocked when he saw it. This Lima had thousands of wounds on her body, and her constitution was extremely poor. Even if she wasn't injected with air, she probably wouldn't be able to live for more than a few days!    


Fortunately, she met Faang Yang. She could be considered lucky. Fang Yang first used his True Qi to force the air that had not completely entered Lima's body out of her body before entering her heart.    


Because Lima's constitution was too weak, Faang Yang carefully controlled a wisp of Geomantic Omen Power, and carefully separated the weak meridians and internal organs in her body.    


At this time, the commotion in the ward had already attracted the attention of the security guards. Immediately, a group of security guards rushed in and were blocked by Lislow outside the door.    


"All of you get out of here! Where were you when Lima was in trouble? Now that the murderer ran away, you came fast enough! They were all trash! Get lost! All of you get lost! "    


Lislow's status in the Edon family was not low. Although these security guards were proud and arrogant, they were indeed in the wrong. There was nothing much to say. Without saying a word, they left dejectedly.    


There were only three of them in the ward. Lislow looked at Faang Yang and Lima nervously. He was really worried that something unexpected would happen.    


Fortunately, as time passed, Lislow noticed that Lima's breathing gradually calmed down. There was a blush on her face, and she knew that she had escaped disaster. He could not help but cry with joy.    


An hour later, Faang Yang stood up with a tired look on his face. "Lislow, your wife's illness is not life-threatening for the time being.    


But there is one thing, if it is not handled properly, I am afraid that there will be other accidents happening to Lima sooner or later!"    


Lislow immediately asked, "What is it? I will do my best!"    


Faang Yang said in a low voice, "From the examination I just gave Lima, she was plotted against and injected with a chronic poison in her body!"    


Lislow was shocked. "A chronic poison? What kind of chronic poison?"    


Faang Yang was not very sure. "Judging from the current signs, it is very likely to be nitrate!"    


Nitric acid mainly referred to sodium nitrate. Sodium nitrate was white to pale yellow powder or granule shape. It was slightly salty and could be used as a preservative and coloring agent.    


Sodium nitrate was a potential carcinogen. Excessive or long-term consumption would cause harm to the human body and could even cause cancer.    


It could cause low-iron-blood red protein, which normally carried oxygen in the blood, to become high-iron blood red protein. As a result, it lost the ability to carry oxygen and caused tissue hypoxia.    


Eating 0.3 to 0.5 grams of nitrate at once could cause poisoning or even death. Long-term ingestion would cause the human body's qualitative change to be weak, reduce resistance, and even organ failure!    


Hearing Faang Yang's words, Lislow really gritted his teeth. "I didn't expect Lima to sacrifice so much for me and still not get their recognition! Such a cold-blooded family, what's the point of staying here!"    


Faang Yang turned around to look at Lima on the hospital bed. "But luckily, although she is unconscious, her will is very strong and can last until now.    


You need to make a decision as soon as possible. How can you protect Lima and yourself better? Forgive me for being blunt. You are very outstanding, but you have not reached the level of fighting against the Edon family. "    


Lislow knelt on Lima's bed and cried," What else can I do? He thought that by working hard and getting the recognition of the family, he would be able to let Lima live a good life, but what happened in the end?    


It was I who harmed Lima. I did not even fulfill the promise I made to her. I am guilty, I deserve to die! If there is any pain, let me bear it for her!"    


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