Super Golden Eye

C1375 Taking the Initiative

C1375 Taking the Initiative

Yuv Mei was puzzled, "Personal name? Doesn't the Yangming Group also belong to you? Why don't you use the Yangming Group's name?"    


Faang Yang did not give her an answer, "No, the time is not ripe yet. We should temporarily use our own properties. You are also in charge of this part of the business. After that, I will send Wang Qiang to help you during the whole process. "    


"Wang Qiang..." A trace of disappointment flashed across Yuv Mei's eyes. "Can Mr. Faang help me?"    


Faang Yang shook his head. "Not for the time being. There are too many things that need me to do now. Wang Qiang may be talkative, but he is very reliable. I believe in his ability."    


Yuv Mei seemed to be unwilling, and Faang Yang did not want to force her. "You can go back and think about it. There is no need to rush to make a decision."    


Yuv Mei did not shrink back. "No, since you believe in Wang Qiang, then I have nothing to say. It just so happens that the company's capital has just been audited and the transaction can save a lot of trouble."    


She did not expect Yuv Mei to be so anxious. But since it was a fair transaction, Faang Yang would not mind. "Okay, I will go and ask Shen Tong to come over. You guys discuss it and then make a contract."    


Yuv Mei nodded." Okay. Then I will also leave for a while and discuss the details with my lawyer. We will meet again tonight. "    


After the two of them separated, Faang Yang called Shen Tong over and told her about the matter. Shen Tong did not immediately answer but carefully looked at the information and audit notes that Yuv Mei left behind.    


After looking through all the information, Shen Tong said, "How much are you going to use to buy it?"    


Faang Yang said, "Isn't it clearly written on it? These resource exploitation rights are all real gold and silver."    


Shen Tong pushed up her glasses on the bridge of her nose. "You can't say that. If it's a mineral, there will be a error in storage. Even if the purity is a little lower, the value will shrink by a large amount.    


Moreover, when Tuyark was around, he used his connections to buy these resources at a low price or internally. There must be black interests involved, and he did not invest much.    


If we were to foolishly accept everything, wouldn't we be the scapegoat? It's a small matter if we can't earn money. If we provoke him again, there's no place to reason."    


Faang Yang rubbed his nose." It shouldn't be like that, right? Anyway, I don't have much money. What I'm more interested in is the strategic significance of this project. "    


Shen Tong revealed the secret with one sentence. "Are you interested in the oil field that is adjacent to Jiangbei? Do you want to build it into an energy output hub? "    


Faang Yang praised, "It is indeed powerful! That's right, I am interested in this oil field. "    


Shen Tong rolled her eyes, "Faang Yang, although you are the boss, you are not very good at negotiating.    


Even if there are people who are rich, as long as they are not stupid, they will understand that an energy company, especially an energy company of this scale, will definitely work once and for all. It will definitely be a profitable business!    


Hearing what you said just now, Yuv Mei is very anxious to sell the company directly. Is this reasonable? There must be something else that she is hiding!"    


Faang Yang thought about it carefully and seemed to make some sense. "Then what do you think we should do?"    


Shen Tong softly said one word," Drag! "    


"Drag?!" Faang Yang was stunned. "What's the benefit of dragging it out? Waiting for Yuv Mei to say it herself?"    


Shen Tong did not answer directly, "Not necessarily. Since she doesn't say it now, she probably won't say it unless it's absolutely necessary.    


But I believe that there will always be relevant information leaked from other places. As long as we don't let go and don't give money, the initiative will be in our hands. "    


Faang Yang felt a headache coming on." Alright, don't beat around the bush with me. Just tell me what to do now. I'll listen to you. "    


Shen Tong's eyes were cold and wise. "With the excuse of mutual understanding, plant our spies in their company.    


Separate Yuv Mei's company and buy it separately. This way, it can extend the time indefinitely.    


Not only can we have more time to gather intelligence, but we can also make the surrounding funds more flexible and reduce the risk factor to the lowest."    


Fang Yang waved his hand and said," I'll leave this matter to you. However, there's one thing that needs to be done. The properties that are acquired must be set up in another way and cannot be merged into the Yangming Group's system for the time being.    


Also, Wang Qiang will be in charge of this individual business. If there is anything, the two of you can discuss with each other. How about you take down the oil field at the border first?"    


Shen Tong quickly wrote something on the paper and answered without looking up," No problem. Ask Wang Qiang to come to the office to find me. Let me talk to him first. "    


Faang Yang said, "Okay. I will call him now and ask him to come to the company to find you as soon as possible."    


Shen Tong put away all the documents on the table. "You don't need this, do you? I will go back and let the professional team conduct a detailed evaluation. At least there is a basis."    


Faang Yang said, "Take it and use it. If you need anything, ask Wang Qiang to ask Yuv Mei for it. I have already told Yuv Mei that Wang Qiang will be in charge of this area in the future. "    


Shen Tong nodded. "That's good. After all, you said that you don't want to merge with the Yangming now, so it's better that I don't appear.    


Although Wang Qiang is close to you, he does not belong to the Yangming Group. He can hide the truth from others and avoid getting into trouble. "    


After the two of them discussed Yuv Mei's matter, Shen Tong carried the document bag and left. Faang Yang looked at the time and saw that it was already time for dinner.    


Faang Yang was considering whether he should go to the canteen for dinner when his phone rang. He looked at the number and saw that it was Liu Fei calling, so he joked, "At this time, don't tell me you want to treat me to dinner?"    


Liu Fei replied, "You're right. Didn't I tell you that I met a college classmate? Come to my house for dinner tonight. You should come too."    


Faang Yang smiled and said, "We haven't seen each other for so many years. Are you going to deal with him at home?"    


Liu Fei snapped back angrily, "What else do you want? If you dare to go out and eat, and get captured, won't you have to go and drink tea again?    


It's good that you have something to eat. Consider yourself lucky today. Could it be that I will personally cook for you and show you my skills? "    


Faang Yang was even more amused." You will cook personally? Then shouldn't you cheer for the ambulance to wait outside?"    


Liu Fei was furious. "If you want to come, then come. Don't talk so much nonsense. I don't have that much time to talk nonsense with you. You still need to go to the vegetable market to buy vegetables."    


Since Liu Fei was treating, he had to go regardless of what food he ate. Most importantly, his classmate happened to be a member of the observation group. It was a good opportunity to probe him.    


After calculating the time, Faang Yang arrived at Liu Fei's house at six o'clock in the evening. After knocking on the door, Liu Fei came over with a large apron and opened the door for him.    


Seeing that Faang Yang had come empty-handed, Liu Fei looked at him with disdain. "As expected, the more money you have, the more stingy you are. How can you come here empty-handed?"    


Faang Yang said confidently, "This is to protect your image of integrity! No need to thank me. Is the meal ready? "    


Liu Fei gritted his teeth in hatred. "I will remember this debt. I will give it back to you sooner or later! Take a seat first. Lyu Rui will be here in a while. The meal is almost ready. "    


"You do what you need to do. Don't worry about me." Faang Yang laid on the sofa and turned on the TV as if he was in his own home.    


Less than ten minutes later, there was a knock on the door. Liu Fei said loudly in the kitchen, "Faang Yang, go and open the door. Maybe Lyu Rui is here. I can start the meal after I stir-fry this dish."    


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