Super Golden Eye

C1384 Instant Kill of the Three Ninjas

C1384 Instant Kill of the Three Ninjas

Faang Yang asked curiously, "Is there any good news? Why are you smiling so happily? "    


Hearing Faang Yang's voice, Cao Miaoyu turned around and said, "It was still not your idea. This morning, those observation team members touched the wall everywhere. It was so funny.    


They believed that if they persisted for two days, they would also feel that it was boring. Even if they don't retreat, they will think of other ways. "    


Faang Yang himself also felt that it was somewhat unbelievable." Actually, I didn't think that they would carry out it so firmly. Our employees are too cohesive, and our execution is stronger. I am very satisfied. "    


Cao Miaoyu smiled mysteriously. "Do you know why our employees can do this?"    


Faang Yang said, "Of course I want to! Is there any other secret?"    


Cao Miaoyu deliberately hung him up. "I heard that the latest products in Annasu have been released. It's a pity that I'm too busy with work..."    


Faang Yang said without thinking, "Buy, buy, buy! Hurry up and tell me why?"    


"Pooh pooh ~" Shen Tong could not help but laugh from behind.    


"Yay! This is what you said, you cannot go back on your word!" Cao Miaoyu immediately took out a notice from the table and found another paragraph and passed it to him. "Look, the secret is right here."    


Faang Yang took it and looked. It was the notice that Shen Tong and Cao Miaoyu announced during the morning's regular meeting. One of the sections was:    


"All the conflicts and problems caused by the notice, and all the consequences, will be borne by the chairman, Faang Yang!"    


Faang Yang's face immediately pulled down, and he shook the notice in his hand. "What is this? Do I look like a scapegoat?"    


Cao Miaoyu said with a smile, "Not a scapegoat, but a person of worship! In the eyes of the Yangming Group employees, you are like a god, omnipotent."    


Faang Yang looked depressed. "Then this kind of scapegoat, offending people, and cleaning up the mess, must be done by me?"    


Shen Tong said lightly, "Anyway, no one dares to touch you. Besides, you only come to the company a few times a year. Even if you want to find you, where can you find me?    


If they can't even find a person, what's the difference whether they take the blame or not? In any case, it won't affect your arrangements."    


Faang Yang blinked his eyes." What you said seems to make sense... How about I buy you one of Anna's clothes? "    


Of course Shen Tong would not be polite with him. "Someone gave it to me. Of course I can't reject it."    


Faang Yang was a little surprised. "Huh? Didn't you say that you rarely accept other people's gifts?"    


Shen Tong replied, "That depends on who gave it and what kind of gift it is."    


Faang Yang had a bad feeling. "Then what is so special about this dress?"    


Cao Miaoyu forced a smile. "Other than the brand of Annasu, this is also the only design she has designed in the past few years. It could also be a piece of mountain collection. There are only ten pieces in the world.    


Although the price of the dress itself is about 200,000 yuan, because of this special reason, the private page of Annasu has been reduced to 800,000 yuan, and it is still being refreshed. "    


If there was no accident, two pieces of clothing, without two million yuan, would not be able to take it down at all! It could be considered as a small scam.    


Fortunately, Faang Yang was born with rough lines, so he did not have a deep understanding of money. Although it was hard to understand why he spent so much money on a few pieces of cloth, he did not say anything.    


"You guys are ruthless! I'll just treat it as giving you guys a bonus in advance. It's getting late, eat something and go back to rest. "    


Cao Miaoyu and Shen Tong were in a good mood after getting some benefits. They went to have a hot pot with Faang Yang and were sent back to their respective residences.    


Faang Yang had just come out of Shen Tong's house when he felt his heart palpitate. He could not help but slow down the speed of the car and carefully observe his surroundings.    


It was not that Faang Yang was worried for nothing. It was that as Faang Yang's strength increased, the enemies would also increase and become stronger. If he did not stay for a while, he might even lose his life!    


The car slowly stopped beside a small forest. Faang Yang left the car so that he could move more freely.    


The reason why he chose this place was because it was remote enough. When fighting, it wouldn't attract too much attention. Secondly, the place was large enough. It would not be a problem to use it however he wanted.    


Faang Yang slowly walked forward a few steps. Suddenly, he felt an alarm in his heart. The space beside him distorted slightly. Two cold beams of light pierced towards his ribs!    


The attack came from below. Although the ribs didn't seem to be a vital point, if it was stabbed, it would directly stab into his heart!    


"Ninja?! There was actually a Ninja in Jiangbei? Looks like I didn't do my job well! " A trace of anger flashed across Faang Yang's eyes. He moved his feet and dodged the attack.    


However, before Faang Yang could stabilize his feet, he felt the ground shake slightly. Without even thinking, he tapped the tip of his foot lightly, and his entire body soared into the sky like a Large Bird.    


Beneath him, a Ninja broke out of the ground, and the samurai sword in his hand followed closely behind. Unfortunately, his speed was not comparable to Faang Yang's, and he had also lost the initiative.    


The three Ninjas did not wait for their bodies to land on the ground. At the same time, they raised their hands and shot out a hidden weapon, covering Faang Yang within!    


Even Faang Yang couldn't help but admire the flawless design of this chain of killing moves! First, it was a sneak attack from his back. He predicted the second foot landing and forced himself into the air.    


Then, when he had used up all his strength and didn't use any new strength, using a hidden weapon as the final killing move seemed like there was almost no chance of failure!    


Unfortunately, their target was Faang Yang, and it just so happened that Faang Yang did not want to die yet.    


In the air, Faang Yang's mind was very calm. He directly stuck his tongue against the bore, his left foot tapped on the right side of his foot, and his entire body rose three feet in the air!    


Don't underestimate this three feet, it just allowed all the hidden weapons to pass under Faang Yang's body. With the crisis resolved, Faang Yang dove down, the Dragon Scale Sword carrying traces of Dragon Roar chasing after him.    


The three Ninjas had roughly the strength of the Upper Ninja, but in front of Faang Yang who was really angry, it was like chopping melons and cutting vegetables, they didn't even have the chance to parry.    


They didn't even have the time to raise the weapons in their hands before they felt a chill on their necks. Their heads and bodies had already been separated from their bodies!    


Faang Yang landed steadily on the ground. He expressionlessly glanced at the three corpses on the ground and called Baofu.    


"There are three corpses in the woods outside Shen Family Villa. Take care of them. After that, we will search the entire city. All those related to the Ninja must be found out. We will definitely take care of them! "    


Hearing Faang Yang's unhappy tone, Baofu immediately agreed, "Yes, Master. I will go and deal with them now."    


After telling Baofu, Faang Yang returned to the car and called Liu Fei. "Liu Fei, what are you busy with?"    


Liu Fei's voice sounded a little tired. "What else can I be busy with? Originally, the observation group was all active in Yangming Group, but for some reason today, they did not go in the afternoon!    


Stay at my side and ask about everything in Yangming Group. Requesting to look up the files of Yangming Group. I'm so tired. What time is it? I just got home."    


Faang Yang knew that it must be because they had encountered some trouble in the Yangming Group that the observation team changed their strategy. So he asked:    


"What does their investigation have to do with you? If you can't afford to offend them, then just hide! "    


"Hide? It's easy to say! Do you think it's that easy to survive in the system? "    


Liu Fei said self-deprecatingly," Don't think that I have some power in Jiangbei, but these guys in the observation group are all bigger than my black veil hat! With just a word from them, I have to break my legs. "    


Faang Yang's car turned around and went to Main Path. "It's been hard on you. I'll go and buy some food. I'll go and find you."    


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